Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 515: The Drifting Bottle Reappears! Possessed By The Emperor Of Europe? ? ? (Please Collect!

However, Zhou Yang hasn't encountered anything since he came back from the alchemy world. Although he usually fishes for drifting bottles, he hasn't found anything useful recently.

Zhou Yang is still playing with the floating bottle function in the group as usual today. Zhou Yang wondered if there would be any good harvest today. Zhou Yang turned on the drifting bottle function in the group and clicked it!

The golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

Zhou Yang thought to himself, this drifting bottle is like this every time, and the black and useless meteorites he picked up are really useless, but this is the first chance, and there are nine more chances! Don't worry, I have a hunch today Can produce ~ good things!

Zhou Yang relied on his god-like premonition today, he felt that he was definitely a European emperor today, and he could get some good things from the drift bottle.

The golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

Sure enough, this second time is a useless black meteorite. I have been fishing for meteorites every day recently. I guess if the meteorites I fished out are collected like this again, I can build a house immediately. Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Yang to to build a house. But this luck seems to be a bit worse than what I expected, what should I do?

The golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

Zhou Yang couldn't complain anymore, why is it the third time, why is it still a black meteorite, if there is a chance, I really want to announce this drifting bottle functional area, the probability of being able to get good things.

Zhou Yang couldn't bear to complain in the group

Zhou Yang: "Recently, when I fished for drifting bottles, all I got was rubbish. I have a hunch that something good will come out today."

My wife Yuno: "It seems that I haven't caught any good things for a long time. They are all black meteorites. Maybe meteorites have filled this drifting sea."

Xiaobu: "I haven't caught anything recently. It would be great if I could get free Coke for a year and free potato chips for a year, but all I got is rubbish."

Anonymous old monk: "I also recently turned on the mode of the African chieftain. You may see a golden net falling into a dark galaxy and get a piece of black meteorite! But mine is a golden net falling into a dark In the galaxy, I got a piece of discarded paper, and I couldn't complain, this paper is not written with scriptures, what's the use of giving me discarded paper!"

Marquis of Vauban: "I am also like this. I feel that the administrator has scooped up all the contents of this drifting bottle. Why are they always useless?"

Zhou Yang: "I haven't caught any good things recently. How can you say that I have finished fishing, but I feel that I am possessed by the Emperor of Europe today, and I am very likely to be fulfilled."

Zhou Yang naturally would not give up the feeling of being possessed by the European Emperor today, and continued to pick up the drift bottle.

The golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

Zhou Yang really made a lot of complaints at this time. It’s the fourth time why he hasn’t produced anything good. Could it be that his feeling of being the emperor of Europe today has not come true?

Zhou Yang thought, it must be because he didn't wash his hands. He heard people say that as long as you wash your hands when your luck is black, the black air will be washed away immediately, and you will get European air!

The golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

0...asking for flowers...

Zhou Yang couldn’t complain anymore, it’s the fifth time, why is it still a black meteorite, it’s like a European chief!

The golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a magic book of the magic world!

Zhou Yang thought to himself at this time, finally Ouhuang has possessed him, he hasn't gotten anything from the drift bottle recently, and he feels that he can definitely produce something good today, no, something good is coming!

Suddenly a magic book appeared in front of Zhou Yang. Although Zhou Yang used to get all kinds of good things when using the function of the drift bottle, the appearance of this magic book made Zhou Yang feel that he seemed to be reunited after a long time. The feeling of nectar, no wonder I feel that I am possessed by the Emperor of Europe today.


Zhou Yang thought about it, this is only the sixth time, maybe he can get two good things today, put the magic book aside first, don't let his European spirit dissipate, and quickly give the remaining few chances of drifting bottles to him. run out!

The seventh time the golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

The eighth time the golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

The ninth time the golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a piece of black meteorite!

Zhou Yang thought it was the last time, is he going to kill a good thing, it is not a black meteorite!

Zhou Yang saw that the chance of lore had come, so it would be up to him to see if he could possess the European Emperor. After speaking, Zhou Yang clicked to salvage the drifting bottle for the last time!

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket five!.

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