Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 541: Mobile Points Baby! Hunt From The Administrator! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

Zhou Yang thought that since there are space-time destroyers, where to find them, this task will not tell the specific space like before, so maybe it will be impossible to hunt down all the time-space destroyers.

So Zhou Yang thought of the detection symbols in the group, try this first, if it works, you can quickly find the location of each space-time destroyer.

So Zhou Yang spent his points to buy the detection talisman, and it turned out that the detection blessing was useful. The system suddenly prompted the location of the space-time destroyer.

Ding, there are 3 space-time destroyers in this mission, please choose a location of a space-time destroyer to detect "150". Zhou Yang didn't know who these three destroyers were, so he just casually named Spacetime Destroyer One.

Time Destroyer 1 is located in Arayata High School, and its purpose is to destroy the world line of everyday people and destroy this space.

Zhou Yang thought about Arayada High School. Isn’t this the school where Xiao Bu is? are eliminated.

Knowing the news, Zhou Yang didn't even have time to find a helper, so he bought a boundary-penetrating talisman and went to Xiaobu's world.

Zhou Yang came to Arayata High School, but all this looked very normal, and many students were as usual. Zhou Yang arrived in the afternoon, which happened to be the time when Arayata High School was over. Zhou Yang also directly sent a private message to Xiaobu.

"Xiao Bu, I just received a mission. A space-time destroyer has come to your world. You, your friends and big brother should pay attention. I will get rid of him as soon as possible.

Xiao Bu was naturally surprised when he heard it, and Xiao Bu often bubbled up in the chat group, and he would often see the release of missions, but why did such a threatening person come to his world? .

"Okay, Xiao Bu received it, I will go home right now, and ask my brother to come back as soon as possible!"

Zhou Yang also knew the specific location of the space-time destroyer through the detection symbol in the interval of private messages. Soon Zhou Yang found the space-time destroyer.

However, the person in front of him seemed to be a little abnormally tall, probably only able to reach Zhou Yang's waist. Such a short person is actually a space-time destroyer, but I don't know what strength the other party has.

The dwarf in front of him, Time Destroyer, also noticed Zhou Yang's arrival, and soon the two met in the alley. Zhou Yang saw the dwarf in front of him, and naturally laughed at his height:

"I didn't expect such a short person to have such evil thoughts, trying to disturb other people's world lines, what is your purpose?"

The dwarf space-time destroyer didn't react when he heard Zhou Yang's ridicule, but sneered instead:

"We take pleasure in destruction. Only by destroying other people's world lines can we become stronger. If you want to block my way, I will kill you."

Zhou Yang saw that the dwarf in front of him didn't even have the slightest intention of being afraid of him, but what excited Zhou Yang was that this opponent was naturally a somewhat formidable opponent.

The dwarf Time Destroyer saw that Zhou Yang had no intention of retreating, so he sneered at Zhou Yang:

"Just right, before I die, let you remember my name, my name is Shanmu, let you see how good I am..."

Suddenly Shanmu drilled into the wall, and soon passed through to the other side of the wall. Just as Zhou Yang saw that he could pass through the wall, the wall in front of him suddenly collapsed.

"Everyone dies under my hands, I will remember his name, come and tell me your name, I will remember you well."

Zhou Yang knew that this mountain tree could move within a solid, and then destroy the solid at the moment of movement. Then in this way, it is absolutely impossible to let the opponent pass through your body.

"You don't need to remember my name today. I just need to remember your name. I have to make a quick decision. Otherwise, I will make trouble for you, the king of destruction. Will this city survive?"

Seeing Zhou Yang's disdain for him, Shan Mu tried to go directly through Zhou Yang's body and let his body be destroyed directly.

However, everything in front of him shocked Shanmu, layers of icicles suddenly stood up on the ground, his legs were directly fixed by 1.5, and it became difficult to even move, but Shanmu's ability is to penetrate solid objects, The ice in front of him was also solid, so he tried to go straight through.

But what shocked Shan Mu was that the ice seemed to be layer after layer, no matter how he penetrated, the ice would still appear in front of him continuously.

Zhou Yang sneered at the side: "If you can pass through my Taiyin God Realm, I can give you a good fight. But today you seem to have no chance."

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