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Chapter 543: The Meaning Of Drama! The Existence Behind The Plot Spoiler! (Please Collect! Please Su

Zhou Yang saw that the space-time destroyer in front of him was Yamanaka and Shanmu. Why do these names sound so similar? They can't be two brothers like Yang Chao and Yang Ming before.

But Zhou Yang just wanted to make a quick decision at this time. Since he already knew the opponent's strength, he only needed to kill him in seconds.

The opponent's ability is to turn into a liquid and then can attack him at any time, so as long as he doesn't give the opponent this opportunity.

"Yamanaka, let me take you to your brother's place, so that you can reunite with your brother."

As soon as Zhou Yang's words fell, Yamanaka suddenly realized that he was tightly controlled, and his legs instantly turned into ice sculptures. At this time, Zhou Yang didn't seem to give Yamanaka a chance to fight back, so he released After eating the city of time, what happened to Yamanaka was swallowed up in the enchantment of the city of time just like Shan Mu.

Saiki Kusuo watched from the side for Zhou Yang to end the battle. He also knew that the space-time destroyer with superpowers in front of him had no chance to fight back. Zhou Yang was killed in seconds.

But Saiki Kusuo was not surprised at all, because he knew that Zhou Yang's strength might be far more than that, and he didn't have to make a move at all, or he didn't even have the chance to be Zhou Yang's assistant.

Zhou Yang thought that there was only one space-time destroyer left at this time, so he directly explained the situation to Saiki Kusuo:

"There are three space-time destroyers who have traveled to various worlds to destroy their worlds. This one happens to be the second one, and the last one is left."

Saiki Kusuo put on a lazy expression while leaning sideways and said:

"Mr. Administrator is really strong. I was still thinking about whether I should make a move, but I have to hurry to buy coffee jelly. "Otherwise, I might not be able to buy it today!"

Zhou Yang felt that Saiki Kusuo was really a coffee jelly maniac, and he didn't panic at all when he saw this situation, and he thought of rushing to buy coffee jelly.

But at this time Zhou Yang didn't have time to chat with Qi Mu Kusuo, where is the last space-time destroyer, but Zhou Yang didn't worry about the strength of these three space-time destroyers, because the first two were defeated by Zhou Yang in an instant up.

It was only at this time that Saiki Kusuo realized that he would have telepathy, so he could ask where the third space-time destroyer is located. But Zhou Yang killed the space-time destroyer in front of him at once.

Only then did Zhou Yang recall that Saiki Kusuo could have asked for the location of the third space-time destroyer, but since the person has been eliminated, there is no other way.

Zhou Yang also immediately used the detection function to detect the position of the third space-time destroyer.

Ding~ The third space-time destroyer is located in the palace of the Qing Dynasty. Its purpose is to destroy the world line of this world, and its ability is stronger than the first two space-time destroyers.

Zhou Yang thought to himself, the palace of the Qing Dynasty might be the world where Xiao Fugui lived. Why do these time and space destroyers always like to go to the world of group members without superpowers, except for Saiki Kusuo just now.

Zhou Yang also quickly traveled to the world of the master chef Xiao Fugui.

I saw Zhou Yang landed at this time, in a magnificent palace, this palace is obviously more luxurious than Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's palace, and has a modern architectural style.

Zhou Yang also knew that this was the Qing Dynasty. Of course, there would be some changes in the architecture, but overall, this Emperor Chōmei was obviously more luxurious than the main hall of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng.

Zhou Yang also immediately found the third space-time destroyer.

At this time, the third space-time destroyer was looking for something quickly, as if his footsteps were very hasty.

Zhou Yang flew in front of the third space-time destroyer with a quick step, and said to the third space-time destroyer with a smile:

"`~Maybe you are Yamaki and Yamanaka's big brother?"

Of course, Zhou Yang is not sure whether this is the brother of Yamanaka and Yamaki, or he does not know whether this is the big brother or younger brother of Yamanaka and Yamanaka.

However, the other party seemed a bit shocked that Zhou Yang knew his identity, but the third space-time destroyer in front of him was obviously much calmer than Yamanaka and Shan Mu:

"Who are you, how do you know the names of my two younger brothers, are you also a conqueror of time and space.

Zhou Yang saw (Li Lihao) that he said that he was a conqueror of time and space, destroying other people's world lines, and he could call himself a conqueror.

"The two of them have disappeared forever, and it is impossible for you brothers to be reunited, but I have a way to reunite you."

The third space-time destroyer was quite surprised when he heard Zhou Yang say this:

"Did you take all my younger brothers? I will argue with you later on."

After speaking, the third space-time destroyer immediately wanted to escape.

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