Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 292: A Purple Mother Who Has Been In Chaos For A Year, And The Racing Acedes (Please Subscri


Seeing this, Zhou Yang suddenly saw a red and white witch with no integrity in his mind!

Gensokyo is a place where a large number of monsters gather, and a prosperous civilization has evolved, and a large number of powerful monsters live in it!

Gensokyo was originally an uninhabited border area of ​​the Eastern Kingdom, a sparsely populated area where monsters haunt. People are afraid of monsters, and some brave people often appear to destroy monsters.

Some people settled down in Gensokyo in order to monitor youkai so that they would no longer come to human-inhabited villages.

The intermittent battles between humans and monsters lasted for more than 1,000 years until human civilization flourished.

With the prosperity of human civilization, the number of human beings in Gensokyo also began to increase dramatically. The monster sage Yakumo Zi worried that the continued growth of human beings would disrupt the balance of Gensokyo, so he established a "realm and illusion realm" to attract outside monsters to Gensokyo, thereby maintaining the balance of Gensokyo.

And the most famous among them is the shrine maiden Reimu who manages the Hakurei Shrine. Although she has great strength, she is extremely greedy for money!

In addition to Reimu, the money-greedy witch, there are also Paqiuli who is open-mouthed and silent, Yuyuko Saigyouji, the big stomach king, stunning vampire sisters and perfect maids, etc.!

The big monsters in it are basically women, and they are all stunning beauties, so they are very famous in the 2D 100 circle!

It's just that Zhou Yang's understanding of Gensokyo in his previous life was only a basic introduction, and he didn't play the game in detail about the stories in it, so he didn't know the specific plot inside.

But this seventeen-year-old girl suddenly reminded Zhou Yang of a purple-haired figure, a woman who thought she would always be seventeen!

At this time, Xiao Bu also asked: "@千五年的女孩, little sister, what's your name!"

A seventeen-year-old girl: "My little sister is really cute, my sister is called Yakumo Zi!"

It really is you!

A shameless purple old woman who claims to be seventeen!

There is a poem that says: first there is Hongjun and then there is heaven, and I was born before the way of heaven; Zimei is seventeen years old this year, and one year of chaos is one year.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yang's mouth, he didn't expect that it was really this immortal purple mother, the big monster who controlled the gap!

Appearance is indistinguishable from humans. A woman who likes gorgeous clothes, holds a big parasol, but is talkative!

The ability to manipulate the realm is the ability of logic to create and destroy. Essentially creating new existence, essentially negating existing existence. Among the abilities possessed by youkai, it is one of the most dangerous abilities that can rival the power of gods (aeeg).

It can also move instantly from anywhere through the cracks in space,

This is the only introduction that Zhou Yang remembers, and the rest is completely learned slowly from the emoticons posted in the chat group and other people's chats.

After all, although he was an otaku in his previous life, he didn't have much time to watch all the animations, and he only focused on watching them every quarter.

And the story background of Gensokyo is extremely huge, and each character has its own separate introduction and story, so Zhou Yang put it aside for the time being, and will learn more about it after a while.

The result of this is that they crossed directly, and today Yakumo Zi came to join the group.

So Zhou Yang coughed lightly and said with a smile:

"Zi...... Oh no, Ms. Yakumo Zi, are you still staying in Gensokyo?"

Zhou Yang subconsciously blurted out Zi Ma, but fortunately he reacted quickly and quickly changed his words, so no tragedy happened!

You must know that in the previous life, the old Zima was called, but her face was pressed on the keyboard and rolled over, that was a real act of death!

Yakumo Zi suddenly felt a bad premonition, and said doubtfully:

"Why do I get the feeling you're thinking something very rude?"

But Yakumo Zi is just a feeling, because with her strength and ability, she can't perceive the existence of the chat group, as if it is completely fictional!

But in front of his eyes, the chat group in his mind is not fake, and people from the outside world are chatting in it, it is not like an illusion!

In the memory file, there are also many characters' experiences and journeys, which seem to have been uploaded by this mysterious administrator who has the ability to predict the future.

"It was so much fun!"

There was a trace of curiosity on Yakumo Zi's exquisite face, and the sudden appearance of such a big monster like her who likes to travel and sleep at night in the chat group aroused her interest!

The reason Yakumo Zi often sleeps is because the years are too long and there are no interesting things, and her strength is also top-notch in Gensokyo!

And she doesn't like to bully human beings to satisfy her special hobbies, so she would rather enjoy the quiet in her sleep!

But the current chat group made her no longer want to go to sleep, but turned to explore the secrets of this chat group!

What kind of existence can hide from her the power to control the realm!

So Yakumo Zi smiled and said:

"Mr. Administrator, are you really not lying to me?"

Seeing this sentence, Zhou Yang vaguely saw a beautiful face looking at him with a half-smile, so Zhou Yang coughed lightly and said:

"Believe me, I'm the most upright and purest in this group!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Kuu-ku! Can I say this is the most shameless answer I've ever seen?"

Ganwumei: "I think Mr. Administrator just wants to attack the newcomers. Come on everyone, cut Mr. Administrator into more than a dozen pieces and take them home!"

Ever since she was molested by Zhou Yang, Xiao Bu had a strange emotion in her heart, which made her feel like she was suffocated!

This kind of emotion made Xiao Bu feel more and more irritable, especially seeing Zhou Yang chatting so happily with the new female group members, the emotions in his heart seemed to have a chemical reaction and exploded completely!

Xun'er: "~(??_?)/|A gas tank! I want to give a thousand gas tanks to Mr. Manager, and then add a Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame to give you a world romance big Bang!"

Zhou Yang complained: "The big bang is not romantic at all!"

Acedes: "If you want to cut into so many sections, just leave me the lower body!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang felt a chill down below, and then asked:

"What's the use of taking it?"

Acedes said coldly: "Of course it is useful, if not, then use it to make soup!"


Acedes, you are driving harder and harder!

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Please call me when you eat, I'm too poor to eat!"

Roaring Dragon (Kanna): "It's not junk food this time, Kanna can come and taste it!"

God's Tongue: " are really dirty!"

The scorching-eyed crusader (Xia Na): "What are you talking about, why can't I understand anything?"

Shana showed a confused look at Yi's chat this time.

Who am I? Where am I? What happened?

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