Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 288: Xiaobu, Who Failed In Public Execution, And Ghost General Who Danced Street Dance

Scathach pressed the blood-red spear point between Tara's eyebrows, and said condescendingly:

"The fist may not solve the problem, but it can solve the person who caused the problem!"

Xiao Bu clapped his hands and said happily:

"Here it comes, Admin~'s famous quote..."

But before he finished speaking, Xiao Bu was embraced by Zhou Yang, covered his mouth with his hands, and couldn't make a sound!

Feeling the strong masculine aura on Zhou Yang's body, Xiao Bu's face turned red, and her resistance gradually weakened!

Zhou Yang gently pinched Xiao Bu's pink lips, and said softly:

"Don't execute me publicly anymore. I just like to talk dirty occasionally. If you expose me, I will make you look like eighteen!"

"I don't believe it..."

Xiao Bu muttered something in a low voice, but felt the movement of Zhou Yang's fingers, and started to do bad things!


Xiao Bu let out a soft cry, but because everyone focused on Scathach, no one noticed anything strange here!

"What a pervert little master!"

Although Scathach didn't look back, everything around her was under her control, and her spiritual power was her extended eyes.

Scathach frowned slightly, then looked at Tara on the ground and asked:

"Are you surrendering?"


Just as Tara was about to open his mouth, the death spear pierced his left chest directly, and the dark red blood sprayed out, almost directly piercing the heart of his body!

Moreover, this long spear carried a strange power, which suppressed his ability to repair his injuries, and even began to erode his soul!

"So you didn't surrender!"

Scathach said regretfully, with a strange cold light in his eyes, and he kept poking holes in Tara's body!


During the severe pain, Tara felt like a fucking dog in his heart. Before he said a word, this woman kept poking him with a gun, and the strange shadow magic power kept eroding his soul!

If this continues, he will die here!

This is definitely trying to kill!

Puff puff!

After eight shots in a row, the ninth shot was held by both sides of the tip of the gun by Tara, and she snatched it with all her strength!

Empty hands and white blades!

"Wait! I vote...."

Tara's arms were full of IQ veins, and she held it with all her strength.

"Hey, I still want to resist!"

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Scathach's mouth, his eyes were filled with the light of wisdom, and he continued to exert force with his hands.

The shadow divine power permeated the tip of the spear, like a sharp thorn, directly cutting Tara's palm!

At this time, Tara has completely understood that this guy doesn't want to recruit himself at all, but wants to die by himself!

But it's too late!

Scathach's powerful divine power was held in the palm of his hand, directly suppressing Tara's power, and the treasure in his hand pierced through the death-flying spear like a meteor falling, and the wolf wolf went underground!

The sharp striker pierced through, piercing directly between the brows of Tara's masked face, and was nailed into the ground along with his head!

But Scathach's power is naturally more than that, the powerful divine power begins to crush Tara's soul!

Anyone can survive, but Tara must die. His ambition is too great, even if he is accepted as a subordinate, he will not be safe.

Although Zhou Yang doesn't mind his subordinates being ambitious, it's because their ambitions are within a certain range!

And if Zhou Yang took Tara in, he wouldn't be courageous, but a tiger!

So the clever Scathach naturally wouldn't be merciful, and a series of mysterious magics descended, and began to plunder Tara's shadow source:


A huge and dull sound sounded, and the ground centered on Scathach began to crack, and the stones on the ground bulged upwards during the squeeze.

The whole street began to crack, except for Papa's antique shop, all houses and shops were turned into ruins!

The old man who was still distressed at first breathed a sigh of relief, but compared to the nearby ruins, he only damaged the ceiling here, which is already the best result.

What people are most afraid of is comparison!

If only oneself is destroyed, then it must be sad, but if everything is destroyed, and only oneself is the least loss, then there will be a kind of luck

But Jackie Chan said with a headache:

"It's going to be troublesome next time. The 13th district has to spend a lot of money to repair the damage to the city. Why do you have to use such a cool move every time, and the killing range is so large!"

Xiaoyu said excitedly on the side:

"Uncle Long, don't you think it's very cool, the moves are fast, precise and ruthless, and the pursuit of killing the enemy with one blow is so cool!"

"How cool is this? Do you know how much this has affected the people around you? It will require various repairs and arrangements..."

Just as Jackie Chan was about to start thinking about it, Xiaoyu took the lead and said:

0…ask for flowers………

"Uncle Long, no matter how much you read to me, it's useless. Why don't you just go and tell that sister in purple that I'll tell her your truth!"


Jackie Chan was at a loss for words, he didn't dare to talk about these things with Scathach, because he knew that if he did, he might be pierced with a few bloody holes by the blood-red spear.

The old man on the side also agreed:

"Things have already happened. It's useless for you to talk about it. You might as well think about how to deal with this matter. Anyway, Dad's antique shop has not been destroyed, and it can be opened after repairing it!"

Although Dad can fight against evil, he wants to live a peaceful life and just be an ordinary antique shop owner.

After all, he is already very old, he has seen through too many ways of the world, and he just wants to spend his old age in peace.



If he hadn't obtained the Wanjie chat group, he might still be fighting with Jackie Chan on the front line of saving the world.

But now he has found a new meaning in the Wanjie chat group, that is to explore the realm above the great magician, to pursue the true meaning of magic and...


There are happy water groups in practice!

Thinking of this, the old man glanced at Jackie Chan, a hint of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

Hehe, boy, how do you know the happiness of the water group? It is a thousand times more enjoyable than practicing!

Although the old man is not chatting all the time in the group, he has been diving to watch the screen and act as a repeater by the way, and his title in the group has become a great speaker

I believe that in a short time, he will become a legendary Water Skyman!

Jackie Chan was bullied twice in a row, so he just smiled wryly and stopped talking, because even talking is useless to him, why not talk to Police Officer Bu Laike about how to deal with the follow-up matters!

Zhou Yang nodded secretly when he saw this, and was very satisfied with his father's attitude. Although Jackie Chan has a righteous character, he is too pedantic. He admires this kind of person, but he doesn't want to have a close friendship!

He doesn't want someone to jump out and educate him when he is doing something!

So he walked straight forward, just as he took a step, the nine generals took a step back in fright, and the armor on his body made a noise, as if they were playing a musical instrument!

Zhou Yang glanced at them and said softly:

"Are you doing hip-hop dancing?"

PS: Please subscribe for the third update! Please ask for a monthly pass! Please collect it! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!

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