Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 251: Hey! Boy, Are You A Reincarnation? (The Third Update Asks For A Subscription! Ask For A

Momonga looked at the picture of this family reunion, and said with emotion:

"When I'm old, I can't help crying when I see such a moving picture!"

Zhou Yang laughed and complained: "Some bones look like a thousand-year-old monster, but in fact he is only in his twenties!"

The scarlet light in Momonga's eye sockets flickered, and he said helplessly:

"Mr. Administrator, it's hard for me to be sad once, don't expose me so quickly!"

My wife Yuno came to Momonga, tiptoed and patted his shoulder, and said seriously:

"You really have a good bone!"

"Thank you Yuno for your compliment!"

Momonga nodded and accepted Yuno's compliment frankly!

At this time, Yan Moai's parents also came to thank, and thanked Feishu:

"Thank you sir for saving our lives!"

Yan Moai also bowed deeply, and said seriously:

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Momonga was a little embarrassed when he was messed with, and couldn't think of how to respond for a while, so he waved his hand coldly, and said lightly:

"You're welcome. If you want to write, just write to the administrator. He used points to ask me to do it!"

"Mr. Administrator..."

Yan Moai froze in place. Although she was not very active, she still knew how precious the points were.

It can be said that in the chat group, as long as there are enough points, all wishes can be realized!

And such precious points were directly used to save the lives of her parents, and they were not mentioned to her!

What a gentle man!

Thinking of this, Yan Moai felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart, a complex feeling that was indescribable and unexplainable.

When she saw Zhou Yang before, she just thought he was a strong guy, a little flamboyant, and he didn't look very serious!

But after getting along with each other for real, Yan Moai discovered that although this guy looks romantic, he is actually a very gentle person in his heart, and he can often stand up when he needs it the most!

Now when she sees Zhou Yang, her heartbeat will speed up slightly. Although this feeling is very strange, Yan Moai doesn't hate it, and even enjoys it a little.

Zhou Yang came over and looked at Yan Moai who was stunned, and asked with a smile:

"What are you going to do next.||?"

Yan Moai's pale face showed a slight tinge of blood. Although it lacked a bit of aloofness, it had a more real feeling.

From this moment, she changed from that cold hell girl to an ordinary girl named Yan Moai.

Yan Moai replied softly:

"I am going to find a place to live with my parents, use the gold, silver and jewelry I acquired before to do some small business, and live peacefully!"

Zhou Yang nodded in agreement, "Yeah, this method is good, the most important thing is to live in peace and stability!"

While they were talking, the Marquis of Vauban came over and asked Zhou Yang:

"Now that the transmigrators have been eliminated, how do we find the remaining reincarnators?"

Zhou Yang frowned slightly, this is indeed a trouble, after all every time looking for reincarnation is also a trouble!

When he was distressed, Kurumi suddenly spoke:

"Didn't the mission system say that you can spend dry points to detect a person's location?"

"Detect location?"

Zhou Yang quickly opened the group mission system, and found that there was indeed a ten-point detection location written in the lower left corner of the mission interface!

It's just that it didn't appear when he was researching it before, it seems to be a new function after the chat group upgrade!

Although it costs ten points each time, as long as you find the reincarnation, you can get a head of five hundred points, which is a huge profit!

So Zhou Yang took the initiative to say to the other four:

"Since that's the case, each person is responsible for two traversers. You are not strong enough, so Momonga is responsible for one of the extra two, and the remaining one depends on everyone's luck. Whoever finds it first will get it!"

Several other people have no objection to Zhou Yang's distribution method, after all, only in this way can the general fairness be guaranteed.

It's just that a hint of greed flashed in the eyes of the Marquis of Vauban, although it is said that the last person, whoever finds it first will be the one!

But with the power of the greedy wolves to search the land for him, he has already regarded the five hundred points as his pocket!

And now that they have learned about this new function, other people don't hesitate to spend points to buy the position of the reincarnator and start to set off...

On the streets of Tokyo, a bustling city, a large number of passers-by are walking on the street, most of them are staff and some young girls and boys!

And among them, there was a person walking on the road, his gloomy demeanor caused the others to subconsciously distance themselves, appearing extremely withdrawn!

But he didn't care, and just said to himself:

"Recently, several reincarnation teams have been wiped out, and the Lord God has also issued a danger warning in this world. What danger is there?"

He continued to walk forward, and suddenly bumped into a person, his forehead hit a metal object, and he grinned in pain!

"`~ Don't you have eyes?"

The man gritted his teeth and said that he was a person with a very bad temper, but someone actually disturbed him while he was walking!

This kind of behavior has already made him unable to restrain the killing intent in his heart, ready to make the other party's life worse than death!

But when he raised his head, he was stunned, and opened his mouth in disbelief [mumbling:

"What the hell is this?"

A huge figure appeared in front of him, a full three meters high, and his body was so huge that he didn't look like a human being!

The huge body turned around slowly, a skull appeared in the man's eyes, the scarlet light filled his thoughts, and his brain went blank!

And this skeleton is naturally the Bone King. He slowly lowered his head, looked at the reincarnation standing in front of him, and asked with a smile:

"Yo, young man, are you a reincarnation?"

Although the sound was not loud, but it fell into the man's ears, but it was like a thunderous rumble, which made his body start to tremble!

Why does he know I'm a reincarnation?

Didn’t the Lord God forbid the disclosure of information, and all leakers (good ones) will be obliterated?

Is this the dangerous information that the Lord God reminded?

All kinds of thoughts filled his chaotic brain, and a great terror descended, as if a Shinigami descended holding a sickle, looking at him with a grinning grin!

But at this moment, he felt that Shinigami was even cuter than the skeleton monster in front of him!

Bone King's question was not answered, the scarlet light in his eyes flickered, and he said lightly:

"Didn't your parents teach you to answer other people's questions well?"

While talking, the Bone King slowly stretched out his slender white bone palm, and touched the man's head!

Under the tremendous terror, the man looked ferocious and roared:

"Whether you are a god or a ghost, I will also slaughter all demons. In the face of my spiritual Dafa of changing heaven and earth, there is only one dead end!"

PS: Please subscribe for the third update! Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!

My sister got engaged today, so it's three o'clock for the time being!.

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