Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Fortieth: The Romantic History Of The Old Monk! Hunt The Time Breakers! (Pl

Tony: "Do you think the old monk has a romantic history? Maybe he was a playboy before he became a monk?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "The romantic history of the old monk is very interesting to hear. Come out and tell me, old monk, if you were a playboy, how did you become what you are now?"

Acedes: "Sexy old monk, a history of thousands of romances. The title has already been written. I think the old monk should stop reading scriptures often. It is better to write books. This is much more useful than reading scriptures all day long. "

Xiao Bu: "What made the old monk lose his love overnight, and what made the old monk suddenly shut himself up, all these are the old monk's incompetence, or the old monk's ugly human nature. Please watch, the old monk's romantic past."

Liu Angxing: "Xiao Bui, you have already arranged the advertisement. Today, it seems that everyone is going to make it clear for the old monk. If the old monk becomes famous in the future, maybe we will still push hands!"

Dad: "I didn't expect the old monk to have a romantic history. What kind of information did you get? Let Dad see what kind of young man this old monk is."

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, how did you pick up this topic? The poor monk has only accompanied the ancient Buddha with green lanterns all his life. What is the history of romance, but I have seen a few women in this life who are quite beautiful, but I'm definitely not that kind of person!"

Tony: "I didn't expect our old monk to fall in love with a few women. Although I admit that I used to be a playboy, since I fell in love with Little Pepper, I only have him in my heart. I didn't expect you, old monk, He also had a romantic history with a few women, it's not easy, it's not easy.

Anonymous old monk: "You playboy, you still say that you are devoted, are you embarrassed? Tony benefactor~"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Hurry up and arrange for the old monk. The old monk will tell me what those girls look like."

Anonymous old monk: "At that time, I went down the mountain with my buddhist brother. I didn't expect the outside world to be so wonderful. In order not to offend the Buddhist world, I can only watch from a distance and not get close."

Orochimaru: "Tch, this is the end, and it made me stop what I was doing to look at your romantic history.

Saiki Kusuo: "No, my coffee jelly is ready, so you just tell me something like this.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You should go with your left and right hands, it really makes people feel too hot!"

Lala: "I can't wait to make an electric shock device to give the old monk electrotherapy."

Iron Arm: "I didn't expect that I stopped the trip to see if the old monk could say something. I didn't expect this to be the end? No wonder you are an old monk.

Anonymous old monk: "I always say that I am a good man who is always with the Green Lantern Buddha, but you still think I have some romantic history, it is really strange."

Shana: "It's all so boring."

Orochimaru: "However, if the old monk is willing, I can create a few experimental bodies for the old monk to enjoy. Otherwise, send the old woman Tsunade there

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, say it again, it's almost enough to send you there."

Suddenly the system released a mission! Zhou Yang saw it, and it seemed that it was not too far from the time when the last mission was released. But this mission looks more interesting.

0…ask for flowers……

[Mission: Hunting the Spacetime Destroyer]

[Mission description: Time and space destroyers are produced in the time and space cracks of the world. Because each shuttler has read the information of each world, he has strong strength. He can stop the world line of any world and disrupt the world order in each world. the saboteurs. 】

【Mission points: 50,000 points】

Zhou Yang saw the space-time destroyers. The name looks very powerful, but these space-time destroyers may be different from ordinary time-travelers, because although the time-travelers seem to have just arrived from one world to another world , but the time-space destroyer seems to be someone who specifically disrupts the world's plot line, and his strength must not be weak.


Zhou Yang once faced various difficult tasks, but this task also allowed Zhou Yang to instantly improve his concentration, because it is a trivial matter for him to score points, but if the world lines of various worlds are disturbed, It is easy to cause group members to be in danger.

Of course, these points can also improve one's strength by the way, and the current self is also pursuing the improvement of strength. Although I don't know what kind of person the time-space destroyer exists, but if I can successfully kill them, I can discover a stronger self through the points.

However, Zhou Yang also thinks that this way can call the helpers of various chat groups, so this task should be able to gather the strength of the chat groups, and it should not be difficult to complete. ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket six!.

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