Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 242: Saiki Kusuo's Women's Clothes, Group Quest Begins

Gambling Big Sheep (Tsunade): "Don't chat with Orochimaru, or you won't even know when he sold you!"

God's Tongue: "Now I have a deep understanding!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Orochimaru's degree of profiteer is only worse than the boss of the game company I play!"

Lin Fengjiao: "I, a Maoshan Taoist priest who started out chasing zombies, compared to Orochimaru who has started to make zombie business, I feel so low in an instant!"

Tie Dan Shen Hou: "I feel the same, but if I really can't survive, I may still buy a zombie package!"

Orochimaru: "Integrity business, no deception, 100 points for being a zombie alive, 300 points for being a zombie when dead!"

Dad: "Oh, why is it more expensive when people are dead? Isn't it easier for dead people to become zombies?"

Science and Snakes: "The final right of interpretation belongs to me!"

Fire Fist: "It's a pity that Gekko Moria didn't join the group, otherwise he will definitely come back to buy zombies from you!"

Nameless: "There are already a lot of Kabane in my world, and these zombie-like creatures have spread all over the world.

If another zombie spreads out, then my world will really be over!"

Time elf: "Unfortunately, I am an elf, and I am a time elf. I can devour other people's lives in 04 and continue to survive!"

Anonymous old monk: "A boss who envies racial talent!"

Zhou Yang: "For every minute of Kuang San's life, sixty people will lose one second of life, so it's just... just surviving!"

The evil dragon roared: "I have lived for more than 10,000 years and am still a child. I am too tired to live!"

The Marquis of Vauban: "The old man who has lived for four hundred years is trembling, and the ages of different races really cannot be calculated.

I am the emperor: "Four hundred years! One Ten Thousand Years! You have lived for so long, can the chat group achieve immortality?"

Ying Zheng has been shocked by this chat group. The eternal life and immortality he pursues seem to be easy things in this chat group.

Electric Shocker (Misaka Mikoto): "Of course, it's not a very simple matter. As long as you have enough points, you can realize all your wishes!"

Science and Snake (Orochimaru): "Just pay a hundred points, and I can turn you into an immortal zombie!"

Hell Fubuki: "Newcomer, Yinshemaru's set meal is really good!"

"Points? How to get points?"

Yingzheng asked suspiciously, as an ancient emperor, he couldn't adapt to the technology-style chat group so quickly.

Ganwumei: "Xiaobu class is starting, please brother Yingzheng, take a look at the sign-in button in the group function, you can get ten points after signing in.

Then take a look at the group forest function, plant a tree, you can harvest a certain amount of points every day, this is the way to get points for free.

If you want to get more points, you can only go out to the group task, or sell some special treasures to the group mall. "

Zhou Yang: "Papa! Teacher Xiaobu's lectures are great. I've already included these in the must-read specifications for newcomers, so I'll introduce them again when I can save time!"

Ganwumei: "Hey, it's not that good! ~\(≧∇≤)/~la la la!"

Xun'er: "As long as the newcomers have points, you will have everything!"

Ying Zheng asked curiously: "Can I also get your powerful power?"

After reading Journey to the West, Ying Zheng was already shocked by the power of Wutian Buddha to change the world!

Zhou Yang nodded and said, "As long as you have enough points, it's easy for you to hold the sun, the moon, and the stars with your sword."

"Points are everything..."

Seeing this, Ying Zheng took a deep breath, deeply feeling that his previous self was like a frog in a well.

Joining the Wanjie chat group now has broadened his horizons and given Yingzheng even greater ambitions!

Love to eat coffee jelly: "Speaking of which, points seem to be able to improve my super power, but I wonder if it can increase my control over power."

Zhou Yang: "Of course, points can basically do everything. By the way, this little brother hasn't introduced himself yet!"

Love to eat coffee jelly: "My name is Saiki Kusuo, I am an ordinary superpower, the thing I hate the most is trouble, and my favorite is coffee jelly!"

Saiki Kusuo!

The male protagonist of the daily series [The Disaster of Saiki Kusuo], the superpower who has been invincible since birth!

There is no fixed type of his superpowers, basically all the legendary superpowers can do it.

There are "telepathy", "telepathy", "perspective", "mind force", "ghost out of body", "teleportation", "precognition", "clairvoyance", "writing", "favorite display", "Recovery Ability", "Mind Control", "Freezing Ability", "Fire Spell", "Transformation Ability", "Mind Divination", "Petrification"

Even with his strength, he can exterminate human beings within three days, which is completely a weakened version of Marvel Franklin!

Franklin is the son of the Invisible Woman and Mister Fantastic. He has been a god since he was born, and he can even create a small universe with one hand.

Although Saiki Kusuo's strength is powerful, it is only limited to the earth.

It's just that Saiki Kusuo, who has so many superpowers, hates his own superpowers the most, and has always yearned to become an ordinary person!

He is another guy with extremely high combat power alone, but the identities of the five people are all clear, and the five people are not simple characters.

Zhou Yang nodded and said with a smile: "You are very welcome to join, why don't you celebrate with a women's dress!!"

Loves to eat coffee jelly: "Mr. Administrator, your ability to predict the future is much better than mine, but it is impossible to wear women's clothing, not in this lifetime!"

Zhou Yang: "One hundred boxes of coffee jelly!"

Saiki Kusuo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and suddenly felt a little moved, but for the sake of dignity, he still refused righteously:

"Impossible, how can my dignity only have a hundred boxes of coffee jelly!"

Zhou Yang smiled slightly and said calmly, "Five hundred boxes!"


Saiki Kusuo's tone suddenly relaxed, but he was still hesitating!

Zhou Yang came directly to a lore:

"One thousand boxes, no more!"

At this time, Zhou Yang finally felt the pleasure of beating people with money, it was so cool!

"make a deal!"

Saiki Kusuo decisively agreed to the conditions, and then uploaded a photo of Saiki Kusuo!

Ganwumei: "Wow, this young lady is so cute, I feel my heart beat!"

Huoquan: "It's the first time I saw the women's clothing of the group members, so excited!"

I'm a slime: "Did you forget me, forget the old one when you have a new one!"

Flying Squirrel: "Hahahaha, it comes from the resentment of slime, Limulu, send out new women's clothing and compete with him."

Hell Girl: "Looking forward to..."

One shot into the soul: "Hurry up, I want to see it too!"

I'm a slime: "Don't try to provoke me with aggressive methods, (??)-? Police Uncle! These are the people!"

Just when everyone was in a crowd, the system's notification sounded!

"Ding! The system task is on!"

PS: For the fourth change, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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