Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 555: The Idea Of ​​Zombie Ninjutsu! The Ancient Warcraft Is Being Targeted By The Group Memb

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, please don't be foolish, tell us how to cast Ghoul Seal without harming the caster's body?"

Orochimaru: "You old woman, you are in such a hurry, and now you are begging me to do something. The administrator is not in a hurry, so you are in a hurry first?"

Anonymous old monk: "Orochimaru, the poor monks who are talking about want to know what can be done, so don't be foolish, tell me how to do it quickly?"

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, do you want to use that group of things?"

Orochimaru: "The administrator is right. As expected, Mr. Administrator is thoughtful. "Seven Nine Seven", I immediately figured out what method I used."

Tony: "Why are you two chatting on your own? If you know how to do it, hurry up and talk about it. After all, it is important to seal the monster, so you can talk about what you can do.

Zhou Yang: "Zombie ninja? Do you want to use the body of a zombie to perform spells?"

Orochimaru: "Mr. Administrator is right, I just plan to use zombies to perform spells. As long as I can control zombies and send a little Chakra into their bodies, they can perform spells through the Chakra in their bodies. Not only will it not Damage the body of the living, and let this group of zombies cast spells, if I feel that the sealing technique is not strong enough, I can let more zombies perform spells, and then I can seal this ancient monster."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, I didn't expect you, a scientist, to come up with some tricks. I won't argue with you this time. After all, you are also responsible for saving people."

Lin Jiushu: "I thought of using zombie ninjas to perform spells. This is really profound. Although zombies are dead bodies, they can be turned into living bodies by Orochimaru's hands, and the so-called Chakra can be poured into them, so that you can achieve The purpose of turning a zombie into a ninja is really high!"

Tony: "The power of science is really great. Orochimaru didn't expect you, a scientific madman, to come up with such a method [I also admire you very much."

Orochimaru: "I have already said that only the power of science is eternal, but there is an old woman in this group who has never believed it, so why hasn't that old woman come out to apologize to me now?"

Seeing that Orochimaru was so reasonable, Tsunade broke the table next to him. Poor Shizune, I have to buy a new table for Tsunade. I recently lost a lot of money in gambling Shizune had no choice but to buy a table for Tsunade.

Marquis of Vauban: "Then have you figured out a way to seal this ancient monster now? Orochimaru's method is really powerful. With such a strong sealing technique, Zhao Linger's troubles can be solved instantly this time."

Zhao Ling'er: "An ancient monster has super energy. I'm afraid that Orochimaru's sealing technique won't be able to seal this ancient monster."

Xiao Bu: "Could it be that such a strong ninjutsu can't seal this ancient monster? There are so many powerful people in our group. "I think we can definitely deal with this ancient monster."

Zhou Yang: "Ling'er, you don't have to worry about it. Orochimaru can cast this technique. If he really can't kill the ancient monster, he is definitely strong enough to seal him

Orochimaru: "Don't worry, the Ghoul seals the Technique, which is to hand over the opponent's soul to the devil, and I have so many zombie ninjas, it is enough to deal with an ancient Warcraft 0

Super Saiyan: "There are still such strong sealing techniques in this group, but I believe there are still many powerful people in our group."

Misaka Mikoto: "This ghoul sealing technique sounds very powerful. It is enough to deal with an ancient monster. If the administrator leads the team himself, it will definitely be able to easily deal with this ancient monster!"

Zhao Linger: "Thank you very much, if we can solve this ancient monster, then our world will be safe, but the strength of the ancient monster should not be underestimated, if you come to help Linger, Lingchuan Thank you so much."

Zhou Yang: "Sealing the ancient monsters and ghouls is enough to deal with them, and this time I will go there in person, and I can seal the ancient monsters with two strokes."

Saiki Kusuo: "It sounds very exciting. The action of sealing ancient monsters is really exciting. I don't even think this is a troublesome 2.3."

Liu Angxing: "I am responsible for supporting you behind your back. My cooking can definitely help you recover your strength quickly. The administrator must work hard this time!"

Orochimaru: "This is the power of science. In front of my science, an ancient beast is nothing. It would be even better if I could retrieve two experimental subjects."

Zhou Yang; "Then who of us wants to help Zhao Linger solve the difficulties this time?"

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