Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 275: The Power Of The Spell Shakes The Island, Comes From Huihui's Explosion Magic

The magic power in Zhou Yang's body began to gather with his eyes, and after the conversion of the spell, it turned into a burst of high-temperature rays, colliding with the Cyclops of the Holy Lord's pig charm!

The two beams collided in the air, resulting in a terrifying explosion!


Accompanied by the violent explosion, the aftermath set off billows of smoke and dust, filling the sky with yellow sand, slowly covering the figures of the two of them!

"Hey, the power of you people is so strange, it doesn't seem to be the power of this world!"

The Holy Master let out a cry of surprise, the huge dragon body suddenly flickered, and appeared behind Zhou Yang in the next moment, and the sharp dragon claws slammed down "Ready to cut off Zhou Yang's head directly!"

"Although your speed is fast, your melee combat ability is not strong!"

Zhou Yang dodged sideways, kicked and punched, directly hitting the Holy Lord's ribs, knocking him flying more than ten meters away, and gliding on the ground for a long distance, leaving long traces!


The Holy Lord raised his head with difficulty, and just as his vision became clear, he saw a shoe step on it hard!


The head of the Holy Lord was directly stepped into the ground, and a large amount of gravel was splashed out along with 04's dark green blood. The so-called ancient ruler was also like a wolf dog!

Zhou Yang looked down at the dragon head at his feet, mockingly said:

"Just because you dare to call yourself a saint, no wonder you are bullied by your brothers and sisters every day. What a waste of the power of these twelve spells!"

The Holy Lord who was trampled on the soles of his feet was so ashamed and angry that he roared angrily:

"Damn human, you will regret your actions!"

While speaking, the figure of the Holy Master began to change and slowly swell. Seeing this, Zhou Yang stomped on the head of the Holy Master and flew into the sky. He looked down and saw a dark green mammoth!

Zhou Yang reacted quickly, stood in the air with the power of the storm, and said thoughtfully:

"The transformation ability of the monkey charm is indeed very similar to Monkey King's seventy-two transformations. It's a pity that I didn't plunder this power when I killed Monkey King!"

The mammoth incarnated by the Holy Lord roared angrily, and directly used the bull charm to increase his body.

The originally huge body swelled to a height of more than 30 meters again, like a real prehistoric giant descending!

Zhou Yang was not worried when he saw this scene, but nodded as expected. After all, the Holy Master has twelve spells and twelve kinds of powerful power boosts!

In the original book, it is as if a halo of reducing wisdom has been imposed, and 10% of the strength cannot be used to 30%!

Today's Holy Master is the real and complete Holy Master, or the Holy Master who has half the state of magic energy!

The mammoth incarnated by the Holy Lord raised its forelimbs and roared angrily:

"Humans! Go to hell!"

After the voice fell, the two elephant legs fell like two heavenly pillars, and they stepped on the ground fiercely!


The elephant's leg slammed down on the ground with ten thousand hectares of force, and the huge force was directly transmitted into the ground, causing terrifying vibrations and causing a violent earthquake!

The entire Hong Kong Island felt the terrifying shock, which caused quite a panic!

"The earthquake is coming, run out quickly!"

"Why is there an earthquake suddenly on the island, hurry up!"


The crowd began to flee quickly, but after being reminded by the 13th district, Huaxia's special event department was also prepared and dispatched a large number of police forces to evacuate the people!

Misaka Mikoto on the side also brought Xiaobu and Megumi to this battlefield quickly!

"Bad luck! Bad luck! Bad luck!"

Cheng Long sighed, and in the violent shaking, he hugged Xiaoyu who wanted to continue watching the battle with one hand, and ran out with his father!

Although Toru is huge, he can't play a role in the face of this natural disaster-like force, and walks staggeringly!

The full blow of the Holy Lord actually caused a natural disaster-like lethality!

The land around the Holy Lord has been completely turned into a scene of dilapidation.

The holy master raised his elephant head, stared at Zhou Yang in the sky with hatred, and said coldly:

"Bury it in the earth!"

The feet stepped down again, and the majestic power stepped into the ground, but this time it did not smash the ground, but poured the power into it at a fixed point!


The ground shattered again, but this time, a few stone pillars popped up from the sky, and the target was Zhou Yang!

"Squeeze with force?"

Zhou Yang saw the Holy Master's power reference method at a glance, but Zhou Yang just stretched out his arms to meet the rushing stone pillar!

Seeing this, the Holy Lord couldn't help but mocked:

"Do you really think of yourself as a god?"

But the next moment, Holy Master's eyes widened!

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

The entire stone pillar shattered, turning into countless gravels that fell to the ground like raindrops!

And Zhou Yang in the sky was unscathed, showing an indifferent smile and said:

"Holy Master, is this the only ability you have?"

"Damn! Are you really a human being? Such a powerful body! Such a powerful force, aren't you really an ancient demon?"

There have been more than eight demons born since ancient times, and there were thousands of demons in the oldest period!

Zhou Yang also saw a certain episode before, the Holy Lord mentioned that there were a lot of demons in the beginning, but there were only eight of them left!

Zhou Yang would even doubt the ability of the Holy Lord's twelve spells, except for the dragon spells, whether the rest were plundered by other demons!

But these things are not important anymore, Zhou Yang just smiled and said indifferently:

"I'm not a demon, you can call me a demon hunter, or you can call me Dan Zong!"

"What the hell!"

The Holy Lord naturally couldn't understand this stalk from Azeroth, and the terrifying heat rays bloomed in his eyes!

Puff puff!

The terrifying heat ray is like a giant god picking up a long sword to divide the world, and even the palace of the Holy Lord itself began to collapse after being swept across, burying this huge treasure

"Go to hell! Despicable human beings! This world is actively ruled by the 760 Lord, and I will become the Lord of Demons and become a high-ranking existence!"

The Holy Master laughed wildly at this crazy spit of dragon breath, and burst into high-temperature heat rays, constantly destroying everything around, turning the entire palace into a melting pot of destruction for a few miles around the center!

"Have you played enough? Why don't you try my wild boar power!"

A faint voice echoed in Holy Master's ear, as if he was already beside him!


Before the Holy Master could react, a huge wild boar fell from the sky, like a mountain toppled over, crushing the mammoth it transformed into to the ground!


The ground began to tremble, and the whole world was covered by smoke and dust, but Zhou Yang came to Huihui's side and said with a smile:

"Aren't you going to show me your explosion magic?"

"my pleasure!"

Hui Hui nodded earnestly, then picked up the magic wand in her hand, with a trace of piety in her red eyes, she chanted the spell seriously:

"Blacker than black, blacker than dark, I hope I am confused by the crimson. The time of awakening came... All things return to dust, from the abyss! This is the greatest means of attack by human beings, this is the ultimate attack magic,"

Accompanied by the second spell, the huge magic circle overlapped one after another, covering the entire sky...

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