Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 539: Miss Pao Is A Power Bank? The Sweeping Monk Who Was Ridiculed By The Crowd! (Please Col

Tony: "Speaking of the plan, my armor has been strengthened after being inspired by the alien last time. Now my armor can resist most lightning attacks, and can convert lightning into its own energy."

Zhou Yang: "In other words, someone else's attack equals charging you, right?"

Tony: "It can be understood in this way, and I can transform most of other people's attacks into my own energy."

Misaka Mikoto: "The appearance of the new armor! But can you survive my electromagnetic gun? I'm afraid my electromagnetic gun will blow you to ashes at once."

Lala: "It seems that I can use my scientific lightning to see if it can damage your armor. If the electricity is not damaged, then I would like to borrow your armor for fun.

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Controlling lightning sounds very powerful. I wonder if the zombies here can bite your armor to pieces."

Dad: "Do you really think your zombies are so powerful? Our pig charms can also release lightning, but Tony's armor seems to be 927 stronger than our pig charms. We can only discharge electricity here and not absorb electricity." what.

The pig charm in Papa's world allows the holder's eyes to emit current lasers, but the current lasers can only be emitted through the eyes, and lightning attacks cannot be avoided.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "This armor that converts lightning is very strong at first glance. If it comes to our world, it may really be able to make everyone docile!"

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect Mr. Tony to be so fanatical about science, he can already control the power of lightning, but if you want to create lightning here, you only need to be familiar with Chakra of Lightning Style."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Looking at it this way, if Mr. Tony's armor is matched with Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic gun, then he can become a real thunder controller hahahaha." (aefg)

Anonymous old monk: "I named it the Super Armored Electromagnetic Gun. When I see someone who is upset, give him an electric shock. Wow, it feels so sour!"

Dad: "You old monk, how can you name other people's skills casually, if I will definitely give you a whole electric shock, it will make you feel great.

Misaka Mikoto: "It turns out that the old monk still likes to play with this thing, but I can travel to his world and give him a good shot?"

My wife Yuno: "It's a big shot, why does this sound a bit wrong? You are obsessed with the old monk?"

Xiaobu: "I didn't expect Misaka Mikoto to be such a person. He is worthy of being the number one strength in Tokiwadai, and he wants to have a fight with the old monk?"

Tony: "Misaka Mikoto, you are a devil, you and the old monk can't imagine it. I didn't expect the old monk to look like a dishonest person, and now he looks even more dishonest.

Saiki Kusuo: "Thinking about it makes me feel terrible, I'd better eat my coffee jelly obediently.

Misaka Mikoto: "Where are you all thinking, think wrongly, how could I do that kind of thing with the old monk."

Zhou Yang: "We didn't talk about that thing, what we said was to fire an electromagnetic gun to the old monk. It seems that Misaka Mikoto, are you thinking wrong?"

After speaking, Zhou Yang posted a smirk emoticon on the group.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I didn't expect Mikoto Misaka to think wrongly. It seems that if he thinks about it, he will act."

Tony: "Looks like I still avoided Mikoto Misaka's full blast on my armor! Although my armor can absorb his railgun to become more powerful.

Misaka Mikoto was already on fire at this time, but he didn't expect that the people in this group became more serious than each other:

"If you continue to do this, I really want to give you a good try. The power of the electromagnetic gun is now, and I will give you a good electrotherapy."

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, Amitabha, you actually thought of that. How can I face the patriarchs above me?"

Acedes: "Old monk, you are already sorry for your patriarch for being so unscrupulous. If your patriarch saw you, he would have been pissed off."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "I also think that if the old monk returns to the Buddha, he will probably be the first one to escape you into Buddhism."

Anonymous old monk: "Don't be rude, don't be rude! You actually slandered my ancestors, are you still human?"

Bone King: "You're right, maybe I'm really not human?"

Liu Angxing: "What is Patriarch, can you cook and eat? If you can cook, remember to leave a copy for me. I will definitely stir fry it well and then stir fry it."

Xiao Bu: "It seems that the old monk can't escape our collective ridicule today."

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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