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Chapter 536: One Finger Suppressing God General! The Fear Of The Ministers Of The Great Qin Dynasty!

Soon, several dishes were served one after another. Zhou Yang looked at the maid in front of him, and at the same time looked at the dishes that were served. This trip is not in vain, to be able to enjoy such delicious food, and also to be able to enjoy such treatment. It's really unforgettable.

"Yingzheng, why don't I just stay in your world and become the king? Maybe I can still live happily every day?"

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng was also frightened by Zhou Yang's words. Why did he suddenly agree to come here for a tour, and suddenly wanted to stay? Could it be that Zhou Yang would snatch his country?

"Mr. Administrator, your ambition is not here, is it? How can my Jiang "940" mountain come into your eyes?"

Zhou Yang also saw Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's flustered expression, and felt that this joke might have frightened Qin Shihuang Yingzheng. Soon Zhou Yang sent out a sinister smile:

"I think your world is very suitable for me, why don't I stay here and help the society for you.

Seeing what Zhou Yang said, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng thought that Zhou Yang was really going to stay.

"Mr. Administrator, what do you want me to do?"

Zhou Yang felt that the joke was a little too big, and quickly patted Qin Shihuang Yingzheng on the shoulder:

"Let's leave this country to you, I still have a lot of things to do hahahahaha"

The ministers below saw that Zhou Yang was able to act like Qin Shihuang Yingzheng in this way, and they were naturally full of jealousy. Finally, someone was still dissatisfied and stood up.

A military general in armor and carrying a big knife came out from his desk and shouted loudly:

"Your Majesty, I don't know the origin of this guest in front of me, but with his actions like this, I really find it difficult to convince the public. We fought for you, the Emperor, and risked death, but we didn't treat you like this. Why? He can be treated like this, I am a reckless man, I really can't be convinced!"

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng in front of him saw all this, and hurriedly stopped the general in front of him who was fighting for him.

"You retreat first, how can you be so rude to my guests, I will spare you for the time being because of your outstanding military exploits.

However, the general in front of him was still indomitable, and seemed to always fight for himself.

Zhou Yang didn't pay much attention to the performance of the general in front of him, but from Zhou Yang's point of view, it is understandable for some people to be dissatisfied, because there are very few people who can stand on an equal footing with the ancient emperor Wang Ping Can.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng also immediately explained the situation to Zhou Yang who was beside him:

"This general has accompanied me to kill countless enemies on the battlefield, and it is understandable that he is dissatisfied with the courtesy I have treated you today.

Zhou Yang also frowned, and said to Qin Shihuang Yingzheng with a smile:

"It seems to be very simple to convince him. I have tried a few tricks with him, and he will know why I am able to sit here today. I hope that Ying Zheng will give me a chance. Of course, I also hurt him."

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng also naturally understood what Zhou Yang meant, and said to Zhou Yang beside him:

"Although he's a bit rude, he doesn't mean to hurt him, but Mr. Administrator, it's better not to be too harsh, so as not to destroy my little ruined temple.

Zhou Yang knew that if he released the Taiyin God Realm or the City of Time Eater here, he would probably destroy the palace, so he also decided not to use such a destructive move. However, in Zhou Yang's opinion, his simple physical skills are enough to face this incapable general in front of him...

Zhou Yang also naturally increased his volume and put on an imposing manner:

"If you don't accept it, fight in front of everyone until you accept it."

When the general heard what Zhou Yang said, he was naturally filled with anger in an instant, and started to yell at Zhou Yang:

"I am on the battlefield, and no one can live under my command. I really want to see what skills you have."

After finishing speaking, the general in front of him raised his big knife and swung it at Zhou Yang, but Zhou Yang dodged easily, and then tripped the general with his feet. on the ground.

The ministers in front of them were all frightened by Zhou Yang's reaction, but there were still a small number of ministers who thought it was just Zhou Yang's luck that he was able to beat them, a general who was under one man and over ten thousand people.

But what happened next surprised everyone present. Zhou Yang suddenly flew behind the general with a stride, and directly raised his palm to ride 2.5 on the general's back.

Suddenly the general fell to the ground directly, even he himself couldn't believe it, Zhou Yang completed all these actions in a blink of an eye. And he didn't see his move clearly at all, so he was hit directly.

Zhou Yang walked back to his seat and said loudly to the ministers below:

"Now you guys are convinced, if I didn't know that you are the right-hand man of your emperor, I would have killed this general a long time ago!"

The words in front of him stunned all the ministers.

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