Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 259: Women's Clothing Only Has Zero And Countless Times, And The Authority Dog ​​Can Do

In the photos sent by Tony, Tony was wearing a black suit on his upper body, and he didn't look any different.

But when he moved his gaze down, he saw a white skirt with hips, revealing a pair of big hairy legs.

And because of Tony's large size, wearing this skirt on his body is like a balloon stretched to its limit.

Originally, there were still a few folds on the clothes, but they were all stretched to the limit, and there was a situation where they would burst open at any time!

After taking the photo, Tony took off the hip skirt and threw it aside, then said shamefully:

"It should be fine now!"

Zhou Yang glanced at it. Although Tony was playing with words, he really put on women's clothes!

Iron Man really did what he said!

Zhou Yang said appreciatively:

"Tony, although your legs are hairy, but compared to ordinary women, you need to trim "937" length. It is a good material for women's clothing. Why don't you debut and become an idol!"

Tony said angrily: "Don't even think about it, I will never wear women's clothes again!"

Ganwumei: "Don't struggle, there are only zero times and countless times in women's clothing!"

Acedes: "I think you should be able to make a fortune by selling your own photos in the future!"

Electric Shocker: "Seeing this picture, I suddenly don't want to bully Tony anymore!"

Nameless: "Suddenly I thought of the stalk Mr. Administrator said before, the colorful Mr. Tony at the entrance of the village?"

I am the emperor: "What is Teacher Tony? Is Tony still a teacher who teaches and educates people?"

Nameless explained: "Of course it's not a teacher. Teacher Tony refers to the barbers in some worlds. The hairstyles they cut are often colorful killers!"

Although Wuming explained it again, Ying Zheng, who was an ancient emperor, still couldn't understand Teacher Tony's stalk, and only thought that this group of people really knew how to play.

I'm a slime: "With a jerk in the body, everything becomes dull!"

God of Tiedan: "I advise you not to touch the whip in your hand, and don't let your descendants sacrifice to heaven!"

Flying Squirrel: "You guys are really a group of prostitutes. As expected, the water group is the source of happiness. There are too many talents in the group!"

Science and Snakes: "Heck, besides doing experiments, my favorite thing is water!"

The crusader with burning hair and scorching eyes: "hentai! I really want to use Zhidian to cover you up!"

God's Tongue: "Shana don't talk to them anymore, they are just a bunch of cheeky old drivers!"

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled and said: "Since Tony apologized so sincerely, then I forgive you!"

Electric Shocker: "Just don't bring down the administrator anymore, he's already rotten, if you lead him astray, it's completely hopeless!"

Zhou Yang: "Hey, hey, you don't just say what you say, I'm doing my job right, I don't have anything to be picky about!"

Gambling Big Sheep (Tsunade): "←_← Look at my eyes!"

Zhou Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "Your eyes are too small, I can't see your eyes!"

My wife Yuno: "Don't be like this, I think Mr. Administrator is a great person!"

Hell Girl: "Ga—!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Look, is this a human being? This guy hooked up with two ignorant girls again!"

Acedes: "Needless to say, I'll start sharpening the knife first!"

Xun'er: "(*w*)?" Xun'er thinks that the administrator big brother also needs a set of women's clothing!"

I am not a fallen angel (Gabriel): "I agree! I agree with both hands and feet. I must let him wear a bikini and dance a hula..."

"Ding! I am not a fallen angel and have been silenced for 24 hours!"

Zhou Yang snorted coldly and said:

"You fallen angel, it seems that you haven't tasted the feeling of being silenced for too long, and you dare to hit me with old ideas!"

Zhou Yang interrupted Gabriel's rhythmic behavior with lightning speed, and gave other group members a great deterrent!

Electric Shocker: "It's great to have authority!"

Zhou Yang said proudly:

"I'm sorry, but having authority means you can do whatever you want!"

While talking, Zhou Yang posted a photo of Tony's women's clothing with the text "Have permission to do whatever you want!"

Iron Man: "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Anonymous old monk: "Privilege dog, be afraid!"

Ganwumei: "I can't afford to provoke you! rbq!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Administrators are becoming more and more blatant now, it's really scary!"

Xun'er: "(=w)? Dictatorship is bad, or democracy is better!"

Hell Fubuxue: "Xun'er, you are all from the fantasy world. The words "democracy" made me feel full of disobedience. The style of painting is completely different!"

Xun'er: "(???) It's just that I have recently learned the modern history of China. I feel that democracy and the legal system are quite interesting. It's a pity that it can't be implemented in the fighting spirit mainland!"

The implementation of any system requires a certain social foundation as the backing...

If we blindly pursue the advanced system, then it is likely to violate the backward social foundation and cause huge contradictions.

And in the Dou Qi Continent, the strong are respected, even the ancient clan where Xun'er belongs to cannot dominate the entire Dou Qi Continent.

Once this system is enforced, it is likely to be opposed by the entire Dou Qi Continent, even by ordinary people.

After all, the interests of people are completely connected with each other. A democratic system will inevitably touch the interests of the majority of people, and it will become a public enemy of the whole people!

In the history that Xun'er read, there is such a person, that is Wang Mang of China, his thinking and behavior are not like a person who appeared in ancient times, and he implemented various systems, including socialism.

Personal ability is very strong, but there is no time background, a farming society under feudal dictatorship!

The people at the bottom not only have no access to knowledge, but it is also a problem to have enough food. Who is willing to listen to these truths.

What's more, the people at that time were not the people, but a hundred surnames, that is, the so-called aristocratic families. Only 0.1 of them were eligible to have names!

Wang Mang's actions offended many aristocratic families, and the arrival of Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, also led to his demise!

And Xun'er also came to these conclusions by looking at history, she will eliminate the useless and unsuitable dross, absorb the useful knowledge and apply it to the development of the ancient race.

She, Xiao Xun'er, wanted to grow the ancient clan to the point where she could beat the Soul Palace.

Pokémon Master (Xiaozhi): "I have no idea what happened, and I am in doubt with my Pikachu!"

Zhou Yang: "Xiaozhi, you are still a child, don't think so much!"

Although I get bullied every day, at least I don’t need to put on airs in the group, and everyone can get along happily!

Zhou Yang wanted to continue the chat, but something happened to the outside world.

PS: For the fourth change, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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