Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 293: Yakumo Zi And Wutian Buddha, Master Huihui Is Not In The Soul (Please Subscribe For The

Hell Girl: "Xana, you are still a child, you don't need to know so much!"

Shana said dissatisfiedly: "I am much older than you, I am not a child, no way!"

Hell Fubuki: "I think this group of people has reached a new level of dirtiness, and I'm often out of tune with you because I'm not perverted enough!"

Love to eat coffee jelly (Saiki Kusuo): "I can't join these exaggerated topics!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, the poor monk has been in the group for so long. After being influenced by everyone, he has become a dirty monk. He even thought about practicing the Dharma of Joy!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "I woke up upstairs when I soaked in urine, you think too much, you are still a boy for so many years, how do you practice Huanxi Buddhism, and your wife?"

I am a slime: "Hahahaha, it hurts too much for Zhu to ignore you, isn't he afraid that the old monk will come to settle accounts with you!"

Flying Squirrel: "I think the anger of the sweeping monk is already in the process of accumulating, and as soon as it explodes, I will go to ignore Zhu!"

The floor-sweeping monk clasped his hands together and said lightly:

"Do you really want the poor monk to send you to heaven?"

Tiedan Shenhou said with a smile:

"I'm afraid if you send me to hell or the underworld, but I'm not afraid if I have the Western Paradise. You must know that there is Wutian Buddha in our group!"

Lin Fengjiao: "Tall! It's really tall! Backgammon's tall!"

Seeing this, Zi Yakumo asked curiously:

"Who is Wutian Buddha?"

Although Yakumo Zi is a big monster in Gensokyo, she also knows the existence of hell and the Buddhist world, so she knows the power of it!

Big fat sheep in the gambling world (Tsunade): "Newcomer, you have to know that this group is full of bosses except me, and Wutian is one of the top bosses!"

Huoquan: "But hearing is false, seeing is believing. You might as well read the memory file called Journey to the West, and you will know who Wutian Buddha is!"

Anonymous old monk: "I will always admire Wutian Buddha, and I am his No. 1 younger brother!"

Iron Man: "Sweeping monk, there are thousands of little brothers, your allegiance means nothing to him!"

The sweeping monk said indifferently: "Sincere sincerity will lead to success. Just get what you want. If the other party doesn't receive it, I will continue to work hard and I will succeed in the end!"

Xun'er: "Chuan (??) I! Is this the legendary Foolish Old Man who moved mountains? The perseverance of children and grandchildren to move mountains!"

I am not a fallen angel (Gabriel): "I have read this story, but the premise is that you must marry a wife and have so many children!"

I am the emperor (Ying Zheng): "And the sweeping monk can't marry a wife and has no children. His perseverance is completely useless!"

Xun'er: "º(≥≤)" Aww~ It turned out to be a poisonous chicken soup, so you should wash up and go to bed early, sweeping monk!"

Anonymous old monk: "...


It's too much! Bullying the poor monk can't find the teacher!

You must know that when I was young, I was also handsome, unrestrained and suave, but now that I am a little older, I still have the charm of a mature man!

Those old ladies would look sideways when they saw me, and some even teased me with their eyes!

The sweeping monk had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to say it, because it was too embarrassing!

So he took the initiative to recite the Dharma, and his mind was like a mirror, removing all distracting thoughts.

Yakumo Zi also read the memory file after Journey to the West, and then said with emotion:

"Kinnara is dedicated to goodness, but this Buddha went aggressive and finally raised a world-destroying monster, which is also karma!

It’s just that Wutian is still too kind, if it were me, I would smash their dog’s head in minutes, and let them know why the flowers are so popular!”

Although Wutian cut off his good thoughts, his evil thoughts are still not as evil as Tathagata Buddha!

After he took control of the Three Realms, he didn't kill wantonly, and even the immortals and Buddhas who despised him didn't hurt, just imprisoned them!

And because he couldn't show up in the Three Realms, he arranged for Jia's gods to maintain the order of the Three Realms!

It's not so much that he wants revenge, it's better to say that he just wants to get justice, and it's not all right to prove that Buddha is not right!

The Tathagata Buddha is more like playing with the fate of all living beings, while the Wutian Buddha is like the Monkey King back then, walking in heaven-defying!

And [Journey to the West] is not a TV drama where evil prevails over righteousness, but a fixed order that crushes those who break the order!

And Sun Wukong, who originally represented the rebellious spirit, has become a sharp knife in the hands of the Tathagata Buddha, sweeping away all rebels!

0…ask for flowers………………

This may also be a kind of irony!

But Yakumo Zi didn't like Wutian's attempt, or felt that Wutian didn't do it ruthlessly enough!

Although he has been restrained, if he is ruthless enough, he will kill all the Immortal Buddhas first, break the foundation of the Tathagata Buddha, and then destroy the chance of Heavenly Dao interference in destroying the Three Realms!

Under such circumstances, even if the Tathagata Buddha reincarnated and arranged for Sun Wukong, it would be too late, and the victory would definitely be his!

Xiao Bu: "Maybe he only wants to find a result, a result that is consistent with his original ideal!"

Acedes: "I also don't think he's ruthless enough. As a strong man, he naturally has the qualifications to control everything!"

The scorching crusader (Xia Na): "I also feel that it's a pity that I will take up all the opportunities tomorrow morning!"

Hell Fubuki: "It is said that he is Wutian Buddha, but I think he has always been that simple Jinnara!"

The sweeping monk shook his head and sighed: "If you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of a fish? If you don't experience it yourself, how can you understand the heart-wrenching pain!"

Dad: "Dad can't bear this pain, I'd rather be an ordinary old man!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Oh, I have always had Su Xin in my heart. Although the experience is different, I have the same feeling!"

I'm a slime: "You don't need to be emotional anymore. Today's Wutian Buddha already knows what will happen in the future, so it is almost impossible to fail!"

Momonga: "That's right, even if something goes wrong, our group can support us!"

Fire Fist: "Although my strength is mediocre, if you need me, I will definitely be there!"

Pokémon Master (Xiaozhi): "I will come too!"

Love to eat coffee jelly (Saiki Kusuo): "Although it is troublesome, if I give coffee jelly as a reward, I am willing to come!"

Saiki Kusuo in the original book has always been hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Although he said he hates trouble, he rushed to the front every time something happened, blocking all dangers for his companions!

A hair into the soul (Hui Hui): "This kind of thing naturally cannot be done without Master Huihui, but before that, I want to ask @惠惠, where are you from Huimu

PS: Please subscribe for the second update! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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