Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 250: The Real Song Of Saya, Yu Nai Wants To Learn Magic (Please Subscribe For The Second Upd

The voice of the flying squirrel seemed to come from the whispers of the gods, and the magic staff in his hand lit up with endless brilliance, and the magic circles were layered on top of each other, following a certain special law, all over the entire sky!

The Marquis of Vauban looked at the dense magic circle and said appreciatively:

"Is this the super magic of the world where the flying squirrel is located? It really looks extraordinary!"

"After all, the development of magic in each world will have its own characteristics, and Momonga's ability comes from a game, so his ability is quite unreasonable, and he can bring the dead back to life.

I remember that he even summoned the cubs of the evil god some time ago, and directly slaughtered an army of tens of thousands!"

Zhou Yang said with emotion that the power of evil gods is so powerful no matter which world they are in, especially Shabu Nicholas, the black goat who is the god of three pillars.

Although the main body itself is an irregular piece of meat, representing the power of reproduction and chaos, its own power is a cosmic level powerhouse!

Even the descendants can trample on mortals at will, and ordinary power can't destroy these monsters at all.

And Mordiggian, the god of ghouls that Zhou Yang faced before, was only a moderate existence among evil gods.

According to the information given by the Huaxia official in the main world, someone in Zeng Jin also successfully summoned the cubs of Heishan 04 sheep!

But this is not the kind of unconscious monster that only knows destruction that Momonga summoned, but a sweet-looking little girl.

All the soldiers I saw were influenced by the little girl, and gave up the idea of ​​attacking, and they didn't even have any feelings about the death of their companions.

It was also because of the death of a large number of soldiers that the Huaxia army suffered heavy losses, and finally asked a spiritual king to rush to the battlefield.

As a result, there was no sweet-looking little girl at all, but a huge piece of meat, which was constantly devouring the flesh and blood of the soldiers and began to evolve.

Moreover, this huge piece of meat has the fighting power of a king, and it took four kings to fight hard for three days and three nights to kill it!

Although they won the victory, one military king died on the third day after returning to the family, and the rest of the pioneers were also injured to varying degrees.

It is precisely because of this that Huaxia officially prohibits any sects other than Taoism and Buddhism.

Especially the sect of the Mother of the Black Goat, once discovered, all related people will be wiped out.

This is a bloody lesson in exchange for the life of a king.

When Zhou Yang saw the news, he almost thought he had seen the real version of Saya's song, and Saya seemed to be the heir of the black goat.

But in turn, it can be seen that the power of evil gods is far beyond the power of kings and even saints, and they are the real "gods"!

"Heir of the evil god..."

The Marquis of Vauban groaned, and his interest in evil gods became more and more intense, but the world he lived in was not separated from the myths that Shendu was extolling.

Although the evil gods are also the product of the story, their essence does not rely on human beliefs to be born, they are more like a more powerful alien creature!

It's just that the level they are in is too high, so high that it is difficult for human beings to understand, which makes human beings fall into madness when they see them!

So if you want to understand the power of the evil god, the Marquis of Vauban can only kill the cubs of the evil god through the chat group, and feel their power from it.

Zhou Yang also saw the idea of ​​the Marquis of Vauban and did not object, after all he himself wanted to understand the nature of the power of the evil god!

It's just that that kind of power is still too dangerous for him now, at least he has to wait until he becomes Wutian Buddha's level to touch it!

Zhou Yang turned his head and found my wife Yuno who had been stunned, and said with a smile:

"Do you want to learn magic?"


Yuno nodded earnestly, she also wants to gain great power, so she can get closer to Zhou Yang!

Zhou Yang continued: "I have a lot of magic books in the world here, I can lend you some to read, you can directly use the points to get started with magic, and then go to explore the truth of magic!"

My wife Yuno should start the game of God after a while. If she can learn magic, then she can safely inherit the throne of God and become the new God of Time and Space.

So Zhou Yang doesn't mind selling her more favors, after all, these simple investments will turn into the most lucrative returns after Yuna becomes a god.

But Yuno didn't know all this, and just asked with a blushing face:

"Isn't that good, you've always been helping me..."

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, and said gently to Yuno:

"Maybe when you become a strong man in the future, you can still protect me!"

Yuno's heart skipped a beat, he raised his head to look at Zhou Yang, with a sunny smile on the corner of his mouth, and said seriously:

"From now on, let me help you!"

Zhou Yang was stunned for a moment, but he still smiled and said:

"I'm looking forward to it!"

But after saying these words, the blush on Yuno's face deepened, like a tender red apple, which made people want to take a bite.

On the other hand, Kuang San narrowed his eyes, covering up the dangerous light in the golden red pupils.

And at this time, Momonga's magic has also progressed to the final step, and the densely packed magic circles overlapped together, like nodes!

Flying Squirrel's staff waved, each node lit up one by one, and began to link together, countless small magic circles were built into a big magic circle!

A black ray of light lit up from the magic circle, divided into two parts and sank into the corpses of Yan Moai's parents!

Ka Ka Ka!

The originally withered corpse began to become full, and the wrinkled skin slowly returned to smoothness!

The pitch-black light is like a naughty little dragon, constantly jumping between the two corpses, producing a special power, calling back the souls of the two!

"Father! Mother!"

Seeing this scene, Yan Moai covered her mouth in shock, tears streaming down uncontrollably!

It's just that this time it's not tears of sadness, but happiness and excitement!

Ka Ka Ka!

The two souls returned to the two bodies under the guidance of the flying squirrel, and the magic circle in the sky began to overlap and fell into the two bodies.

Momonga wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and said with satisfaction:

"It's done, their souls are well preserved, otherwise it would be really troublesome!"


Accompanied by a muffled groan, the two people on the ground slowly opened their eyes, looked at everything in front of them and asked:

"Where is this? Wasn't I buried alive?"

"Where is little love? Where did little love go?"

When the two woke up, their first reaction was to start looking for their daughter!

And Yan Moai couldn't stop the impulse in her heart anymore, she threw herself into their arms, and cried bitterly:

"Father! Mother! You are finally back!"

After decades, the separated family finally reunited...

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My sister got engaged today, so there will be less updates, sorry!.

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