Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 564: Xun'er Is A Big Kid! Tsunade Old Aunt No Happiness! (Please Collect! Please Subscr

Seeing that everyone was so amazed at Zhou Yang's strength, Zhao Ling'er was naturally very grateful that he was a member of the chat group, because he never knew that one day he would be able to get help from the members of the chat group. In addition to being full of gratitude, it is also full of emotion.

Zhao Linger: "Seeing that you are all amazed at their strength, Linger also thinks that the administrator's strength is really amazing, even Xiaoyao was stunned by the administrator's strength, but this time I am very grateful for everyone's help, If it weren't for your help, I don't even know how to resolve this crisis and save the common people in the world."

Wukong: "The group members are in trouble, and all parties support them. This trip to Zhao Linger's world not only made me feel the power of this chat group, but also let me know that there are many stronger people in this world, so this trip to Zhao Linger's world The world makes me feel that I must increase the intensity of my cultivation."

Iron Arm: "Wukong, your strength still needs to be cultivated. What do you let us people in the alchemy world do? Your piggy qigong is too scary~"

Wukong: "There are still all kinds of threats in our world, so I have to raise my ability to another level. Also, is it called Kamepai Qigong, not Pigpai Qigong, okay?"

Tsunade: "Hahahaha, as expected, the name of Zhupai Qigong is easier for people to remember, but Wukong is indeed much stronger than this little yellow-haired dwarf."

Edward didn't know why Tsunade liked to call himself a yellow-haired dwarf so much, and he didn't know why Tsunade kept fighting with him, which made him angry at Tsunade, the old Aunt, but he had nothing to do.

Xiaobu: "Xiaobu feels proud because he is a member of the chat group. The people in the chat group are all enthusiastic and powerful people, especially the administrator's strength is amazing.'

Lin Jiushu: "Unexpectedly, this trip to Zhao Ling'er's world also allowed the administrator and others to enjoy the pleasure of subduing demons. The ability of this chat group is really powerful. Uncle Jiu is glad that he can join I feel honored to be in the chat group."

Orochimaru: "Going to Zhao Ling'er's world this time, the price paid for sealing this water monster is really too high, my poor four zombie ninjas, it's really not worth it if I didn't bring back some experimental subjects this time what."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, why are you so fussy, and you still think about bringing back your experimental subjects to do those pervert experiments all day long, so I really want to punch you flying, you know?"

Orochimaru: "I just like the way you want to hit me but can't hit me, Mrs. Tsunade sees you and knows how to chat in the group all day long, and when you want to shoot, you don't shoot.

Anonymous old monk: "It seems that Tsunade is fighting with Orochimaru again, but recently Tsunade has another partner, that is Edward hahaha, Edward looks like you are being targeted by the old Aunt Tsunade."

Zhou Yang: "The chat group is very supportive of Orochimaru and Tsunade making a pair, but what to do with Edward, and the age difference is so far away.

Iron Arm: "Tsunade old Aunt can only make a pair with Orochimaru, but he wants to tarnish a young man like me, so let's not do it."

0…ask for flowers………………

Tony: "I didn't expect these ultimate rivals to become a couple, and they just happen to be from the world of Hokage. I think it's a perfect fit hahahaha."

Saiki Kusuo: "I didn't expect the old Aunt Tsunade to have today. After all, he got happiness because he smashed his deadly enemy."

Tsunade: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I fall in love with this pervert big white snake and conduct pervert experiments all day long. And this little yellow-haired dwarf is even more impossible. I don't accept such a height.

Although Tsunade knew that Zhou Yang was only joking, he felt extremely helpless at being teased. But I really can't tolerate people like Orochimaru, not only because of his appearance but also because he often does all kinds of weird experiments.

Xun'er: "Don't bully sister Tsunade, be careful that sister Tsunade will blow you all away with a punch."

Zhou Yang: "As expected, our Xun'er is kind."

Tsunade: "I'm helpless, and I'm also very angry. What can I do, I don't know, and I dare not answer."

Tsunade sent an angry emoticon package, on which was a photo of Tsunade smashing the table with his palm and adding the word "anger".

Orochimaru: "You are a big fat sheep in the gambling world, I am afraid that you may lose all my experimental subjects, but this trip to Zhao Linger's world does not feel a little bit rewarding, I always feel a little uncomfortable, and It’s a pity that I haven’t seen the body of a Super Saiyan yet!”

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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