Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 256: The Administrator Who Was Found To Be Stealing, Tony's Death Option (Please Subscr

Pokémon Master (Xiaozhi): "Why does this line feel so familiar! Pikachu, it's you!"

Ganwumei: "Hahahaha, Mr. Administrator was caught using someone else's lines!"

I am not a fallen angel (Gabriel): "I remember that there is an intellectual property protection law, so Mr. Administrator needs to pay Xiaozhi the copyright fee!"

Marquis de Vauban: "It's really embarrassing when a pirated version meets a genuine one!"

Xun'er: "This should be Li Gui meeting Li Kui, whoever loves him is embarrassed!"

Dad: "Xun'er has begun to understand the Water Margin, it's amazing!"

Xun'er: "??*(???

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I don't know about this. After all, all the heroes in China have been included in the treasury by the First Emperor and become his figures. Only he knows whether there is Wu Dalang among them!"

I am the emperor:

Ying Zheng only felt, why he is also the emperor, why is he so low......

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Oh, don't worry about Ying Zheng upstairs, I'm talking about another Shi Huangdi, not you!"


Arrow in the heart!

It hurts more if you explain than if you don't explain!

Ying Zheng, who was still sitting in the courtroom dealing with official business, suddenly stiffened his expression a lot, frightening the group of officials to panic again, is he going to get angry again!

After all, since Yingzheng got the chat group, he always changed his face because of various things.

This also caused the whole Qin State to be worried, and everyone was afraid of becoming a victim of the First Emperor venting his anger!

Compared with the worries of the Qin officials, the group members couldn't help laughing.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Hahahaha, although Dumb Mao Wang looks dumb, in fact, the ability of poisonous tongue is not bad at all!"

I Hate Violence (Lori An): "No harm without comparison!"

The Little Master of China: "Don't be like this, the first emperor is already very strong, but there are so many first emperors, there are always a few heaven-defying ones"

Happy Princess (Lala): "I remember that this should belong to a different timeline in the parallel universe.

Maybe you are an ordinary person in this world, but you are a superstar or a super scientist in another world!"

I'm not a fallen angel (Gabriel): "Then in another parallel world, I might be a wealthy angel, squandering my wealth at will!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world (Tsunade): "Can I rewrite my destiny and become a gambler who must lose every bet!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Parallel world? So is it possible that this Marquis will be born an emperor!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, one flower is one world, one leaf is one bodhi, each world has its own destiny, and the Buddha's truth does not deceive me!"

Acedes: "Old monk, don't brag anymore, your Buddha is about to be caught and beaten in the world of Wutian Boss!"

Anonymous old monk: "..

The sweeping monk suddenly remembered that the Tathagata Buddha in the postscript of Journey to the West is a traditional and thorough villain!

In comparison, Wutian Buddha, who specializes in studying Buddhism and wholeheartedly changes the order of the Buddhist world, is the real Buddha!

In addition, Wutian Buddha also pointed out his path for the future. After adding the two together, the sweeping monk really switched camps!

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, what this poor monk has been studying is the Dharma of Wutian Buddha. I hope everyone will encourage us!"

Ganwumei: "?? You've changed too quickly!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "You used to say that I was a dog licker, but now I want to give you a word, lick a dog until nothing is left!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ginger is still old and spicy, and Hedang is still old and coquettish!"

Hell Fubuki: "Lick, lick, lick to Grandma Bridge!"

Seeing this, the sweeping monk hurriedly explained: "Scholar's business, how can you say it's dog licking, and Zhu Wushi, don't you have everything you need now?"

Tie Dan Shen Hou: "Ahem, cough, it's because I am talented and intelligent, and Mr. Administrator is mighty!"

Burning-eyed crusader (Shana): "hentai!"

The dragon roared: "hentai!"

Kanna not only sent texts, but also made her own animation, with "hentai!"

I'm a slime: "No matter how many times I see Kanna, I feel like crying!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "As expected of a foodie like me, please draw your sword, Kanna is mine now!"

Electric Shocker (Misaka Mikoto): "Kanna is so cute, you can't monopolize it, and I have a share too!"

Love to eat coffee jelly (Kusuo Saiki): "It's a heart-pounding feeling!"

Sakura who loves taiyaki: "Such a cute little sister, I really want to hug (drool expression)"

Hell Girl: "Every world has a complete set of criminal laws, please think twice before acting!"

Zhou Yang looked at the group members who were crying because of Kanna, and said with hatred:

"Can you guys be a little more promising, Kanna is cute, but you also need to keep calm.

What if you scare Kanna, Kanna come to my arms, big brother will protect you!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: `~ Kanna must not believe what the satyr administrator says, he is a lolicon in essence!"

Misaka Mikoto: "The lolicon manager should be healed by my electrotherapy!"

Acedes: "I also think this guy should be punished!"

The scorching-eyed crusader (Shana): "Baga! hentai! No way race!"

Iron Man: "I really envy Mr. Administrator being vying for so many excellent women, it reminds me of myself when I was young, when I was so romantic and happy!

I'm a slime: "And now, aren't you happy?"

Iron Man: "Of course not! It's fun for a while, it's always fun! The administrator can continue to be romantic and happy!"

Tony was originally a playboy who hangs around among the flowers, but now that Zhou Yang is so popular, he couldn't help but mention a few words!

But after he posted these words, he suddenly found that the group became quiet, and there was a strange atmosphere!

Flying Squirrel: "Brother, you are such a warrior, there is no Shura field in summer!" (Mano's)

Tiedan Shenhou: "Brother, please go all the way!"

I hate violence: "Please hurry up when you do it, don't give him too much pain!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, this poor monk will recite the Sutra of Rebirth for you, I hope you can become a Buddha as soon as possible!"

Looking at this passage, Tony felt more and more ominous, and couldn't help but ask:

"What happened?"

Tokisaki Kurumi sneered and said:

"It's okay to be a playboy yourself, but you want to teach Mr. Administrator even worse. It's an act of death, so you have to pay the price!"

"Ding! Kuang San launched a group vote!"

【What to do with Tony!】

【Option 1: Strip and hang on the Statue of Liberty!】

【Option 2: Women's clothing!】

【Option 3: Find a doctor to castrate him!】

【Option 4: Electrotherapy Education! Army】

PS: Please subscribe for the first update! Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for collection! Ask for an evaluation ticket! Ask for flowers!.

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