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Chapter 516: The Magic World In A Drifting Bottle! Lori Um Sour! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

The golden net fell into a dark galaxy and got a magic book of the magic world!

Finally seeing the non-black meteorite, Zhou Yang was also very excited, but it was a magic book again, and then a magic book appeared in front of Zhou Yang. I thought I could get two magic books, maybe there are magic books hidden in the drifting bottle during this time.

Zhou Yang didn't pay much attention to the magic books at first, but looking back, the two magic books look similar. Although they are wrapped in kraft paper, the two magic books look more like complete one set of. The two magic books were wrapped in "280" kraft paper, and the cover page also looked a little old.

Zhou Yang thought to himself, this could not be a magic book from the ancient century, it is the kind that just opens it and suddenly a devil jumps out, but Zhou Yang took a closer look, and the words written on the cover are: Medieval Elven Magic (Part 1). Zhou Yang thought to himself, the distribution of books is still halfway through, but today happened to be possessed by the Emperor Ou and got two magic books.

Zhou Yang also read another magic book obtained from a drift bottle, and it was indeed covered with kraft paper, on the cover it read: Medieval Elf Magic (Part 2).

Zhou Yang thought that he was too European today, since he could get the first and second episodes, but this magic book might not be useful if he only got the first episode and not the second episode. Fortunately, today is the tenth chance Ou Qi broke out and got the second volume of this magic book.

Zhou Yang put the two magic books together, suddenly the two magic books glowed blue, although the room where Zhou Yang was in was also very bright, but the blue light emitted by the two magic books was enough to make Zhou Yang Feel dazzling.

Zhou Yang thought that he might have obtained some incredible things today, would it have a certain growth effect on his own strength? Moreover, he seems to be upgrading his skills only through points, maybe this magic book can make My own ability quickly rises to the next level.

The two magic books seemed to be attracted to each other by some gravitational force, emitting a more dazzling red light! Suddenly a gust of wind came out from the middle of the magic book, and after the gust of wind passed, the two magic books merged into one, and the cover was also shattered. From the old kraft paper just now, it has become a brand new magic book.

Zhou Yang was also pleasantly surprised by this sudden magic book, he might have obtained some kind of treasure again. Zhou Yang started talking to the people in the group.

Zhou Yang: "Today I got a magic book that seems to have very powerful mana. It's a little better than garbage and meteorites."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Why are you the Emperor of Europe? I didn't find anything good. Could it be that I was the life of an African chief?"

Ace: "It's the same for me. Why do I catch meteorites? What's the use of these meteorites? They're not like garbage. I really don't want to complain about my non-chieftains."

Orochimaru: "I also caught the meteorite, but the administrator's European spirit is too powerful, he is worthy of being the emperor of Europe."

Xiao Bu: "What Xiao Bu caught was also a meteorite, if only I could get Coke and potato chips."

Zhou Yang: "I haven't been a chief for a long time, maybe this time it's just luck."

Marquis of Vauban: "Administrator, you are the Emperor of Europe hidden far away, so don't pretend, magic books are not good things?"

Saiki Kusuo: "The administrator is indeed an Ouhuang. He is already very strong. How can we non-chieftains who are not strong survive? Let the non-chieftains destroy the Ouhuang!"

Lori An: "I also caught all the garbage, so please stop talking like the administrator."

Zhou Yang: "It's okay, soon you will be possessed by Ouhuang and fish out good things, isn't it just that I have been fishing for a long time before I get good things?"

Acedes: "Envy, envy, hate, the administrator is able to fish out the magic book, it really makes us chieftains unable to live."

Lala: "Why don't you see me fish out something good? One look at the administrator is a European emperor. It's really enviable, jealous, and hateful."

Zhou Yang: "If you spend too much money, you will come out. I am also a non-chief. I absolutely cannot be the emperor of Europe."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "You fished out the good stuff and didn't hurry to see it, so what's the use of the stuff you fished out? The magic book sounds very powerful, but you, the European emperor, really let us non-chiefs live Ah, it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten any good things in 1.4”

After Zhou Yang heard this, he seemed to be overly excited, because he got a good thing from the Ouhuang Possession today, but he didn't seem to have read the magic book.

Zhou Yang looked back at the magic book, the red dazzling light had disappeared after the combination was completed, and the holy book of the magic world was written on the cover in seemingly ancient characters.

This book will automatically change its name? It's really awesome!

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