Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 530: Edward's Greatest Resentment! Sales By Saiki Kusuo! (Please Collect! Please Subscr

Iron Arm: "Sure enough, this kind of dog-licking behavior is contagious, old monk, have you become a full-fledged dog-licker too?"

Unnamed old monk: "How dare you say that an old monk like me respects the old and loves the young, and respects the old and loves the young. But with your height, you seem more like a child!"

In Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward has always been a dwarf. Of course, he is also very taboo to be called a dwarf, because he is often used as a joke by people in his world because of his height.

Tsunade just came out of the small black room after eating the silence set meal. Naturally, he couldn't hold back his desire to speak. Seeing the old monk say that Edward is a dwarf, he made up for it:

"The last time I watched you go to the alchemy world, Edward was indeed a short man. Comparing Tony's height, it seems that he is really not very tall."

Tony: "It seems to be like this, but I didn't notice much at the time, I really think so when you say that.

Seeing all this, Edward was of course furious. How could he come to the Wanjie chat group and be criticized for his height.

Iron Arm: "I haven't grown taller yet. I'm still young. I'm not as old as you. My bones have begun to degenerate. My height can make a difference. Believe it or not, I can grow taller all at once." up to two meters high. Do you believe it?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Edward is a dwarf? It seems like this, everyone, get on the repeater! Edward is~ a dwarf."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Edward is a dwarf, Edward is a dwarf"

Anonymous old monk: "Hahahaha, I never thought you would fool yourself. If you hadn't said that I was a dog licker, you might not have been read by the archipelago today. You will be pitiful now."

At this time, Edward is helpless, why has he behaved himself since he joined the group, why did he offend this old man, the old monk, but the live broadcast function of this group really hurt himself, why can't this live broadcast Comes with heightening effect!

Iron Arm: "Old thing, you old dog, believe it or not, I used alchemy to destroy your temple, believe it or not"

Anonymous old monk: "When you can afford it, let's talk about wearing a boundary talisman. Little man, you can't solve the poor monk like this. I am an old monk, and I am strong in my world!"

Zhou Yang: "Edward, stop making excuses, it seems that according to the setting of the plot, you have always been so short, a fact that cannot be changed."

Faced with Zhou Yang's factual counterattack, Edward naturally had no choice. Who told him not to eat more and grow taller when he was born.

Orochimaru: "According to scientific research, your height may be related to your genetics. If you come to be my experimental subject, maybe I can help you grow taller. Do you want to try it?"

Iron Arm: "No, no, no, Orochimaru, your experiment is really scary. You do experiments on living bodies all day long. If you do experiments on me, I don't know if I can be a human again. I'd better be my dwarf. Bar."

Lori'an: "Hahahahaha, after hearing what Orochimaru said, I immediately became self-aware. He really is a smart person, but no one wants to be a test subject for you, Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "Being my experimental subject may be able to obtain eternal life, do you want to try it?"

0…ask for flowers……

Liu Angxing: "I refuse, it's better to eat more of the Shiquan Da Cuisine I made to replenish my body, maybe I can grow taller. Of course, I also have to collect some benefits, so I can't prostitute for nothing.

Shana: "Orochimaru, don't be so scary, look at the research you've done, it's really scary, you dare to do anything."

Saiki Kusuo: "I have always thought that eating coffee jelly can grow taller, you may as well try it. I strongly recommend Edward!"

Xiaobu: "I heard that you can eat potato chips and drink cola. You see, many people in Xiaobu's world can grow taller by eating potato chips and drinking cola, so these two are Xiaobu's favorite foods. what."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "You are told that if eating can grow taller, I think I will become a 100-meter titan, but eating all kinds of things is indeed very tempting."

Zhou Yang: "Don't listen to their nonsense, Edward, the setting of the plot can't be changed, unless you become a test subject for Orochimaru, maybe you can grow taller immediately, Orochimaru, do you welcome him?"

Orochimaru: "I really want to study your body. If you need it, remember to contact me. My laboratory is open for you."

Edward heard Orochimaru say this, and there was a cool breeze behind him. Forget about Orochimaru being such a terrifying scientific madman.

Arm of Steel: "Orochimaru, forget it, if I were to be your experimental subject, I would rather be a dwarf, so fuck me!"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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