Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 513: Wonderful Group Live Broadcast! The Crooked Saiki Kusuo? (Please Collect! Please Subscr

After Zhou Yang chatted with Edward in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist last time, he found that Edward is indeed a person who loves his brother very much, and now he can't help but agree with this alchemist.

Iron Arm: "Thank you everyone for coming to help us solve this troublesome matter, but then I plan to take a break and continue to follow my own path to find what I want"

Seeing Edward speak, Zhou Yang naturally knew that their world was already peaceful, and they went to their world to eliminate the traversers this time. On the one hand, they got points, and more importantly, they could help Edward and the others get back on track.

Arm of Steel: "Everyone is very strong. It seems that our alchemy has many shortcomings. This time your presence really opened my eyes."

Everyone saw that Edward had spoken, and naturally they all became noisy.

Tony: "You don't need to thank us, because we also went with a purpose, but those two traversers really have some strength."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I also saw it on the group live broadcast. It seems that he is not a simple character who can master so many attributes of attack."

Lin Jiushu: "Sure enough, my world is still too simple. If you have nothing to do, just catch zombies and do justice for the sky. Compared with what you have encountered, there really seems to be not much."

Xiaobu: "I was very nervous when I saw it on the group live broadcast, but in the end I finally solved those two people. I don't know which world those two people came from~""

Zhou Yang thought to himself that the strength of these two people is actually not that much, but he didn't make a move, as long as he made a move, the two time-traveling brothers were not beaten to death, they were all scared to death.

At this time, Tie Danshenhou really knows how to lick dogs like this.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Isn't that the administrator's strength? You see, although those two people say they can control the power of nature, as long as the pipeline officer makes a move, they will be eliminated at once."

Although everyone knows that Tiedan Shenhou is a loyal licking dog, but Zhou Yang really has such strength, because many members of the group have witnessed Zhou Yang's strength, every time he makes a move, he will immediately get everything done .

Saiki Kusuo: "Although I only like coffee jelly and a leisurely life, I also like powerful people like administrators."

Saiki Kusuo's words are really easy to misunderstand. Sure enough, everyone started to make fun of it.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I didn't expect that since you like the administrator, have you been bent by the administrator?"

Anonymous old monk: "I didn't expect that, although the poor monk said he was a monk and didn't know what love is, but you are too straightforward."

The Marquis of Vauban: "Don't tell me you are not straight, but you seem to be a bit like it"

When Zhou Yang saw this group of people, why did they bring up the rhythm like this? Saiki Kusuo seemed to really dig a hole for himself.

Saiki Kusuo saw it, since he was said to be crooked, he is also a superpower anyway, how can he let others say that he is crooked. But when I said this, it seemed to be a bit ambiguous, so I quickly changed the topic.

Saiki Kusuo: "I'm not talking about the strength of the administrator, why do you just think of that aspect directly, it seems that you are also that kind?"

Everyone saw that Kusuo Saiki fought back in an instant, and naturally they were unwilling to let him go, and immediately the screens in the group swiped again.

Anonymous old monk: "Saiki Kusuo likes administrators, everyone hurry up and bless the couple"

Acedes: "`~ Saiki Kusuo likes administrators, everyone hurry up and bless this pair of creators"

Sure enough, the repeater mode was turned on again, and Zhou Yang naturally saw it. Once the repeater mode was turned on, he was even more inseparable, so he quickly stopped this group of people.

Zhou Yang: "However, as time-travelers, the strength of the brothers can be regarded as relatively attractive, otherwise other time-travelers may not necessarily need me to take action."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Administrators are indeed the most powerful. I think not only the two brothers can't beat the administrators, there is no one in this world who can defeat the administrators!"

When Tiedan Shenhou said so, Zhou Yang naturally has the confidence to accept such an evaluation, but ever since he came back from the world of alchemy, everyone (what?) is amazed at the strength of Tony and Misaka Mikoto's fusion skills, as if His own presence seemed a bit weak, Zhou Yang naturally couldn't let Tony and Misaka Mikoto take the limelight.

Zhou Yang: "Do you all like their fusion skills so much? Then what do you think of my combat power?"

Of course Zhou Yang didn’t want to prove how strong he is, but it’s true that the strength of Tony and Misaka Mikoto stole Zhou Yang’s limelight, so now he also wants to let the group members brag about himself, and listen to everyone’s praise. Not a bad thing, and Zhou Yang is not an overly inflated person.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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