Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 254: An Effective Weapon Against The Sick And Delicate, Water Group Masters Go Online To Max

As the sun rose slowly, Zhou Yang was also awakened by the vigorous yang energy between the heaven and the earth, and there was a faint fragrance on the tip of his nose.

Accompanied by a slight itchy feeling, Zhou Yang slowly opened his eyes.

But the moment he opened his eyes, Zhou Yang saw a piece of black and bright hair, swaying gently on his nose!

And the culprit is naturally Kuang San!

Kuangsan saw Zhou Yang who woke up, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, a dark smile appeared on his face, and he said softly:

"Sir, are you satisfied with the service last night?"

Zhou Yang put his hands behind his head and said softly:

"This female general was brave and good at fighting last night. The heroic appearance on the horse is really imprinted in my mind, but it's a pity that I'm just a wild horse!"

Zhou Yang's words come from the bottom of his heart, he is already extremely satisfied with Kuang San, and the "Nine Sixty" Beauty God clothes he gave her before can also increase Kuang San's charm!

When in the boudoir, it played an unparalleled effect!

Hearing these words, Kuang San suddenly thought of what happened last night, even the old Si Ji couldn't help but blush, and slapped Zhou Yang angrily.

Kuangsan looked at Zhou Yang with a smirk on his face, took out a golden flintlock gun and pointed it at Zhou Yang's body, and said in a low voice:

"Since you are so satisfied, what are you going to pay for? Your heart? Or your kidney? Or your liver?

Or your limbs and brains? I really want to taste what they taste like?"

Listening to this coquettish speech, an ordinary person might not be able to help but be afraid!

But Zhou Yang has experienced countless battles, has experienced countless little butters, and faced countless sick heroines, so he naturally knows how to deal with it!

So he smiled slightly, hugged Kuangsan in his arms, and said softly:

"Why do you want to dismember me? It's so troublesome to clean up the dirty one. Can't I drink milk if I keep it intact?"

"You guys are really not serious enough!"

Kuangsan let out a soft bah, and naturally understood what Zhou Yang meant.

She lay on Zhou Yang's body, listening to his slow and powerful heartbeat, said softly:

"Because you are too hardworking and have attracted the hearts of so many girls, so I want to completely possess you!"

Zhou Yang said helplessly: "Then you dismembered me, didn't you divide me into many parts, then what parts did you take away!"

I don't know why, but discussing the topic of being dismembered, I really have a strong sense of disobedience...

Kurumi showed a morbid smile, and said slowly:

"Heart and head, of course, because that's who you are!"

Zhou Yang kindly reminded: "Do you want to take the family heirloom with you, so as to prevent you from being empty and lonely!"


Kuang San broke his power in a second, and couldn't maintain his sick expression, so he couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Yang looked at Kuang San who was laughing and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, when facing a sickly girl who wants to possess you, don't try to reason with her!

Women are never reasonable creatures, but if you reason with her, she will only wonder if you don't love her anymore, and you are thinking about other women!

Men's way of thinking tends to be rational and problem-solving, while women's way of thinking tends to be emotional, and they like to hear some beautiful words.

And the way of thinking of a sick girl is sick, if you want to reverse it, you need to divert her attention and get out of this sickness!

So Zhou Yang drives on purpose, seems to be teasing Kuang San, but actually diverts the other party's attention!

And it turns out that this method is real and effective!

Kuangsan laughed for a while, and then slowly recovered, she was smart and naturally understood Zhou Yang's thoughts!

But she didn't expose the other party either, she just stood up slowly and said to Zhou Yang with a smile:

"You are not allowed to say what happened today!"


Zhou Yang is a little confused, isn't Kuang San the most possessive, why don't you publicize this matter, don't you want to show off?

A dark smile appeared on the corner of Kuang San's mouth, and said softly:

"Because I want to watch them scramble for you, but I have already tasted your fat in advance. Doesn't this sneaky feeling feel like stealing (pleasure) tax (pleasure)?"

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes and complained, "You naughty girl!"

Kuang San has already put on her black and red Gothic loli skirt, after hearing Zhou Yang's comment, she raised the hem of the skirt with both hands, performed a palace etiquette, and said with a smile:

"Thank you for the compliment!"

After finishing speaking, Kuang San directly clicked the return button and disappeared in front of Zhou Yang!

Zhou Yang also shook his head, and chose to return, returning directly to his room.

At this time, there was no one in the house, and there was a piece of paper on his desk, which read:

"Big brother, I took little Sakura, Shijiang and Ramrem to buy clothes. If you come back, there is a cake I made by myself in the refrigerator (?????)!"

The inscription is Universe Invincible's cutest little sister!

"Shopping is indeed a girl's nature. Fortunately, I came back a little later, otherwise I would have to carry things for them!"

Zhou Yang shook his head helplessly, and put this piece of paper into the drawer. There are a lot of neatly arranged papers in it, all of which are notes written by his sister since he was a child!

I was reluctant to throw it away when I moved, so Zhou Yang brought the villa with me!

After eating the cake from the refrigerator, Zhou Yang came to the living room and took a look at the tender bamboo planted earlier!

It is still blooming with this emerald green light, and its body size has grown a bit compared to before, but it will take a while before it is born....

After Zhou Yang arrived, the light of Yusun became brighter, and the figure inside wanted to rush out excitedly, but was stopped by Zhou Yang!

Zhou Yang put his fingers on the jade bamboo shoots, gently placed the little guy inside, and said softly

"Bamboo grows for four years, breaks an inch of ground, and after more than a month, it will be verdant for hundreds of miles!

Accumulation is to bloom more beautiful brilliance after birth, so don't worry, I hope to see the most beautiful you!"

Zhou Yang's voice was leisurely, and under the comfort of spiritual power, the figure in Yusun slowly quieted down. 5.5


The emerald green light wheel also began to move regularly, which seemed to start a new round of growth!

Zhou Yang watched this scene and nodded, then leaned back on the sofa and logged into the chat group!

Zhou Yang: "My manager Zhou is back again, all dear friends, come and welcome!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Guchi-ku, your skin is getting thicker and thicker recently!"

Acedes: "Since you want to be emperor so much, come to my world and I will divide the empire into half for you!"

Electric Shocker: "He doesn't want to be the emperor, it's just an excuse to open the harem!"

Can(??) Chuan

When did Misaka Mikoto get so smart!

Zhou Yang was taken aback and changed the subject directly:

"By the way, who hunted and killed the last reincarnation?"

PS: For the third update, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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