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Chapter Five Hundred And Thirtieth: Respect From An Emperor Through The Ages! The Attitude Of The Ad

The ministers at the side saw that Zhou Yang in front of him could have such a high status, which also made them respect the man in rare clothes in front of him.

However, since there are ministers who admire him, there are naturally ministers who are quite jealous, because some ministers feel that they have won the battle for Qin Shihuang and beheaded the enemy. But I can only look up at Qin Shihuang in front of me, which also makes them quite jealous. However, due to the majesty of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, most people dare not make any complaints casually.

But at the banquet, there was already a small group of ministers whispering and discussing something in a low voice. Qin Shihuang Yingzheng saw the reaction of the ministers below, and he knew what was going on in his heart. But for him, Zhou Yang in front of him deserves such a status.

So Qin Shihuang Yingzheng didn't pay attention to the group of ministers at all. But Zhou Yang on the side also seemed to have seen the actions of these ministers, and he also understood that he was able to sit on the same level as Qin Shihuang Yingzheng because he had enough strength. So he didn't have any abnormal reaction at all because of the actions of the ministers below.

Zhou Yang, on the other hand, felt that he was always being talked about secretly by these ministers, and he always felt a little uncomfortable. But in Qin Shihuang's palace, you still don't want to show your strength.

Qin Shihuang also noticed Zhou Yang's reaction, but now he did not have the airs of an emperor at all, and directly ordered the guards outside the main hall to present all the prepared banquet medicines.

Zhou Yang saw this ancient cuisine, and felt that the food that Qin Shihuang usually ate was very good. Even if they could cook such dishes in their age, only the emperor's family could enjoy such delicacies.

The ministers below saw the dishes served at the banquet today, all of which they had never tasted before, and Qin Shihuang Yingzheng usually entertained no matter how high-level, or people with outstanding military exploits, they had never tried such exquisite dishes today .

Therefore, some ministers who stayed out of the matter felt that today's banquet could whet the appetite. So naturally, he didn't feel the slightest bit strange about Zhou Yang on the top.

The first plate that came up was a large plate containing a piece of delicate pork head meat, which was fired with firewood and served with a special sauce, which already looked quite attractive. Moreover, the pork head was roasted over an ancient firewood, although some places looked a little burnt. But it will never affect the deliciousness of this piece of pork head meat.

Zhou Yang saw this first dish, and soon the gluttons in his stomach were hooked, and although it was slightly different from the dishes made by Liu Angxing and Xiao Fugui, it was very old in ancient times. A perfect honor.

"I didn't expect that our Qinshihuang Yingzheng could enjoy such delicious food in this era. It's really enviable."

When Qin Shihuang Yingzheng saw Zhou Yang saying this, he was also quite humble.

"Compared with Liu Angxing and Xiao Fugui, my chef is still a bit inferior, but if it suits your appetite, this is the best dish!"

Zhou Yang quickly took the chopsticks without hesitation, picked up a small part of the pig's head meat, and then put the meat directly into his mouth to chew. Moreover, he didn't care about Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's reaction, he directly picked up the wine glass next door, and drank heavily.

At this time, the ministers were even more surprised. This person did not get the permission of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, so he ate it directly. I have to say, this person is really bold.

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Zhou Yang didn't finish one piece, so he quickly picked up another piece of "meat" with his chopsticks and threw it into his mouth, chewing slowly. Then he exclaimed:

"This is really high! Ying Zheng, your chef is really skilled in cooking. It's really high to be able to make such dishes with such restrictions!"

When Qin Shihuang Yingzheng saw Zhou Yang eating so happily, he also asked the ministers below to be polite and eat together directly. But the ministers below, especially the group of ministers who were extremely jealous, all felt that Zhou Yang was unusual because of Zhou Yang's reaction.


However, Qin Shihuang did not intend to introduce Zhou Yang to these ministers directly at the beginning of the banquet, because he knew that Zhou Yang was not from this world, so he had to find a reason to think about how to hide Zhou Yang's identity better , This made Qin Shihuang, who hosted the banquet, feel a certain amount of confusion.

Zhou Yang met delicious food, and naturally forgot everything:

"It's so delicious, hurry up and let everyone eat such a delicious thing together. I'm still waiting for the second dish to be served, and you emperors really know how to enjoy it."

When Qin Shihuang saw Zhou Yang praising him so much, he was also politely humbled, but if it were normal, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng might not even show a hint of humility

But Qin Shihuang Yingzheng knew that Zhou Yang in front of him was not an ordinary person, who would dare to provoke him?

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