Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 531: The Meeting Of The Three Kings In The Group! Glittering Manifesto! (Please Subscribe! P

Jin Shining: "It's a pity, I'm already an impeccable person, I'm already perfect, not to mention my height!"

Ying Zheng: "You are golden, you have come out to pretend again, my emperor is also the one who rules the world, I don't care about height at all."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Everyone is the king of the times, and what we care about is the world, so these fringe things are impossible for us to have any quarrelsome meaning."

All of a sudden, the kings of the three worlds gathered together. Sure enough, the three kings were not interested in these meaningless things, but the three kings seemed to have some ideas about how to protect their own world. dispute.

Jin Shining: "Only strength is what we should value the most. Only with strength can we conquer everything. The weak must accept the protection of the strong.

Anonymous old monk: "Although Jin Xingxian said that you are very powerful, there are also people who are stronger than you in the Ten Thousand Realms, so the most important thing to get the world is to have your heart."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "In the early days, I also believed that the most important thing to rule the world is the high strength of martial arts, but now I am looking forward to getting more things. Although it is said that the world can be admired by thousands of people, but now I value not only strength up.

Ying Zheng: "Although strength is part of winning the world, if you lose the hearts of the people, you will also lose the world."

Zhou Yang suddenly saw that these three kings really have the world in their hearts, but for Wanjie, the strength of these three kings is still a bit insufficient, but since they joined this chat group, they have naturally seen different things , so my horizons have also broadened.

Saiki Kusuo: "Three people from the ancient world are actually discussing the world. It's incredible, but I think ordinary people like me can live a leisurely life."

Tony: "Although what you want is the world, each of us has our own pursuit, but I hope to protect everyone on the earth."

Zhou Yang: "You three kings have all seen different things. Sure enough, this chat group still has a promotional effect."

Jin Shining: "As long as there is strength, it is an unchanging truth that the strong protect the mentally retarded, so people's hearts and everything are scum in front of my impeccable strength."

Orochimaru: "What you pursue is too ambitious. I think I can do my experiments. Only the research of science is something eternal."

Tsunade: "You Orochimaru, don't do your weird experiments, everyone is already thankful."

Xiao Bu: "Xiao Bu thinks it's better not to bother me with things like this in the world, I am already very happy to be able to play video games, watch TV, and eat things made by big brother every day.

Ying Zheng: "The world is what I should pursue. As long as there is anything that can stop me, I will destroy it."

Tiedan Shenhou: "Sure enough, Yingzheng, you are still a strong man. You can win the world only if you can see people's hearts. If you didn't join the chat group before, you might not be able to see these things. The chat group is really a magical thing what."

Just when Zhou Yang saw the crowd of kings chatting, look at them chatting about such a magnificent topic. Sure enough, the members of the chat group are still doing their own things in their own worlds...

But for one's own values, once challenged by others, it is naturally unacceptable.

Jin Shining: "It's too simple for you two, if you have absolute strength, no matter who you are, you must submit to you."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "There will always be a day when strength will dissipate. Only by winning over everyone through the hearts of the people can we guarantee our eternal life."

Since Tie Danshenhou joined the chat group, he has indeed seen different things. He has seen many people who are stronger than him, and he naturally knows that sometimes strength is not the only way to speak.

Jin Shining: "If you come to my world, if you can defeat me, I can accept your protection, but you can't defeat me. y

Ying Zheng: "I really want to see how strong you are, but I'd better take care of the world in my own world. It's definitely not a beneficial thing to fight with you."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "If I have the ability to 3.7, I will definitely challenge you, but since I have got my things now, I am also satisfied. As for what you think, naturally I have no right to interfere."

Zhou Yang: "Jin Shining, it seems that you still have a lot of room to learn from each other. The world is easy to win, but it is hard to defend, but according to your strength, I am really not worried at all.

As soon as Zhou Yang said, it naturally stopped the topic of the three people, because the purpose of the chat group is not to provoke war, but to improve each other.

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