Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 544: Peep From Fate! Thoughts After The Skyrocketing Points! (Please Subscribe! Please Colle

(Sorry, I was too tired and uploaded without seeing clearly, I am very sorry!)

Zhou Yang saw that the third space-time destroyer wanted to run away. Sure enough, this time-space destroyer was very different from the previous two. The previous Shanmu and Yamanaka seemed to be very impulsive people. Wanting to take their lives, he suddenly became impulsive.

Of course, the result of such impulsiveness is the consequence of death, but Zhou Yang has no intention of letting the third space-time destroyer escape at this time.

I immediately chased after him, and saw that the third space-time destroyer could pass through the wall like a mountain tree, but after passing through the wall, the wall did not show any signs of being destroyed

This let Zhou Yang know that the third space-time destroyer may have greater strength than the previous two space-time destroyers. ,

But Zhou Yang wasn't worried about the strength of this space-time destroyer, because he knew that no matter how the opponent tried to escape, it was impossible for him to match his own speed.

At this time, Zhou Yang also rushed up quickly, and immediately stopped in front of the third space-time destroyer. However, the third space-time destroyer didn't intend to pay attention to Zhou Yang, and immediately bypassed Zhou Yang and went directly to the depths of the palace.

Zhou Yang realized that the third space-time destroyer might be a plot character who wanted to harm this world. Immediately, Zhou Yang directly cast the Taiyin God's Domain, directly freezing the legs of the third space-time destroyer, so that the other party could not escape.

The third space-time destroyer immediately sensed something was wrong, why his legs were suddenly frozen by frost, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could no longer escape.

Zhou Yang naturally didn't intend to kill this space-time destroyer immediately:

"Your purpose or your plan cannot be realized. No matter how you escape, you will no longer be able to escape the attack of my Taiyin God Realm."

Seeing this situation, the third space-time destroyer thought he had to fight, and immediately wanted to escape the attack from the Taiyin God Realm, but no matter how he used his abilities, he couldn't escape.

"Who are you? Did you kill my younger brothers? You dare to stop our plan, so let's get rid of you first."

Zhou Yang also let out a hahahahaha laugh at this time, pointing directly at the third space-time destroyer:

"Do you think you still have the ability to fight with me now? Your younger brothers, Yamaki and Yamanaka, have been killed by me. At this time, you can only reunite through me."

The third space-time destroyer heard that his younger brothers had been killed by Zhou Yang in front of him, and suddenly became angry, seeing that his body was surrounded by red flames.

"Let you see my true strength!"

But everything in front of him stunned the space-time destroyer, no matter how much he tried to break free from Zhou Yang's Taiyin God Realm with his own heat, his legs were still terribly frozen.

Zhou Yang: "I said that if you brothers want to reunite, you can only go through me. Let me tell you the method, that is, I will kill you all, and you can be reunited."

The third time and space destroyer has fallen into infinite fear at this time, and even his speech has begun to be a little weak:

"Who on earth are you? How can you have such strength? Our plan has not been realized yet. There is no way I will lose here!"

Zhou Yang didn't intend to give the third space-time destroyer a chance to struggle, Zhou Yang turned around, turned his back to the third space-time destroyer and walked away from him step by step.

0...asking for flowers...

At this time, the tentacles of the time-eating city barrier had already stretched out from the ground, Zhou Yang didn't even look back to see his opponent being killed in front of him, only heard a tragic scream.

Immediately, the surroundings of the palace returned to the usual calm, obviously Zhou Yang didn't use much of his effort in this battle at all. However, this group of space-time destroyers tried to destroy the world lines of other worlds to gain stronger strength.

However, Zhou Yang, the group leader of the chat group, naturally wouldn't let this happen, and the targets of these three space-time destroyers turned out to be group members who didn't have any strong fighting ability. But their choice was obviously wrong, because although they didn't have strong fighting ability at this time, Zhou Yang, the leader of the chat group, also had the strength beyond most of the people.

Finally, after killing the three space-time destroyers, the notification sound of the mission system rang in his ears again.

Ding~ The task of hunting the space-time destroyer is completed, and 50,000 points have been credited.

Only then did Zhou Yang inform Xiao Fugui, and Zhou Yang also privately messaged Xiao Fugui:

"Little Fugui, just now there were traversers in your world who tried to harm the characters in your world, but I have already eliminated them."

Xiao Fugui didn't notice any movement around him [Xianwei Zhou Yang's battle ended in an instant. So Xiao Fugui didn't feel any threat around him:

"I didn't even notice any movement, but since the administrator said so, I still thank the administrator for his help!"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for thousands of evaluation tickets!.

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