Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 287: The Shadow World Erodes The Present World, Scathach's Journey Of Beating People (P

"The Kingdom of Shadows!"

Tara exclaimed, although he hadn't heard the news of this country, but he could feel it coming!

The land of shadows!

A kingdom of shadows like the shadow world he controls, a world he doesn't know at all!

Tara's eyes were serious, he had already felt the powerful power represented by Scathach, so the power of his body fluctuated, and invisible ripples spread out in the void!

clap clap!

The glass and antiques in the antique shop were all shattered and turned into dust all over the sky, like lighting a string of firecrackers!

Seeing this, the old man covered his head and shouted: "My antiques ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Xiao Bu on the side smiled wryly and patted Dad on the shoulder, comforting him:

"Father, this time it's safe and sound!"

"Smash his grandma's leg!"

Dad uttered a rare swear word, fixed his eyes on Tara in the sky, and said seriously:

"Mr. Administrator, beat his head to pieces. Father wants to let him know why the flowers are so red!"

While flying upwards, Tara asked curiously:


"Because of the color of blood!"

Scathach's faint voice sounded above Tara's head, and at the same time, a blood-red spear was lowered, directly piercing its face!


The mask then shattered, and then turned into countless 827 fragments, disappeared into the void, and then appeared in another place!

"How is it possible! My body is actually injured!"

Tara frowned, a long crack appeared on the face of his red mask, like a maggot attached to the bone, which could no longer be repaired!

You must know that Tara's body has always been between the virtual and the real, and ordinary physical attacks are ineffective when he does not condense his body!

But the other party hit his soul incorporeal body with a bloody spear, such strength is already terrifying!

However, Tara also discovered something wrong with these two people at this time. This kind of power is not like the aborigines of this world at all, but more like coming from other worlds!

This weird discovery made Tara extremely vigilant, so he opened his mouth and took a breath!

The nine ghostly generals emitted black shadows and were swallowed by Tara, causing his body to change!

Tara's huge red mask slowly shrunk, and then a body grew out with twisted muscles, showing his great strength!


Tara's feet stepped on the ground, and there were spider web-like cracks on the ground centered on him!

"It's really comfortable to regain the feeling of the body, but this environment is still a bit worse!"

Tara sighed, and then raised one hand high, a huge shadow energy rushed to the sky, and a dark curtain opened and slowly began to envelop the entire planet!

Ultimate darkness!

Drag the whole world into darkness, let the whole world fall into shadows, then he in the shadows will also gain the most powerful power!

Zhou Yang also saw the true face of this ultimate darkness, like the undead canopy cast by the necromancers of some worlds, which makes the area under the shroud have a boost to the undead creatures!

The same is true for Ultimate Darkness, which did not directly cause damage, but is slowly changing the environment, creating a world suitable for the existence of ninjas!

And in this darkness, all living creatures are slowly being assimilated, perhaps after a period of time, they will become shadow beings one by one, and become new ninjas!

"Large domain?"

Zhou Yang said thoughtfully, while Scathach on the side spoke:

"This should not be a domain, but he opened the door to the shadow world, and began to invade this planet with the shadow breath!"

When Tara heard this, she laughed wildly and said:

"You have learned a lot, but it's too late, the ultimate darkness has begun, and you will die under my fist, becoming a new soul!"

After Tara finished speaking, she kicked her feet suddenly, and her figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Tara reappeared in front of Scathach, slowly stretched out her hand like a palm, and said indifferently:

"go to hell!"

Under the blessing of ultimate darkness, his strength has far (aeec) exceeded the limit of human beings, and one punch is enough to open mountains and crack rocks


Accompanied by a loud noise, Tara's body flew upside down, gliding on the ground for tens of meters before stopping, and a bright red slap mark appeared on his face!

Tara covered her face and roared angrily: "Damn woman, I want you..."


But fortunately, before he finished speaking, Tara's head was stepped into the soil by Skaha, and even crushed a few times with the soles of his shoes!

While Skaha stepped on it, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, showing a gentle smile [said calmly:

"If your mouth is too dirty, donate it to those in need, or let me send you to the grave!"


There was a weak sound from the ground, but Scathach gripped the handle of the gun tightly and smashed it down hard!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if hitting the foundation, it hit Tara's head so hard that his body began to convulse, and he couldn't even make a sound of begging for mercy!

Misaka Mikoto, who was watching the battle, said meaningfully:

"This fighting style looks familiar!"

Buried beside him smiled and said:

"Isn't this Mr. Administrator, he likes the aesthetics of violence and crushes his opponents with great power!"

Zhou Yang touched his chin and said lightly:

"What's wrong with violent aesthetics, fists may not solve problems, but they can definitely solve the people who create problems!"

Huihui said dissatisfiedly: "This way of fighting is too boring, why don't you come and learn explosion magic from me, and send the enemy to the sky with one spell!"

"I don't want to fall into the soul like you, and lie dead on the ground after throwing the magic!"

Zhou Yang glanced at Huihui, and directly exposed her small thoughts, making Huihui smile embarrassedly, and then stopped talking.

The other nine generals stared wide-eyed, and Jia murmured:

"Can you see what just happened?"

"I do not know anything!"

"It's too fast!"

"Your Majesty was defeated so easily!"

Unlike ghost soldiers who are not afraid of life and death, ghost generals have rich emotions. Although they are stronger, they are also more afraid of death!

Even their shadow kings were hoisted up and exploded with hammers, wouldn't their fate be even worse!

After playing for five or six minutes, Skaha gracefully stretched out his hand, picked up Tara, and said softly:

"After the fight, it's time for us to start reasoning!"

"Be reasonable..."

Tara said weakly, he had never seen such a scary guy, he beat him up first and then said to be reasonable!

This is the truth of the fist!

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