Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 509: Grilled Toni With Cumin! Mysterious Alchemy (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Tony and Misaka Mikoto communicated through communication, thinking that they can no longer dodge their attacks like this, let's make a quick decision.

Tony: "You go and get rid of the non-mainstream guy next to him who is wearing a green top and big pants, and leave the rest to me."

The non-mainstream guy Tony was referring to was naturally Yang Chao, and what Mikoto Misaka had to deal with was Yang Ming.

Misaka Mikoto: "Your armor is really in the way, can you take it off?"

Tony: "If it weren't for my armor, you might have turned into a charcoal-baked Mikoto. If you think you have the strength, you can take him off. I haven't seen other beauties take off their clothes for a long time."

Misaka Mikoto rolled his eyes a hundred times, he didn't expect that Tony was still joking with him at this time.

After speaking, Tony flew to Yang Ming's side. Yang Ming was really shocked when he saw such a robot, and the ice attribute attack just now didn't work at all, so he switched to the water attribute attack and shot the waterspout.

After speaking, a jet of water suddenly appeared on Yang Ming's hand, and it sprayed straight towards Tony. Tony immediately manipulated Jarvis to avoid 437 quickly, spread five fingers, and shot a shell from Jarvis. It hit Yang Ming. Although Yang Ming said that the attribute attack is a little bit powerful, he is not a master at dodging skills after all, so he immediately released the earth attribute wall to avoid Tony's attack.

Tony also never underestimated the opponent's strength. Suddenly, a few small missiles sprang out from behind the earthen wall and directly hit Yang Ming. Barely blocked the missile attack.

Tony quickly flew behind Yang Ming, and punched Yang Ming with his fist. Yang Ming's ice shield also burst instantly, and Yang Ming was frightened by the power of this punch.

Mikoto, Misaka, on the side, directly picked up a coin and released the railgun. Yang Chao naturally released a wood attribute attack to block half of the electromagnetic gun's power (aeai), but for LV5 Misaka Mikoto, this gun is also very powerful, directly blowing up the stone wall behind him. flying.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Yang Ming and Yang Chao quickly gathered together. Yang Chao said to Yang Ming beside him,

: "It seems that we can get rid of these two people in front of us only when we fit together. Otherwise, our strength seems a bit insufficient to fight alone. Sure enough, these two people are not from this world. Their technology and strength have far surpassed this world." people of the world"

After speaking, Yang Ming and Yang Chao stood together, Yang Ming released an ice attribute attack, and Yang Chao released a wind attribute attack. Tony and Misaka Mikoto saw it, and naturally knew that they wanted to use the fusion technique. Suddenly, a cold wind blew up, and the ice attribute attack plus the wind attribute attack made the original Frost Arrow speed up a lot. personally 0

Zhou Yang also noticed that all this was different, and thought to himself if it's not done yet, should it be time to finish it. After speaking, Zhou Yang rushed to the battlefield with Tokisaki Kurumi.

Yang Ming and Yang Chao saw two more people joining suddenly, isn't it obvious that they are here to send two more. So he laughed loudly and said: "Try the power of nature, the wind attribute and the ice attribute are enough to wipe you out, and the strange humans from other worlds can't defeat us in front of our two brothers, hahahahahahahahahaha

Zhou Yang chuckled, these two brothers are too confident, why not let them taste the feeling of being killed in seconds?

But at this moment, Tony and Misaka Mikoto also stopped Zhou Yang, and they said

"Mr. Administrator, you just need to freeze them, let them taste the taste of our fusion"

Zhou Yang was also surprised, why these two people still have the ability to combine, they are obviously from two worlds, yet they have the ability to combine so quickly.

Zhou Yang naturally wanted to see what this combined skill was. After speaking, Zhou Yang directly released the Taiyin God Realm】Suddenly, the windy sky became even colder

Seeing all this, Edward wondered who this group of people was, and why they were so much stronger than her.

Yang Ming and Yang Chao were instantly frightened by Zhou Yang's Taiyin God Realm. Why couldn't their feet move at all, and even their hands were instantly frozen. They released the fire attribute attack together, and there was no flame at all.

Zhou Yang laughed: "You two are too weak, you don't need me to attack at all, I will let you taste the feeling of being clicked later."

Tokisaki Kurumi was also burst into laughter instantly, the strength of these two people is too weak, he didn't even make a move himself, if he made a move, these two people would not be so frightened that they dare not pretend in the future.

Yang Ming and Yang Chao were naturally frightened by this strength

"Who are you? How did you have such strength? Are we going to fail this time travel? Impossible?"

Zhou Yang: "You guys are really going to fail, but it's not me who will solve you, but them"

After speaking, Zhou Yang turned his attention to Misaka Mikoto and Tony.

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