Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 260: On The Nutritional Value Of Monsters And The Godhead Of No Owner

Zhou Yang quit the chat group, slowly opened his eyes, and saw Scathach in purple light armor sitting on the sofa beside him!

With a calm expression, she held a blood-red spear in her hand and slowly wiped the tip of the spear, like sharpening a knife!

A real strong man will polish his weapon all the time, only waiting for the moment of opening to take away the life of the enemy!

Zhou Yang exhaled calmly, and asked softly:

"What happened?"

Skaha put away the spear in his hand, and said with a click:

"An official person came just now, and a space crack appeared near the market, and it seems that some alien creatures appeared!"

"Spatial crack?"

Zhou Yang recalled it, and remembered that in the official information, the space crack seems to be because two different worlds resonate because of the same frequency!

Therefore, a space passage lasting three to ten days will be formed briefly, also known as a space crack.

Moreover, according to several previous records, a village seems to have been swallowed by a space tunnel, and then never came back!

Even a ninth-level powerhouse never came back after being swallowed 04!

And based on these cases, it is speculated that Huaxia officials can confirm that the channel generated by this resonance not only lasts for a very short time, but also is one-way!

Because many monsters have appeared from the space cracks before, such as goblins, trolls and other legendary monsters.

They have a certain degree of IQ, but they are guarding the side of the tunnel, showing no signs of returning, but becoming extremely manic, like beasts lost on the road.

These monsters themselves are extremely aggressive, and will actively attack humans, devouring human flesh and blood for growth.

As the primate of all things, human beings are born with extremely high wisdom, but as the price, their own flesh and blood are inexplicably attractive to all kinds of strange beasts and monsters, AR......

It's like being able to promote their wisdom evolution!

Many Chinese official scientists have put forward this point of view, but they can't find strong evidence to prove it!

But space cracks are generally dealt with by the military!

After all, he is also a king, one of the ultimate powers of human beings!

Although the space cracks are troublesome, according to the existing records, no monsters above the fifth level have escaped!

Although the number of low-level monsters is huge, they can't break through the army's defense line!

Then why did these guys find themselves? Could it be that they want to use cannons to fight mosquitoes?

Or do these guys treat him like a free thug and want to be on call?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang's eyes became a little dangerous. Although he will protect the human race, he will not become some people's free labor!

If someone really dared to plot against him, then Zhou Yang would not bear it for the sake of his so-called face, but would hang the heads of these guys on the city wall one by one.

Skaha naturally sensed the change in Zhou Yang's attitude, and said with a smile:

"Where did you go, they are so scared of you to death, how could they go to you to deal with things!"

"Oh, that's okay!"

Zhou Yang's expression softened a lot, and then asked softly:

"Then what are they looking for me for?"

Scathach stretched out his light white and slender fingers and squeezed it lightly, picked up a black invitation card from the table and handed it to Zhou Yang!

Zhou Yang took it over and read softly:

"Invitation letter for hunting conference and auction, what is this?"

Skaha smiled slightly, handed Zhou Yang a drink, and said softly:

"Although there will be a large number of monsters after the space crack is created, many of the monsters are valuable materials.

For example, a certain part of a pigman can be made into an aphrodisiac without side effects, the eyes of a goblin can be made into an oil lamp, the heart of a troll can be made into a powerful potion, etc.!

I have to say that your human creativity is really top-notch, even dangerous monsters can turn into benefits for you.

And the officials opened up that area to extraordinary people, and they started an auction house themselves, taking 1% of the profits, and made this business that is sure to make money!"

Zhou Yang nodded, feeling in his heart that the Hua official had a long-term plan.

Opening up this area can not only reduce the loss of the army, but also sell a favor to the superhumans.

The official only needs to be a person who formulates the rules, and the profits can be transferred from it to make a lot of money!

Moreover, they are plotting publicly, and they are not afraid that no transcendent will come!

Because the monsters that appear every time the space cracks will not exceed the fifth level, it is a good place for all major forces to hone their new generation members!

It can not only suppress the monsters that appear in space cracks, but also gain a lot of favors, and finally get enough profits for yourself!

Kill three birds with one stone!

Sure enough, no one in power is stupid!

Zhou Yang casually threw the invitation on the table, and asked casually:

"Is there any benefit in participating in this auction?"

For Zhou Yang today, time is money. If there is no particularly great benefit, he doesn't want to waste time and energy going to a boring raffle.

Scathach picked up a cup of coffee, took a sip gracefully, and said calmly:

"They sent some ornamental items such as crystal corals, rainbow stone carvings, etc., and one of them even said that as long as you are willing to go, you can choose the goods in the auction, and all the expenses will be borne by the government."

"These guys are really generous!"

Zhou Yang said with emotion, others are working so hard to fight monsters and strip materials, and the money they earn can’t buy things!

But he only needs to sit in 247 and drink tea in the villa, and these people are scrambling to get things delivered to him!

Here is the benefit of strength!

Anything in this world may be betrayed, but only your own strength will not!

As long as there is strong power, the so-called wealth, money, and power are nothing but things that are readily available!

But is it really that interesting?

Zhou Yang is not stupid, knowing that since Scathach said it on purpose, there must be something that interests her!

So Zhou Yang asked directly: "The finale products inside should be things that make you more concerned!"

"I've been exposed by you every time, how can I keep it to myself!"

Scathach gave him a coquettish look, and then said slowly:

"Because among the finale products, there is a stone that contains natural energy, which is carried by an elf girl who escaped in the space crack this time, and it can promote the growth of plants!

This thing can promote the growth of jade shoots, and this thing has a lot to do with us!"

"There are relationships?"

Zhou Yang groaned, staring at Skaha suspiciously, and the latter didn't show off, but said with a smile:

"This is a godhead!"

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