Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 261: Opposite The Space Crack Is The Black Beast? Gods Of Faith, Gods Of Rules, And Ancient

"Godhead! How could there be such a thing as Godhead in this world!"

Zhou Yang was really surprised this time. You must know that the godhead is the embodiment of the power of a god, and it is the core of their eternity and power!

Moreover, in the world of Godslayers, killing the gods to gain power is more like depriving a part of the gods and godheads and turning them into their own.

If you want to describe it, it's like using Pandora's Godslayer Formation to split part of the godhead of the gods to the Godslayer, so the Godslayer also gains a long life and powerful power.

Therefore, the godslayers are more like gods that exist in the world, retaining humanity and freedom, rather than being bound by myths like gods.

And it seems that there are no gods in Zhou Yang's world, such as the quality sent by Kaguya Ji.

Kaguya Ji belongs to the upper class gods in Japanese mythology, and is a symbol of purity and cleanliness. It is an orthodox god, not the group of eight million cats and dogs!

But even so, there is still no aura of gods and spirits in the jade shoots, and gods and mortal things have been distinguished in essence.

But how could the godhead of the gods appear in this auction?

We must know that if the gods are real, then at least they are king-level existences, and they may even be higher!

Would Xiang Guan be willing to take out such a powerful treasure?

Seemingly seeing Zhou Yang's doubts, Skaha chuckled and explained:

"Of course this thing is real, but this group of people didn't recognize its true identity and called it the Seed of Life, and the spirit that brought it was also auctioned as the finale item!"

"In other words, these guys are selling a pearl as glass!"

Zhou Yang couldn't help laughing out loud, the worst thing in the world is that the treasure is placed in front of you and you can't recognize it.

Scathach also smiled and said: "Although this godhead has never been in close contact, but based on its function, it should be the power of Logia!"

Zhou Yang nodded, then thought of another important point, and asked:

"Then can the identity of that elf be confirmed"〃?"

Scathach rubbed her scallioned fingers, a purple butterfly flapped its wings and flew to her finger, then turned into a purple light spot and merged into her eyes.

Watch out for butterflies!

A small technique developed by Scathach himself, can hide the breath, and talk about hearing big information!

Scatha's purple crystal-like pupils were excited, and said slowly:

"This elf seems to be the princess of an elf clan from another world, but the elves were attacked by the pigmen, so they escaped with the elves' inherited treasures.

Then when I was chased by the pigmen and some affiliated monster races, I encountered a space crack, so I was brought to this world!"

"Why does it always sound like the world view of a black beast..."

Zhou Yang's expression became more and more weird. Every time he saw pigs and elves being mentioned together, he would think of a game he played in his previous life!

The world view inside is somewhat similar to the background of this elf girl, and it seems to be a dnd world view world!

If the guess is correct, this godhead should be the godhead of an elf god after the fall, so it will be carried by the elf girl!

This god's fighting power should be above the king level, and he is just a prey in front of Zhou Yang.

But the natural power contained in the godhead is of great value to Zhou Yang!

Not to mention the jade shoots that can give birth to "Kaguya Ji", and the point trees in the group forest can be given birth with treasures!

Although Zhou Yang can collect treasures from all worlds, he never forgets that his foundation is chat groups!

And in the chat group, as long as you have enough points, you can achieve endless strength improvement!

If this Logia deity really promotes the growth of the point tree, then Jing is really worth the money!

However, since the elf girl can be easily captured by the authorities, and the auction shows, the level of this world should not be high, and the godhead is likely to be a god of faith!

Faith gods rely on faith to survive, and their own power is not strong. Only the rule gods and ancient gods are the real gods!

However, the ancient gods should be unlikely to appear in this kind of low-level world, so there is no need to worry too much.

Zhou Yang frowned, and then asked:

"Did you promise me?"

Skaha ate his snacks gracefully, and said leisurely:

"I just said that I want to ask you for instructions. After all, you are my little master, but they said they will reserve the best box for you!"

"It's a good job, so let's take some time to go there, anyway, you can't miss the things you picked up for nothing!"

Zhou Yang did not refuse this opportunity, after all, he also wanted to know more about the world of superhumans!

Just when Zhou Yang was still about to speak, a figure rushed in from the door, and a flying pounce hung on Zhou Yang's body.

Zhou Yun rubbed against Zhou Yang like a kitten, and said happily:

"Big brother, long time no see, do you miss your cutest sister!"

Zhou Yang touched her head, then said softly:

"What is so long, isn't it just two days?"

Zhou Yun stuck out her tongue, and said shamelessly:

"`~I don't care! One day is like three autumns, and two days is not seeing big brother. It has been six autumns, that is, six years!"

"Your provocative phrases are really a set of "It's really getting skinny!"

Zhou Yang knocked his sister on the head with a strange expression, unexpectedly, this girl had learned all the golden phrases she used to pick up girls, and teased herself in turn!

Sure enough, when a girl grows up, it makes people worry!

Zhou Yang pulled the clingy girl away and asked curiously:

"Didn't you go shopping? Come back so soon!"

"What do you mean so fast, it's already been played!"

Zhou Yun complained, then kicked off the little leather shoes on her feet, and then sat in Zhou Yang's arms, shaking her little white silk feet!

At this time, other girls appeared at the door, and Rem and Ram walked in with different bags!

And little Sakura came in eating candied haws. After seeing Zhou Yang, little Sakura didn't bother to eat, and ran directly in front of Zhou Yang, and said excitedly: (Did you Zhao)

"Big brother, you're back!"

Zhou Yang touched little Sakura's head, and said softly:

"Little Sakura is also very cute today, and I ate candied haws today!"

Little Sakura heard the compliment, her face became flushed, and she stretched out a hand and said earnestly:

"Hmm! Sister Yun bought it for me. Before that, Sister Ram bought me ice cream, and Sister Leimu bought me cotton candy.

It is the kind of candy that is big and soft, like a cloud, it tastes sweet to the mouth..."

When it comes to food, little Sakura danced and described it, with a happy smile on her lips!

Seeing this, Rem brought a handkerchief to wipe the sugar stains from the corners of Sakura's mouth, and said softly:

"Don't get sugar on your new clothes!"

Little Sakura grinned, and said to him obediently:

"Obey, sister Rem!"

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