Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 255: Tsunade Is No Longer A Human Being, And My Wife Is A Berserker

Because Zhou Yang spends the rest of the time in in-depth communication with Kuang San, so the last reincarnation person didn't pay attention.

He didn't know whether it was Momonga or the Marquis of Vauban who succeeded!

Tie Dan Shen Hou: "One person has 500 points, and it seems to be distributed casually. If I can't, I'm so sour, I'm a lemon man!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, it's good to squeeze lemon juice, it tastes good, but it's a little sour!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "(`A?)! You old monk, you still want to imitate the two big foodies and eat me, believe it or not, I will cry for you!"

The sweeping monk also said without fear:

"If it was before, the poor monk was really not your opponent, but after Wutian Buddha instructed, my strength has already improved by leaps and bounds, and I am not much worse than you!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Report, someone is cheating here!"

When you hear the words Wutian Buddha fill your life, you know that the sweeping monk must have gained a lot of opportunities from it, and his strength has improved a lot!

After all, he is a big boss in the world of Xianxia, ​​even if he loses a leg hair, it is still a treasure in the world of Tianlong Babu, let alone a monk who sweeps the ground!

Although the sweeping monk didn't get the chance to participate in the mission, Wutian's advice was already worth 500 points!

Tian 04 Mountain Child Elder: "I really envy the sweeping monk who can hug the big man's thigh. Just being out of the water for a period of time gives me a feeling that things are right and wrong!"

Xun'er: "I also want a lot of points, then I can become a fighting saint sooner, and then I can protect the big brother!"

Wuming: "I also want a lot of points, the points I signed up have all been used to improve my physical fitness!"

I am a slime: "I really envy the King of Bones and the old Marquis who can go to other worlds, but I may not have the heart to kill people, this kind of task is still not suitable for me!"

Marquis of Vauban: "Mr. Administrator doesn't even know, but this last person is not mine!"

Flying Squirrel: "I just went to use points to improve my magic, and I didn't get the last one!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang was stunned for a moment, and said doubtfully:

"You two didn't take it, could it be Kuang San's avatar made it?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's not me, I'm busy with big things, you know that too, Mr. Administrator!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Seeing Kuang San's "big event", Zhou Yang couldn't help coughing, but couldn't find words to refute.

After all, art in the room is indeed one of the major events in life, but this guy Kuang San actually brought it up in front of all the girls, is he trying to play the trick of being dark under the lights?

But the other girls didn't care, but Acedes asked suspiciously:

"What great things have you guys done?"

Tokisaki Kurumi slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"This is a secret between me and Mr. Administrator!"

Acedes said meaningfully: "Secret, it sounds very interesting!"


Misaka Mikoto frowned, feeling that he and Zhou Yang were getting farther and farther away, so he said sourly:

"What kind of ulterior secret is it? Why didn't you tell us!"

Xun'er: "y('^?X)/Xun'er also wants to know, no, Xun'er also has her own secret with big brother!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world (Tsunade): "The secret between men and women is really arousing people's imagination. Such a cute administrator, why don't we use a hammer to settle it!"


Look, is this what people say?

Tsunade, have you lost your temper recently?

Zhou Yang saw that this group of girls was becoming more and more violent, so he said quickly:

"So who got the points?"

My wife Yuno nodded weakly and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Administrator, yes... I did it!"


Zhou Yang was really stunned this time, is this reincarnation weak enough to be defeated by an ordinary person like Yuno?

Momonga: "Although I really don't want to admit it, but Yuno is indeed very powerful!"

Marquis Vauban: "When I found that guy, his body was already separated, and Yuno was standing beside him with a fire ax!"

After finishing speaking, the Marquis of Vauban sent a bloody photo, Yuno holding an ax was standing beside a headless corpse, his expression looked panicked and violent!

Ganwumei: "Okay... so scary!"

I hate violence: "So strong and murderous!"


This is an artifact added!

Zhou Yang couldn't help being shocked when he saw the photo, and suddenly thought that Yuno picked up the ax as if he had buffed it. In the original book, he cut down dozens of enemies all the way. He is a berserker!

If it wasn't for my wife Yuno not being in Xingyue World, and she wouldn't die to become a Heroic Spirit.

Maybe the above conditions are met, maybe when someone summons her, the job agency will be a berserker!

In front of the berserker Yuno, Lancelot and Hercules might be cut down one by one by her!

The rest of the group members were also shocked. Although they knew that the reincarnation was not very strong, Yuno was able to defeat the opponent with an ordinary person, which was enough to prove his own strength!

God's Tongue: "Yuno is really too strong, if it were me, I might have died long ago!"

Yan Moai: "Yuno's physical fitness is also very strong, she is a king of war material!"

The scorching-eyed crusader (Xia Na): "You defeat a person with extraordinary power with the power of an ordinary person, you are extraordinary!"

Love coffee jelly (Kusuo Saiki): "Although I don't know what happened, I think I should call 666!"

I'm not a fallen angel (Gabriel): "The one upstairs is out of date, shout sex with me! sex! sex!"

Ganwumei: "Ahhh, six is ​​pronounced as sex, the fallen angel upstairs has become a dirty angel, your heart has become the same color as your 113 hair now

Love coffee jelly (Kusuo Saiki): "→_→Don't think I don't know English, stupid angel!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Hey hey, it's such a pity that I didn't fall for it!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "This girl, do you want to sign an oath with me and become a horse monkey shochu... Bah, bah, bah, become a knight!"

King Arthur also appreciates Yuno's fighting power, and he might be able to become a powerful knight if he cultivated it!

Seeing this, Zhou Yang interjected in a timely manner:

"Yuno is a magician, but she will become an excellent magician!"

Iron Man: "→_→The legendary melee mage, only learns the first-level fireball technique, and the skills are full of charging and slashing. When encountering enemies, just knock them out with a staff!"

The evil dragon roared: "Kanna said, if Yuno knocks out the delicious food, can you pack them and send them to me, I'm so hungry recently!"

One shot into the soul (Huihui): "Learning magic is good, learn explosion magic with me, only explosion is a woman's romance!"

Science and Snakes: "A magician with an ax is very graphic to think about!"

Momonga: "I think Yuno can be the first spellcaster in the world to use an ax as a staff!"

Zhou Yang: "Yuno, it's up to you!"

PS: For the fourth change, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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