Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 554: Zhao Linger Appears! A Catastrophe In The Fairy Sword World! (Please Subscribe! Please

Zhao Ling'er: "Why are you discussing so enthusiastically, but it's been a long time since there were any water groups.

Everyone was quite surprised when they saw Zhao Linger's appearance. Zhao Linger hadn't appeared in the chat group for a long time.

Xiao Bu: "Zhao Ling'er, it seems that you haven't been out of the water group for a long time, and you have been diving for so long, have you forgotten the group members in the group?"

Anonymous old monk: "This female benefactor seems to have not shown up for a long time, but she has been diving for so long, maybe something happened~."

Genius White: "My new member doesn't know who this is, but since I joined the chat group, I have never seen this Zhao Linger come out to talk."

Iron Arm: "Add one to the new group members. But I haven't seen this group member come out to speak, could it be that something happened?"

Super Saiyan: "Add one new member to the group, have you encountered any difficulties? I know that people in this group are very enthusiastic, so why not tell me?"

Zhao Linger: "Recently, my world has encountered a lot of troubles. There have been monsters in our world, but they haven't appeared yet. I have been looking for the whereabouts of monsters recently. Once his seal is lifted, and I If we can't seal him again, our world will be threatened. It will be beyond redemption."

Zhou Yang also knew that this monster was the Water Moon Worshiper, and in the end Zhao Ling'er might use the Heaven and Earth to die together with it. I didn't expect Zhao Linger to come to this step after all, but Zhou Yang thought that since Zhao Linger could speak in the group, it proved that he hadn't reached this point yet.

Zhou Yang; "Ling'er, do you want to change all of this? The people in our group can help you, even if the monster has lifted its seal, we can defeat her?"

Zhao Ling'er: "I am a direct descendant of Nuwa, and I shoulder the mission of saving the common people, but if it bothers everyone, will it be a little troublesome?"

Lin Jiushu: "Subduing demons is the mission of those of us who have attained the Tao. How can we say that we are bothering everyone? Besides, subduing demons is such a great thing. If Uncle Jiu needs to take action, I will definitely do it." Obligatory.

Anonymous old monk: "It's rare to hear Uncle Jiu say so righteously that he is a man who conquers demons. If I need help from an old monk, I will definitely get rid of everything around me and go to help.

Xiao Bu: "The people in this group are really touching. Although Xiao Bu has no ability, he will still cheer for everyone at the end.

Ying Zheng: "If it is to save the common people, what a great mission this is. If the emperor needs to take action, I will definitely do my best."

Zhou Yang: "Since we are members of the group, we have problems to solve together, and it is too easy to seal this beast. Or just kill him directly.

But when it comes to seals, there are not many people in this group. Lin Jiushu's seal on zombies is achieved through spells, but this seal is obviously not enough to seal this ancient beast.

But Zhou Yang thought of a person at this time, and that was Orochimaru. In the ninja world, there was a ninjutsu called ghoul sealing. If it couldn't be sealed, Zhou Yang thought he could kill him directly.

Saiki Kusuo: "Then who can seal that magical beast? It seems that few of us know how to seal it. Even with my super power, I can't seal it?

0...asking for flowers...

Bone King: "That's right, if you can't kill it, but seal it up, who can seal it up?"

Zhao Linger: "If I pay my own life, maybe I can seal it, but this ancient monster, it seems that the strength is not weak, if it fails, it will endanger the common people!"

Zhou Yang naturally knew that in the end Zhao Ling'er would seal it through the fire of heaven and earth, but Zhao Ling'er would lose his life, which was not a good result for Zhou Yang, or even for the chat group, so Zhou Yang naturally didn't want her go on an adventure. And Zhou Yang also knows the characteristics of the water monster. The water monster is one of the ancient five-element monsters. It can summon floods and regenerate through water, so it may be difficult to kill him directly. The Nuwa tribe once sealed it. But it is only limited to seals.


Marquis of Vauban: "I didn't expect it to be such a strong beast. If we can only seal it, maybe not many of us here can do it.

Tsunade: "We do have a lot of sealing techniques in the ninjutsu world, but who can seal such a powerful ancient monster? Even if it uses a powerful ninjutsu like ghoul sealing, the caster may lose of life?"

Zhou Yang: "I thought of someone! Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "It seems that the administrator has finally thought of me. I do have a way and can perform this kind of ninjutsu without harming the life of a living person.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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