Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Twentieth Eight: Tsunade In Debt! Orochimaru Wants To Debut As A Comedian?

The people in the group naturally heard Tony and Zhou Yang talking about what happened yesterday.

Tie Dan Shen Hou: "Why did Tony's world suddenly encounter such troubles, but the powerful administrators have arrived, I think this group of people is also quite desperate

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, I really feel desperate for this group of people, but there is only one reincarnation, this kind of situation is rare, but there are five hundred points."

The Marquis of Vauban: "These people are not afraid of death. These points are completely free, but isn't this a typical courting death in front of the administrator?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "But Tony didn't make a move, it seems that the pipeman's strength doesn't require Tony to make a move.

Tony: "Isn't this asking the administrator to behave well? When you come to my world, you must send some points to the administrator.

Zhou Yang: "It seems that Mr. Tony is a little embarrassed when facing someone with a scepter."

Tony was also poked in the sore spot by Zhou Yang all of a sudden, but if Zhou Yang hadn't come to his own world, he might not be able to solve this matter.

Misaka Mikoto: "It seems that Mr. Tony is panicking. Then it seems that you still can't beat me to the electromagnetic gun. Your strength is not strong enough."

Tsunade: "If I could go there, I would kick that pretended reincarnation to death with one kick. I lost a lot of money in gambling recently, and I just want to find someone to vent.

Speaking of losing money, Tsunade also chopped off the nearby table at once. Shizune at the side saw it and quickly told Tsunade to stop.

Orochimaru: "You old woman, why did you gamble and lose again? If you continue like this, even if the entire Konoha Village's money is given to you, you still won't lose enough`||!"

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, say one more thing, believe it or not, I demolished your experimental base.

Tony: "Why is money suddenly mentioned, but when it comes to money, I feel that I can't lose no matter how I lose."

Obviously Tony's words made Tsunade even more angry. Rather than being angry, Tsunade was also surprised by his own luck. How could he keep losing when he gambled? It shouldn't be.

Zhou Yang thought of this topic, why did he suddenly shift to gambling, but thought that Tsunade is really a big fat sheep, a woman who loses countless money is not a joke.

Xiaobu: "A good student like Xiaobu doesn't know what gambling is, but Xiaobu knows that money can buy a lot of potato chips and Coke."

Tsunade: "Look at you, Orochimaru, if it weren't for you, how could you have directed the firepower to me? If I had a chance, I would definitely kick you ten miles away."

After speaking, Tsunade became even more angry, smashing the wall next door, and Shizune beside him was even more frightened, what made Tsunade want to destroy this room today.

Qin Shihuang: "When it comes to money, people like me don't seem to care. I want money and the whole world will give it to me, but is there anyone who dares to win me in gambling?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "That's right, if you get the world, you won't lose any bets about money."

This made Zhou Yang feel that the atmosphere in the group seemed to be very wrong, and quickly stopped the unhealthy atmosphere in the group.

"Our chat group is getting better every day. How can we talk about this topic? What if the network administrator finds out."

Tsunade: "The administrator is right, you will be banned for acting like this!"

Orochimaru: "Hahahahaha, you old woman seems to be scared, you have been poked in the sore spot!"

Orochimaru and Tsunade are really good friends, which makes Zhou Yang also feel that they are good friends. If Yasuie were not in this chat group, their respective fates would not have developed like this.

Acedes: `~ You are really good friends, or you can make a funny combination. "

Everyone was obviously amused by Acedes' remark

Saiki Kusuo: "Acedes, what you said made everyone amused. If the two of them make a funny combination, I'm afraid their world will be destroyed by them. Shuang.

Tsunade felt that Orochimaru was really his nemesis after being said so, why did he join the chat group together?

Zhou Yang: "I agree with this combination, why don't you make a debut as a funny combination."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Administrator, you are trying to force these two people to death, let's let them go, otherwise I'm afraid Tsunade will destroy the village.

(Good Zhao) Kanna: "I agree, I agree, you two are so compatible, hentai!"

Orochimaru: "If it's her, I might as well be with an experimental subject. I'm afraid he will ruin my fortune if he looks like this. Besides, I don't have much money."

Zhou Yang: "Okay, okay. I won't make fun of you, you should be your friends, and this will bring a lot of joy to everyone."

Tsunade saw that Zhou Yang had relieved himself, so he quickly agreed.

Tsunade: "The administrator is right, we can't be impossible, please pay attention!"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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