Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 529: Can Zombies Debut As Idols? The Funny Life Of The Group Members! (Please Collect! Pleas

Uncle Jiu, who hadn't appeared for a long time, also interjected.

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Orochimaru is actually with the experimental body, and not with our Tsunade fat sheep. Why don't Orochimaru try to be with a zombie here?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ninth Uncle, you are so serious that you let our great scientist Orochimaru be with a zombie.

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Don't talk about it. I have surrendered these zombies recently. I feel like throwing up. This group of zombies are just funny part-time jobs. I even put a spell on them to make them dress up as women. This is so much fun!"

Misaka Mikoto: "Ninth Uncle, you are so good at this, you can't let the zombies try it before you dare to try it yourself." Father: "I didn't expect Ninth Uncle to be as old as me, It turned out to be so good, your zombie female costume is simply too scary, but I really want to see what effect it will have."

Anonymous old monk: "You two old things, why do you have such a strange taste? I can't accept it, I can't accept it, unless it is a real woman's dress, it will look good. You two old things can try it when you reach 550!"

Bone King: "Although everyone is of a certain age, I didn't expect you to fall in love with this kind of thing. I ask you to post photos. You see, many people in our group have tried it. You just fell in love."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "I didn't expect Uncle Lin Jiu to let the zombies do this kind of thing. What are you going to do with the zombies like this? You insult them when you control them."

Shana: "Hahahaha, Uncle Lin's method is really good, if you can't do it yourself, let the zombie try first.

Arm of Steel: "How do I feel that this group has some special hobbies? Although I have not joined the group for a long time, I have just joined the group. I did not expect that there are so many shallow users in this group.

Tony: "I think I was forced back then, but a potential user like Uncle Jiu is really unexpected. (aebh)"

Zhou Yang feels that in this group, everyone seems to have some special preference for women's clothing. People who are normal in their own world may instantly become women's clothing bosses when they enter the group.

Zhou Yang: "Unexpectedly, Uncle Jiu is also such a person. Seeing you usually catching zombies, I didn't expect you to be a potential user."

Uncle Lin Jiu obviously felt that everyone thought he was a bigwig in women's clothing, so he immediately thought that this group of people wouldn't think that I was a bigwig in women's clothing.

Uncle Lin Jiu: "I'm just looking for zombies to play with, I'm definitely not a big guy in women's clothing!"

Xiao Bu: "Uncle Nine, don't make excuses, I think you are very suitable. Such an old lady who wears women's clothes is really rare!"

Xun'er: "Everyone, can you be more serious, why does everyone in this group seem to have turned into women's bosses, and only my administrator, Big Brother, is still a handsome straight man!"

Zhou Yang was also confused by Xun'er's words, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, suddenly he became a straight man, Xun'er is really a pure girl!

Tsunade: "I didn't expect the administrator to be a straight man! How could he hook up with so many girls in the group? This is really strange."

Sure enough, Zhou Yang would have a premonition that the flames of war would soon be brought to him.

However, since Zhou Yang is the group leader, he naturally solved the problem of Tsunade very easily. Still as usual, I saw it displayed in the chat group.

Ding~ Tsunade was banned for ten minutes by the administrator.

Orochimaru: "The administrator is doing well, this old woman, who can't provoke our powerful administrator, said that our administrator is a straight man! 17

Tony: "Privilege dogs can do whatever they want, but Tsunade is not afraid of death if the administrator is a straight man. I immediately got the ban package"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Hey, our administrator is indeed a authority dog, and he banned us little people all at once."

Zhou Yang: "Kang San Sister, I'm not willing to silence you. After all, such a cute girl can say anything nice."

Xun'er: "Administrator big brother, you can't mute Xun'er, Xun'er just said something wrong for a while, the administrator big brother will not mute me, right?"

Zhou Yang thought to himself that Xun'er, this girl, is indeed lovable. Compared with Shiqi Kuangsan and Acedes, he is indeed lovable. But with such a pure girl, Zhou Yang was naturally reluctant to silence her.

Anonymous old monk: "Poor Tsunade, you've been banned just like that, but you can't mess with a dog with authority like an administrator."

Zhou Yang: "It seems that you, an old monk, also want to try the silence package, and you actually say that I am an authority dog?"

Anonymous old monk: "No, no, the administrator is not a authority dog, the administrator is the ruler of the world, you can do whatever you want.

Sure enough, this old monk may have been assimilated after having grown up with Tie Dan God Hou Gang, and he even had dog licking behavior. Of course Zhou Yang didn't need to think too much about Tie Dan Shenhou's dog licking skills, but how does this old monk taste when he licks a dog?

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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