Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 284: Deterring The White Eagle, The Ghost Mask Arrives (Please Subscribe For The Second Upda

"It happened!"

Jackie Chan opened his mouth wide, he really didn't expect Bu Laike to say such a thing after knowing Zhou Yang's strength!

You must know that although Zhou Yang looks elegant, but in essence he is extremely violent, directly blasting the Holy Lord!

And with Jackie Chan's many years of experience, he can feel the rage under Zhou Yang's appearance, like a giant beast devouring the world, just a slight movement will destroy the world!

It's just because the other party is Dad's friend, and Jackie Chan knows Dad's character best. If these guys are villains, then they won't get along with each other.

But even if they are not villains, they possess power far beyond the ordinary, and they cannot be easily offended by humans!

If he really gets mad at the words of Sergeant Laike, it will affect the residents of Foot Island!

Zhou Yang heard Bu Laike's words, raised his head slowly, and said softly:

"Nine Seven Three" "You Baiying really think too much, do you really regard yourself as the world's policeman?"


An agent behind Laike showed an angry expression and was about to speak, but was stopped by Laike!

"Back down, this is a powerful magician, how can you offend him!"

Bu Laike reprimanded sharply, although Bu Laike is usually very kind, but has a high prestige in the 13th district, the rest of the agents all retreat obediently!

"Interesting! Sure enough, there is no one who can be the leader of the 13th district!"

Zhou Yang shook his head and said with a smile, but in his body, the power of the storm flickered, and a terrifying gust of wind blew between the heavens and the earth!

Although the other party is very smart, Zhou Yang wants to show them off!

Hoo hoo!

The almost materialized hurricane roared between the sky and the earth, blowing all the agents tottering, and quickly lay down on the ground to prevent being blown away!

Their armored vehicles were also blown and began to move, and Bo Laike could only keep himself from being blown away by holding onto a big rock on the ground with his fingers!

Bu Laike barely opened his eyes in the strong wind, his mouth was blown crookedly, and he said with difficulty:

"Is this really a power that humans can master..."

But the place where Jackie Chan is is calm, only the gentle breeze is blowing, and the place where Bu Laike is is in a completely different state!

Seeing his good friend in trouble, Jackie Chan anxiously said to his father:

"We have to help, we can't let Sergeant Bo Laike have an accident!"

But the old man shook his head, pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and said softly:

"Don't worry, if Zhou Yang uses the storm, he is not angry!"

As an old member of the chat group, Dad already has a deep understanding of Zhou Yang's strength!

His most powerful power has always been the time-eating city and strange fire, and although the power of the storm is not weak, it is the least lethal among these kinds of abilities!

Since Zhou Yang has used this ability, it means that he just wants to punish him with a small punishment!

Just as the old man said, the strong wind between heaven and earth receded slowly, and Bu Laike and others also fell to the ground scatteredly!

Looking at the guys on the ground, Zhou Yang said lightly:

"Don't impose the rules of your White Eagles on me, you can't be the eternal world police, this is the territory of the Communist Party, you don't need White Eagles to manage it!

Moreover, you lost the twelve charms, and I solved the Holy Lord alone. This is my spoil, and you have no right to control me.

If you bother me again, I don't mind letting the storm destroy all of your White Eagle cities!"

Although Zhou Yang's voice was not loud, it exploded in everyone's ears like thunder, causing them to cover their ears!

Bu Laike looked at Zhou Yang in horror, he could feel that the other party was not joking, but was stating a simple matter!

This man really has the power to destroy a country by himself!

Xiaoyu on the side saw this scene, his eyes were almost starved, and he said excitedly:

"So handsome, if only I had this kind of strength, then I can be a superhero and save the world!"

Jackie Chan tapped Xiaoyu on the head, and said with a serious expression:

"Don't learn magic, it's better to be an ordinary person and live your life in peace!"

Zhou Yang glanced at them calmly, and then said to Misaka Mikoto:

"let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yang turned and walked in another direction, while Xiao Bu followed first, followed by Misaka Mikoto!

Only Hui Hui limped and said sadly:

"Wait for me, don't forget me, it hurts...

The four left directly, leaving only a group of agents with bewildered and terrified faces and a helpless Jackie Chan!

The old man just snorted and said softly:

"Ghosts, go away!"

Three days later, in Dad's antique shop, Xiao Bui was wearing a magician's robe and followed Dad...

Although the mage's robe is very loose, it doesn't hide her beauty, but looks more intellectual and generous!

Xiao Bu held the tentacles of the octopus in his hand, and carefully put them into the green liquid in front of him!


The green liquid suddenly boiled, a small explosion occurred, and a cloud of green smoke floated up, turning into a round mirror!

The mirror did not show Xiao Bu's appearance, but the situation on the street outside appeared!

The old man on the side showed a kind smile and said appreciatively:

"Xiao Bu, your magic talent is very high, and you have learned the intermediate magic of the Mysterious Mirror Technique so quickly, it's amazing!"

"That's thanks to the teacher who is very knowledgeable and carefully guided me through all the steps!"

There was a sweet smile on Xiao Bu's face, and he called his father "teacher" in his mouth!

During this trip, Xiaobu also discovered that she was not strong enough, so she asked her father to accept her as a teacher, and began to learn magic slowly, so that she could have some self-protection ability!

And the old man naturally couldn't refuse Xiao Buan's eye attack, so Lu Xiao Bui accepted him as a beginner disciple!

And Xiao Bu did not live up to his expectations at 0.6, showing extremely high magic talent, and with the increase in points in the chat group, his magic level has improved by leaps and bounds!

Hearing the applause from the apprentice, the father nodded in satisfaction and said:

"In the future, you will definitely be able to step into the realm of a great magician before me!"

Xiao Bu said obediently:

"The master has practiced for so many years, and he must be the best among the great magicians!"

"Hahahaha, Xiao Bu can still talk!"

The old man laughed happily, and Zhou Yang at the side shook his head helplessly, ashamed to disturb his nature!


The door of the antique store was knocked suddenly, a huge figure walked in, and said to Zhou Yang:

"I found the mask you asked for!"

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