Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Sixty Third: Uranus Orochimaru! Surprise Caused By Kamehae Qigong! (Please

Back in the chat group, the group members naturally felt happy for the victory of the seal, and this happiness came from this chat group, because everyone knew that Zhao Linger's fate might have been changed.

Zhao Linger: "Thank you very much, everyone's help this time, if the administrator, Orochimaru and Wukong hadn't come to my world in person, I don't know how to solve this water monster

Xiao Bu: "Xiao Bu was very excited when he saw it, but Xiao Bu didn't worry about whether the administrators would be able to succeed, because the administrator's strength was really too strong, and he immediately froze the water monster gone."

Lin Jiushu: "Subduing demons and subjugating demons is the destiny of us people. The administrators are really too strong this time, and they were able to seal this water monster that harmed the world in such a short time. The Taoist priests in Zizi are also really admired."

Tony: "This water monster seems to be able to call wind and rain, and its strength is not weak, but it turned into a small ant in front of the administrator. It feels like the administrator can crush him to death at 180 with just one shot.

Misaka Mikoto: "How can this water monster have such a large size, and it can also summon floods to harm the people? This is an evil beast, and this is not a simple evil beast, but a weak beast with extraordinary strength , but in front of the administrators and the others, it was just an ant, and it was dealt with immediately."

Dad: "When Dad sees this water monster, he also feels that the water monster's strength is extraordinary. However, after the Moon Worship Master and this water monster are combined, the strength is even stronger. However, the administrator can worship this water monster all at once. The Moonwater Demonic Beast was frozen, so I have to admire the administrator's strength.

Gang Tiezhiarm: "I didn't expect to go to Dai Jianyi this time, I feel that this water monster is stronger than the two brothers last time, but the administrator and the others can solve it so easily. It seems that the alchemist Compared with the strength of the administrator, there is still a big gap."

Saiki Kusuo: "Although this is a very troublesome matter, and this extraordinary water monster has to be dealt with, the administrator actually surrendered this water monster so easily

The Day of Genius: "I didn't expect that such a water monster existed in this world, and it is such a fierce monster. However, as a genius, I have to be impressed by the administrator's strength, but the members of this chat group There are still many unknowns in the world, which is really interesting."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, I didn't expect your sealing technique to work. At first I wondered if you were going to make soy sauce."

Orochimaru: "You old woman, you dare to doubt my strength casually, so that you dare to underestimate the power of science in the future. This is the greatness of science. You, an old fat sheep in the gambling world, don't understand.

Anonymous old monk: "However, Orochimaru's sealing technique has indeed played a role. It is possible to seal the moon-worshiping monster through such a ninjutsu. Let me first say that Orochimaru is awesome. But the premise is that the administrator, Shun (aeea ) to freeze this Moon Worshiping Demonic Beast, of course the administrator is even more awesome."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Old monk, I have said it all. The strength of the administrator is the best in the world. To solve this water monster so easily, the strength of the administrator is indeed the top in the world."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "However, the strength of this water monster seems to be very strong. As long as the monster can control the power of water, it seems that it is not weak, but it was killed by the administrator. In addition, we did not expect that our old man The monk has also become a licking dog?"

Anonymous old monk: "Three mad benefactors, it's not that the poor monk thinks that the administrators have done something to benefit the world, and the poor monk also thinks this is such a kind thing, I am not licking a dog.

Marquis of Vauban: "Old monk, don't lie to yourself. You have followed the licking spirit and become the administrator's licking dog. But according to the law of this chat group, you can have everything you want until the end. It seems like this It seems that you are not at a loss."

Wukong: "At that time, I also thought that the water monster seemed very powerful, but it was just a appearance, and the administrator solved it at once, and I didn't need my help.

Tony: "Wukong, your Kamehae qigong doesn't look weak. If it is absorbed by my armor, I don't know what kind of energy it will become. Speaking of which, I look forward to working with you.

Misaka Mikoto: "Tony-sensei, I am the master of this combination technique. Where do you let my electromagnetic gun power go?"

Tony: "Isn't it exciting to see Kamehae Qigong? Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if I could turn into a stronger energy cannon through my armor?"

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