Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 512: Xiao Bu's Secret Treasure! Charcoal-Grilled Cannon Sister Is A New Dish! (Please C

In the world of Fullmetal Alchemist, the group members who did not go there also watched the group live broadcast, and couldn't help but marvel at Zhou Yang's strength, but at the same time they also sighed at the abilities of Tony and Misaka Mikoto.

Xiaobu: "I drank Coke and ate potato chips that day. Watching the group live broadcast was really cool. I didn't expect Tony and Misaka Mikoto to have such a combination skill, but this combination skill is too awesome. I was Looking at it, it seems that the entire camp is going to be destroyed, but fortunately the city was not blown up in the end."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Sure enough, the technology of the future is too powerful. In our place, martial arts is the only weapon that can be used for fighting. Moreover, how can it be possible to use such a powerful weapon with a sword in hand? It's really too powerful !"

"However, the administrator is still as awesome as ever. He killed these two powerful traversers in just a few hits. No, 04 has to say that the administrator is awesome! The administrator is the best in the world."

Anonymous old monk: "I have to say that the gods of iron and gall are really good at licking dogs, but the poor monk is really amazed by their strength. I didn't expect the armor of this future technology to be so powerful, but Tony's luxury car is also very powerful." It's really amazing”

Acedes: "That's right, how did these two people develop this fusion skill, and I didn't expect Tony's armor to be able to withstand Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic gun attack, this armor is so smelly"

Tony: "Don't tell me, my armor made of special materials can withstand even lightning. Of course, the electromagnetic cannon can also be eaten and converted into energy."

Misaka Mikoto: "I haven't used the full power of this electromagnetic gun, otherwise, believe it or not, I can blow up your armor at once, and let the strength of LV5 penetrate your armor"

Tony: "You can try it. If my armor hadn't saved you, you might really be turning into a charcoal-baked Mikoto."

Zhou Yang thought to himself why this local tycoon Tony could have sex with Misaka Mikoto, but this may be the temper of Fu Second Generation, Zhou Yang didn't particularly care, just like Orochimaru and Tsunade.

Orochimaru: "This future armor can be so powerful. This is the power of science, so everything I do now seems to be meaningful. Only science is the eternal beauty."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, stop doing your weird science, and do those disgusting experiments all day long, believe it or not, I'll kick your lab to pieces"

Orochimaru: "That's the beauty of your ignorance of science, you big fat sheep in the gambling world, you old lady in the gambling world, only science can interest people."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "However, this time, I can earn points for nothing without my actions. It's quite cool, but the administrator is playing hooligans all day long, which is really disgusting."

Zhou Yang saw Tokisaki Kuangzo say this, and thought that you Kuangzo got a good deal and you talked about me, no, I must make it clear to you today.

Zhou Yang: "Crazy third sister, I don't know who said to stay with me to protect their two brothers, you actually said I was playing a hooligan, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's catch up with you

Shall we talk about love?"

Kuang San naturally felt like she was being punctured when she was said this way. Of course, she hated and loved Zhou Yang, because Zhou Yang was still a capable hooligan after all, so she felt embarrassed to talk to Zhou Yang again. Stubborn.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's enough to have Tony and Misaka Mikoto in front. I'm not too strong, isn't it time for me to attack?"

Zhou Yang: "It seems that our crazy third sister is a little tsundere, and she's a little cute like this"

Zhou Yang felt in his heart that Kuang San was an arrogant girl, although she said no, her body was always very honest.

Lori An: "It's a pity that I didn't follow up, but it seems that this fusion skill is indeed a bit powerful?"

Marquis of Vauban: "I didn't expect that the combined skill of Tony and Misaka Mikoto could produce such a great power. It's really a bit surprising."

Zhou Yang also thought to himself that this is indeed the case. With his own strength, he can definitely eliminate the opponent casually, but as long as this group of people cooperates, the power produced is also very powerful.

Zhou Yang: "It's really amazing that you can cooperate to create such a fusion skill. It seems that the way of bringing the two of you over this time is very correct, and you have discovered a new skill."

When Misaka Mikoto and Tony saw the administrator praising themselves, they were naturally very excited, because there is nothing more joyful than the administrator agreeing with them.

Tony: "That's thanks to Mr. Administrator for giving me the opportunity. It's so wonderful to be able to go to their world. "I'm going to record all this tonight"

Misaka Mikoto: "Thank you administrator for giving me points, I hope I can continue to ask for flying next time"

Zhou Yang: "But it's your strength that you can figure it out. I don't know how the two brothers are doing now."

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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