Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 508: Ignorant Reincarnation! Kurumi's Resentment! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Tony and Misaka Mikoto stepped forward. Of course, Yang Chao and Yang Ming naturally did not show any fear when they saw them. Because in their eyes, they are the masters of this world, and no one can stop them.

Yang Chao and Yang Ming unleashed ice-attributed attacks and fire-attributed attacks at the same time, making the battlefield sometimes icy and extremely hot. Obviously, the strength of the military in the alchemy world could no longer stop all of this. The ice and fire attribute attacks caused the walls of the military camp to collapse, leaving only an open space and a pile of broken stones and tiles.

Tony flew directly into the sky and said loudly to the two brothers

"Will you wake up, please. Don't cause damage here, let you try the power of future technology today"

The two brothers Yang Chao and Yang Ming were also taken aback for a while, why there is an extra monster that can fly in the sky at this time, and it is also a pile of armor, could it be the evolved Alphonse. But in their cognition, Alphonse is simply an ordinary person, how could he fly.

However, they did not show timid expressions or performances. They are people who master nature, can control everything, are the gods of all natural forces, and are the gods of nature.

Naturally, Misaka Mikoto also immediately laughed at them

"Enough is enough for you guys. If you keep going like this, everything will be broken for you. Do you want to try an electric attack? It seems that you are short of electrotherapy, right?"

Misaka Mikoto has been in the chat group for so long, so he naturally knows what electrotherapy means. So today we need to give them electrotherapy and electrotherapy.

Yang Chao and Yang Ming had already been ridiculed in the old days. Hearing Sister Pao's ridicule naturally angered them both. Yang Ming yelled loudly.

I want all of you who mock me to be trampled under my feet, regardless of whether you are male, female or in armor, I will let you feel the fear of this power, and then make you surrender to me and be ridiculed by me for the rest of your life.”

Tony was originally a pretentious person, so he naturally laughed when he heard this kind of words, this person is really too funny, it seems that the lack of money is causing trouble, lack of superpowers such as money, It still makes them feel a little bit depressed.

Yang Chao and Yang Ming immediately turned their targets to these two people, and immediately released an ice attribute attack, the Frost Arrow, which flew directly from the sky to Tony and Misaka Mikoto in front of them. Of course, these two people are not idle people, and the world they live in has also received a lot of training.

Needless to say, Tony's Jarvis can dodge even tracking missiles. Tony immediately swapped Jarvis to identify the location of the attack. Of course, this ice arrow is not overwhelming, Jarvis Originally, the size is relatively small, so it is really easy to avoid these attacks.

Identify the location of the attack. Tony reacted immediately, and quickly avoided the attack of thousands of ice arrows.

Misaka Mikoto on the side is also the most powerful person in Tokiwadai, he can dodge such slow attacks with ease, and he has not received any attacks at all.

Seeing all this, Yang Ming and Yang Chao thought to themselves how could these two people have such strong strength, they are not from this world at first glance, could it be that we also met the same people as us.

The originally proud emotions were restrained, and suddenly the two of them changed their attributes to attack, and immediately used the fire attribute to attack, and the whole earth was burned immediately.

Misaka Mikoto was able to avoid the attack of the ice arrow, but the fire was burning from the ground alive, what should I do?

At this moment, Tony in the distance suddenly shouted, Jarvis!

Zhou Yang saw a luxury car parked on their side, suddenly flew out an armored car, and flew into the middle of the battlefield with a whoosh. Zhou Yang thought to himself that Tony was pretending to be driving a luxury car, but he didn’t expect that since there are so many armors hidden in the car, he will borrow one from him later to control it, this artificial intelligence.

Tokisaki Kurumi was also a little worried at this time, and wanted to join the battle, so he said

*`~ I went to kill them all alone, it’s a bit slow to wait for them to solve it”

Zhou Yang naturally understood in his heart that when Tokisaki Kuangsan made such an appearance, these two people should not die suddenly on the spot, but he did this to see more of Kuangsan's sister, and Zhou Yang was a little moved by her dressing style today .

Zhou Yang: "Sister Kuang San, you should watch their performance well, let's catch up on the old days, chatting is enough, Yuan"

Tokisaki Kuang San sees what Zhou Yang said, and he is also a triple red

"I don't want to catch up with you, molesting (with money) so many girls all day long"

Although he said so, his body was very honest, so Kuang San naturally didn't step forward.

Back on the battlefield, Misaka Mikoto was naturally surprised, how could he have armor on him.

Tony in the distance told Misaka Mikoto through the communication system inside the armor. The fire is estimated to be less than a few thousand degrees, so you can rest assured that my armor is made of special materials, which can withstand high temperatures of several thousand degrees. Naturally, their natural fire cannot reach such a height.

Misaka Mikoto thought to himself, unexpectedly Tony thought he came to pretend, but unexpectedly he saved his life.

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