Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 283: Gather The Eye Of Destruction! Megumin Who Failed To Sneak! (The First Update Asks For

Ka Ka Ka!

Three groups of powerful different fires blended together, the white Bone Spirit Cold Fire, the golden Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan and the red Sun True Fire!

The three colors merged together, and the three forces of coldness, heat, and burning mixed together, creating a huge repulsive force!

A terrifying force was generated at the intersection of these three flames. If it was made to explode, several miles around would be razed to the ground.

But Zhou Yang looked calm, and gently squeezed the tiger charm in his left hand, a strange power spread out from it, and merged into the three strange fires!

A miraculous scene happened!

The three colliding flames seemed to have been assimilated in essence, like the unified Three Kingdoms, and began to merge.

The different fires blended into a gorgeous black ball, and the three different colors of the different fires turned into three rings wrapped around it!

Zhou Yang held the ball with one hand, then flew to an uninhabited island, and threw the ball down~!

The ball dangled, falling down like a balloon, and the three-color rings rotated slowly, with a kind of aesthetic feeling.

"Eye of Destruction, bloom!"

Zhou Yang said softly, a huge roar came from below him, and the entire uninhabited island was swallowed by the terrifying flames, and was directly annihilated by the three-colored different flames!


The huge roar resounded in all directions, and the aftermath of the explosion even set off waves of waves, slapping on the nearby islands!

The terrifying shock spread to Hong Kong Island not far away, causing another panic, making them think that the terrifying dragon had returned again!

Zhou Yang looked at the power and nodded in satisfaction. He only used 10% of his power to exert 40% of his power.

And this is just using the balance power of the Tiger Talisman, without any additional consumption, it is completely a power balance booster, without any side effects, it can be purely boosted!

Zhou Yang put away the Tiger Talisman, and then returned to the place where his father was, ready to start—experiment on the remaining ten Talismans!

After all, although their abilities have been shown in the original book, the specific strength still needs to be tried by yourself to know.

Zhou Yang greeted his father, then glanced at Huihui not far behind with a face of resentment, and slowly moved over with a staff in his hand!

"Damn guy, I'm going to shoot you to death with my own tricks!"

Hui Hui gritted his teeth and held the staff, sneaking up behind Zhou Yang in his own stealth way, picked up the staff and swung it down vigorously!

"Repent for your mistakes!"

Accompanied by a loud roar, Hui Hui's staff was knocked down twice, but was held by one hand!

Zhou Yang held the staff lightly, looked at the terrified Huihui with a half-smile, and said leisurely:

"Little girl, you have to remember that you are a magician, why did you learn stealth from an assassin!"

Huihui looked at Zhou Yang's meaningful gaze, her body couldn't help trembling slightly, she moved her eyes and said guiltily:

"Actually, I want to beat your back and loosen your muscles... Do you believe it?"

Zhou Yang narrowed his eyes and said softly:

"Then I'll loosen your muscles too!"


Seeing this, Huihui wanted to turn around and run away, but Zhou Yang grabbed the back collar of the cloak and lifted her directly into the air.

"Let me go! Let me go..."

Hui Hui kept struggling in mid-air, but when she saw Zhou Yang's eyes, a chill suddenly rose from behind her!

Thinking of Zhou Yang's usual sternness, Hui Huiqian said with a smile:

"Everyone is a member of the group, if you don't look up and see you down, there is no need to be so fussy!"

Zhou Yang just sneered and put the girl Huihui on his lap, then raised his hand and beat her down hard!

"It hurts! I know I was wrong..."

In the wilderness after the destruction, Huihui's screams kept echoing, making those who saw it sad, and those who heard it shed tears!


Misaka Mikoto couldn't help laughing when she heard this voice, but when she saw Xiaobu's eyes, she squeezed out a few more tears and said sadly:

"This administrator is too much, and Hui Hui died heroically!"

Xiao Bu rolled his eyes and said:

"She's not dead yet. To be brave is to describe sacrifice. Besides, you seem to be smiling very happily!"

"Where is it!"

Misaka Mikoto raised his voice and retorted, "But in the eyes of Xiaobuzhizhi, he still said weakly:

"Just a little bit!"

Xiaobu glanced at her, suddenly laughed, and said in Misaka Mikoto's puzzled eyes:

"I can't help but laugh, actually!"

Misaka Mikoto immediately reacted, and said angrily:

"Ah, then you still ask me [see if I don't take care of you girl..."

After finishing speaking, Misaka Mikoto rushed towards Xiaobu, scratching his hands, while the latter kept begging for mercy, and the two just played together like this!

0…ask for flowers……

After a full ten minutes, Zhou Yang put Huihui down, and said with a smile:

"If the muscles and bones are loose, then I will charge you ten points!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Huihui glared at him fiercely, beat herself up and wanted to take her own money, how could there be such a good thing on the Internet!

No one in this world can take money from her, even if a god comes, she will send him to heaven with an explosion magic!

Zhou Yang knew this, so he was only joking, if he really took Huihui's money, then it would really reduce his favorability!

However, Huihui also sincerely realized her mistake, so Zhou Yang returned the half-bent staff in his hand!

Da da da!

Just when Zhou Yang wanted to continue educating Huihui on how to be a human being, there was a sudden rush of traffic, and armored vehicles stopped not far away.

A bald man in a black trench coat came down from above, followed by a group of tall Caucasians in uniforms!

Jackie Chan greeted the person excitedly when he saw the person coming, and said loudly:

"Sheriff Bo Laike, you are finally here, there was almost a big problem here!"

This bald head is none other than the Sheriff of District 13, Laike!

Bu Laike looked at the horror of the meteorite impact in front of him, took a deep breath, and asked:

"What the hell is going on here?"

Jackie Chan said with a bitter face:

"The Holy Lord was resurrected here. He didn't intend to summon the servants who would destroy the world through the palace, but Zhou Yang and the others slapped the twelve charms and drew them out!"

"Who is Zhou Yang?"

Bu Laike asked curiously, he knew that there were other people on the list of the plane, but he only treated it as an ordinary person!

But judging from the current battlefield, it seems that this is not something that an ordinary person can do!

Jackie Chan explained the matter, Bu Laike nodded, saw a flash of light in Zhou Yang's eyes, then walked over slowly, and said to Zhou Yang:

"Mr. Zhou, thank you very much for defeating the great demon Holy Lord, but I think it is better for us to keep the twelve charms in the United States!"

PS: Please subscribe for the first update! Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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