Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 243: Group Members Scrambling To Be The First, The Final Quota (Please Subscribe For The Fif

The system's notification sound echoed throughout the group, making everyone quiet.

Even Zhou Yang didn't expect that after the new group member joined the group, a group task would follow immediately, which was a surprise from heaven.

Ganwumei: "I heard it right, it turned out to be a new group task, is there a problem in any world?"

Acedes: "It just so happens that my points are used up, and I can earn extra money for this mission!"

Time Elf: "Hmph, you just participated in the last mission of Acedus, so it's a little unreasonable to go again this time, it should be my turn!"

Electric Shocker: "It's best for me to go, you can rest at home!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, this poor monk has just improved a lot in martial arts, so he can relieve the worry of the benefactor!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Sweeping monk, you should concentrate on studying Buddhism. Monks, don't be contaminated with too much karma, let me go!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, the poor monk is now receiving Wutian Buddha's on-demand broadcast, and has understood the profound meaning of struggle. On the road, every inch must be fought!"

Xun'er: "I also want to create a mission!"

Flying Squirrel: "I've been in the group for so long and I haven't participated in group missions. I want to go this time too!"

I'm a slime: "Me too, I'm getting bored to death recently, I just happened to go to other worlds!"

Science and Snake: "Recently, my scientific research projects are almost done, and I'm short of points!"

Gambling Big Sheep (Tsunade): "You smelly snake, it's my turn to take action this time, you guys have participated too many times, and what the team needs most is a nanny like me!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Why don't you take me with you too, I can be a salted fish calling 666 for you!"

One shot into the soul: "Yo Yo Yo, are you going to go on a mission, pull me, I am the best magician, and I use explosion magic superbly." I, Huihui, are the center of the team.

Saiki Kusuo: "I don't care about the task, I just want to see that thousand boxes of coffee jelly soon~!"

Ying Zheng: "I'm also very interested in points, so I can't forget about this mission!"

Iron Man: "Don't forget about such an interesting thing. I recently successfully produced the Mark 1. The firepower it carries can be compared to an army of 100 people.

Most of the players expressed their strong desire to participate in this mission, only the Marquis of Vauban sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, because he got the administrator's promise in advance.

I thought I would have to wait for a while, but I didn't expect the character to come directly once, it's simply destiny!

And this time Wutian Buddha seems to be busy dealing with Tathagata Buddha, and he won't compete with them for a place, it's a stable group!

Wuming: "I'm trembling, this time there are so many people vying for the spot, it's like a battle of the gods!"

Tianshan Child Elder: "The old man's martial arts has entered a bottleneck, and he can't go out for the time being!"

I like my older sister the most (Rem): "I still have to clean the house and do laundry for the satyr master, and I don't have a chance to participate in the task!"

Pokémon Master: "I still have to challenge the next gym, but I don't have a chance!"

Hell Girl: "Onlookers!"

I hate violence: "I still need to work, just sit and watch you compete for places!"

Ganwumei: "Why are you working part-time every day, Lori An, and I never see you taking a break!"

I hate violence: "I used to be free, but I was in the water group. Recently, the expenses have been a bit high, so I need to work!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "It's impossible to work part-time. It's better to make a living by playing games. There are many talents in the game and they speak nicely. It's just that my wallet is empty faster.


Electric Shocker: "Not only is your wallet empty, but your stomach is also empty!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Please don't expose me, I just fantasized about a big meal, and my stomach feels slightly full, but now you tell me it's gone!"

Dragon growls: "Kanna doesn't like to go hungry!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "The most terrifying punishment in the world is starvation. I haven't eaten the delicious food of Xiaodangjia for a long time!"

Zhonghua Xiaodaojia: "You two really want to eat all the time, but we don't seem to be able to help if we go, there is really no need to worry!"

God's Tongue: "Although I may not be able to help if I go, I still want to sign up and earn points!"

Yamato Nadeko: "If there is a chance, I would also like to meet Mr. Administrator!"

Zhou Yang looked at the group members who were fighting and shook his head, and said helplessly:

"You guys, you started fighting before you even figured out the mission world. You must know that there are some worlds that ordinary people can't live in!"

Zhou Yang's words are not alarmist, after all, if the mission this time is some special plane, then like Nakiri Erina and the others, not only will they lose points, but they may even ruin the community.

But at this point, Zhou Yang also started to read this mission!

[System task: Eliminate ten reincarnators who invaded the world of Hell Girls, and at the same time eliminate the human-faced spiders who traversed!]

[System rewards: group owner base points 5,000 (group members are invisible), group members base points 1,000, and each reincarnated head point reward is 500 points! Traveler head rewards are 2,000, and the number of people who can participate in this mission is 5000. People (excluding Yan Moai)]

"`~ The time traveler and the reincarnation collided together, the world where Yan Moai lives is really colliding fiercely!"

Zhou Yang said thoughtfully, and then said in the group:

"This time the world is Yan Moai's world, the target is ten reincarnators and one time traveler, with a total of 7,000 points.

Then, the Marquis of Vauban and I will get two places first, and the rest want to participate in the big round of registration!"

The Marquis of Vauban said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Excellency, Administrator!"

Time Elf: "No wonder the Marquis of Vauban didn't panic at all just now, it turned out that he had already made a py transaction!"

Electric Shocker: "I despise the old Woban man who makes deals in private the most!" (Zhao Mo's)

Xun'er: "Shame on face! o(#¯∇¯)==0))")"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world: "Marquis Vauban, you are really wretched!"

Science and Snake: "I knew I should have traded with the administrator in advance, but now it seems too late!

Happy princess: "I want to go to this world too!"

Although the group members are complaining, but they are too fussy, after all, there is still one spot left!

Zhou Yang then turned on the big golden turntable, and all the people who wanted to compete for the spots signed up one after another, and it started to turn slowly!

tick tock! tick tock!

The roulette began to rotate rapidly, and the names flashed past one by one, and all the group members looked at the roulette intently.

Ka Ka Ka!

The roulette slowly stopped and finally settled on a name!

PS: Please subscribe for the fifth update! Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for flowers! Ask for collection! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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