Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Eleventh: Raise The Flag Line To Set Things Right! Relief For Edward! (Plea

Edward is also very grateful for the arrival of Zhou Yang and his group. Naturally, Zhou Yang and his group also came for points, but no matter what, they finally corrected the plot line of the world, and all this also brought peace to the alchemy world. among.

Edward: "Who are you guys? Why is there such a huge difference in strength between us?"

Zhou Yang, as the group leader, naturally needs to explain to the group members, otherwise they will come without knowing why, and they will blow up their military camp a few holes

But Edward is not a member of the military, so he doesn't need to worry about "450" ​​about it. He is more interested in what kind of things the group of people in front of him can connect with each other.

Zhou Yang: "We are not from your world, and of course other group members in the group are not, but we can understand each other's situation in our respective worlds through the chat group, and of course, we can also reach each other through many functions in the group. world"

Edward is also working on the Philosopher's Stone issue recently, so he is naturally very busy, and he is not the kind of Orochimaru who likes to delve into it. He only knows the existence of this group

I don't know what functions are in the group.

After Zhou Yang's explanation, Edward seemed to have a vague understanding, but Edward also knew that they were not from this world, so the gap in strength would definitely change a lot.

Moreover, the dresses of the four people are also very different. Edward thinks that the girl named Kuang San in front of him is a bit cute. Compared with the height of Tony and others, Edward, a short man, is indeed a little embarrassed. In comparison of strength, it is naturally impossible to surpass any one of these four people.

Tony was drinking the wine in the glass at this time, and it also had a hint of disgust.

"This wine is really far from what I usually drink. This inferior wine is really hard to drink."

Edward: "I usually don't have much money, unlike Mr. Tony, I have luxury cars and all kinds of armor.

Zhou Yang: "You just have to be satisfied, Tony, you don't know this kid, how can you earn as much money as your Stark Industries?"

Misaka Mikoto: "Tony is really a rich man who can do whatever he wants"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Since you can bring the luxury car, why don't you bring a few more bottles of wine? Shouldn't the rich just take it casually?"

Seeing everyone mocking him so much, Tony naturally quickly changed the subject, because he knew that this group of people was not the same as his own world.

After the meal, Edward chatted with Zhou Yang alone, because she increasingly found that the person in front of her was not an ordinary person

Edward: "Is the memory file you uploaded really true? Will my future really be like the one in the memory file? Will my brother's body be recovered?"

Zhou Yang thought that Edward is indeed a big brother. Although he is usually a humorous person who doesn't care about anything, he still cares a lot for his younger brother. It may be because he violated the taboo of alchemy when he was a child, which made him make the biggest mistake. If he could get back his younger brother's body, he would not hesitate to lose everything.

Thinking back again, if Edward hadn’t violated the taboo of alchemy—human body refining, then he wouldn’t be one of the six outstanding alchemy VOs in the world today who doesn’t need to form a formation...

Zhou Yang: "If you want to save your brother's body, only you can do it yourself"

Although Zhou Yang understands that it is not difficult to help him, but he still has many things in his body, and everyone's operation will have his own existing laws, and it is not a good thing to change it forcibly.

If it weren't for Edward's desperate search for the Philosopher's Stone, maybe he and his brother wouldn't have such a deep bond. This bond can be said to be the desire of the two to fight on.

Zhou Yang: "You can get back your brother's body through your own efforts. The help of outsiders may break the rules, but your own efforts are the way to finally find the right way"

Zhou Yang also wondered why he would say such a thing, but thinking about it, why is this not the case for his sister, he can be desperate for his sister, so there is often something in common between them. Thinking of the two brothers Yang Chao and Yang Ming who were killed before, maybe they also had something hard to say, but evil thoughts swallowed them and made them go astray in 2.7.

Edward smiled suddenly, he seemed a little silly at ordinary times, but he suddenly became cool

"I will definitely get back what belongs to us "I won't let him lose it"

In the silent night, the laughter of two people was also heard. The two strong men in different worlds also have the same feelings and the same fetters. In order to protect this relationship, the two of course have a point of resonance.

The next day, Zhou Yang and the others bid farewell to Edward and the other two, and returned to their respective worlds.

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