Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 276: Capture The Twelve Talismans, The Power Of The Eternal And Supreme Chat Group (Please S

Although Hui Hui is a second-year-old, and her performance is very naive, but her magic talent is real!

She is one of the most talented members of the Crimson Demon Clan, and even the Demon King can't bear the burst magic in the later stage of the original book!

Following her remarks in the second grade, the magic was completely ready, Huihui covered her eyes with one hand, and laughed wildly:

"Come down, mighty power to destroy the world!"

Ka Ka Ka!

Countless magic circles in the sky rotated, and the terrifying magic power gathered together, turning into ten terrifying beams of light that fell into the land where the Holy Lord was!


A mushroom cloud floated on the ground, as if the final weapon of mankind had descended, and the whole area was burned by this terrifying high-temperature flame, and even the location of the palace sank more than ten meters.

The gust of wind could even uproot a big tree that was hugged by one person, and plunged into a scene of destruction.

It is still here in the wild, and most of the ordinary people have been scared away when the Lord killed before, as for Misaka Mikoto and others, they also retreated to a safe distance!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiao Bu couldn't help but exclaim:

"It turns out that Huihui is really a powerful magician. I thought she was just a second child..."

Because Xiao Bu has seen too many strong men like the Marquis of Vauban and Acedes, their postures are like the strong men in Xiao Bu's imagination.

But Huihui boasted that she was a great magician with devastating power since she joined the group, and she wanted them to be her younger brothers!

This kind of guy is exactly like the secondary disease that Xiao Bu Zeng has seen, and it is still in the late stage!

But she didn't expect that what she thought of as "Second Childhood Disease" actually possessed the power to destroy the world!

Don't be afraid that the second disease will be educated, but be afraid that the second disease will be magical!

Misaka Mikoto on the side also exclaimed:

"With such power, it should already be called a great magician. If it can carry out multi-range bombing, then it is a walking nuclear bomb!"

The old man nodded in agreement, sighed and said:

"Dad is really old, even such a little girl is far ahead of Dad

Jackie Chan slowly closed his mouth, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Father, where did you find such a bunch of strong men?"

Xiaoyu nodded again and again, and said excitedly:

"Father, I don't want to learn martial arts anymore, I want to learn magic with you, and I will become a powerful magician like him and her in the future. With a wave of the staff, countless enemies will be turned into fly ash!

The old man glared at her and said angrily:

"Daddy doesn't know such dangerous magic, let's learn how to become a frog!"

Xiaoyu was immediately discouraged when she heard this, and said complainingly:

"That's not cool at all, I'll just keep learning martial arts..."

Huihui, who did all this, continued to maintain a cool posture, holding a staff in her hand, like a great magician who would destroy the world!

Even Zhou Yang nodded secretly at Huihui's appearance, and sure enough, this girl has grown a lot.

But Hui Hui suddenly said:

"Hurry up and hold me!"

After the words fell, her body slowly loosened as if she had lost the support of her bones, and she fell towards the ground.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang picked up Princess Huihui and said helplessly:

"Sure enough, he's only three seconds handsome!"

Huihui retorted with a blushing face: "I'm just hungry, my magic power is still abundant, I'm a great magician in the future..."

Zhou Yang looked at Huihui's sophistry and said with a smile:

"Alright, alright, Your Excellency the Great Mage, today I will treat you to a feast!"

Hui Hui had an excited smile on her face when she heard that she could eat delicious food, and said in a reserved manner:

"Since my knight has kindly invited you, I will accept it!"

Zhou Yang has long been used to Hui Hui's second grade, and after handing her over to Misaka Mikoto to take care of her, Zhou Yang took the old man's potion and fell into the big pit alone!

The reason why he asked Huihui to use the explosion magic was naturally not because he really wanted to watch the fireworks, but because he wanted to see the limit of the dog spell!

In the center of the big pit, the Holy Lord has returned to its original appearance, and the dark green scales have been blown to pieces in the terrifying explosion!

Even the Holy Master has only a mutilated body left, but the body has grown granulation, and it is quickly repairing the body!

This kind of injury that is completely disabled on others can only be repaired in a few minutes for the Lord!

Zhou Yang came to the Holy Master and said with satisfaction:

"The limit of the dog charm is indeed very high. It seems that the only way to curb this power is to beat you into scum!"

Among the pieces of meat, came the weak voice of the Holy Master:

"Human, what do you want to do?"

"what do you want?"

Zhou Yang smiled slightly, and poured the potion that his father gave him into his hands, his hands glowed with a bright green light, and he reached into the body of the Holy Master to feel for it!

"Don't! Don't!"

The Lord also discovered the other party's intentions, and shouted in surprise, but was mocked by Zhou Yang:

"`~It's not good for you to shout like that, and let others think that I have done indescribable things to you!"

While talking, Zhou Yang finally figured out the first spell, mantra!

"Is it possible to balance the power of yin and yang?"

Zhou Yang nodded in satisfaction, then put the Tiger Talisman into the chat group, and continued to find out the Dog Talisman!

Holding the dog charm, Zhou Yang can feel a steady stream of life energy gushing out from it, gentle and continuous!

And this power is not limited to the body, even the soul is slowly nourished, giving Zhou Yang an illusion of immortality!

"As expected of an immortal dog, I can't help but want to ask a poem!"

Zhou Yang nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out his hand and continued to grope.

After losing the dog talisman, the injury on the body of the Holy Lord was no longer repaired, and the Holy Lord completely lost the power to resist, and could only watch helplessly as Zhou Yang took away the Rabbit and Pig talismans!

"Damn human! I will fight with you!"

The Lord also found that he (good) had fallen into a desperate situation, so he launched the final blow, and the sheep charm in his body lit up.

A soul flew out of the flesh ball and rushed into Zhou Yang's body.

"Damn human, if you dare to take away my charm, I will take your body first!"

The heart of the Lord is filled with greed, longing to occupy Zhou Yang's body, gain this powerful power, and dominate the world!

But when it entered Zhou Yang's body, it suddenly saw a ray of white light, releasing an aura that terrified the depths of its soul!

Eternal, Supreme.....

No words are enough to describe this great and powerful power skin!

And this white light also found the intruder, the Holy Master, and the faint white fluorescence began to spread, causing its dragon soul to annihilate, and made a voice of unwillingness and fear:

"No, ah, ah..."

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