Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Seventy Second: Crushing Power! The Shock Of Namek! (Please Collect! Please

Immortal stood aside and hurriedly told Wukong not to use his trick:

"Wukong, that's enough, there's no need to use that move in this spar, because the person in front of you with extremely strong combat power has already surpassed you in speed."

Zhou Yang knew that Wukong might be about to use Kamehae Qigong, but Zhou Yang was not worried at all about Wukong using Kamehae Qigong, because his speed was enough to escape the attack range of Kamehae Qigong.

Wukong: "Since it is a competition for training, we must use our strength to the fullest. This is the only way to respect the opponent's performance."

Zhou Yang: "Wukong is right, come on Wukong, let me see your full strength, even with that move I won't be hit.

Immortal at the side was also heard by Zhou Yang, and his hanging heart immediately let go, because he had observed Zhou Yang's extremely fast dodging speed when Wukong attacked Zhou Yang before, and just when Zhou Yang attacked, Zhou Yang's The extremely fast attack made the immortal believe that there is no problem for Zhou Yang in front of him to resist Qing Kong's move.

Immortal: "Then continue the discussion, Wukong will let him see your strength cultivated in the temple, and let me see what the strongest combat power in this world is like."

The strongest combat power is naturally Zhou Yang, because the gods have already admitted from the bottom of their hearts that Zhou Yang is the strongest person. Before, the gods always believed that Wukong was already close to the top in the world.

Of course, Wukong has the ability to become such a person, because he comes from the most powerful fighting nation, the Saiyan nation, but the arrival of Zhou Yang made the gods feel that there are such strong people in this world. Could it be that he is also from a certain race from an extraterrestrial?

Wukong read the name of his unique move directly from his mouth:

"Just let you see my move! Use all your strength! Turtle! Pai! Qigong`]!"

I saw Wukong put his hands in front of his abdomen, and then moved his hands to his waist. All the power in his body was transmitted to his hands, condensing into a blue energy wave. Suddenly, Wukong's hands faced Zhou Yang and Zhou Yang. Suddenly a blue energy wave rushed out from Wukong's hands.

Zhou Yang also thought that Wukong would use Kamehae Qigong, but Zhou Yang was not worried, and directly saw the direction of the energy wave in front of him with his naked eyes, but Zhou Yang immediately dodged it.

Although the energy of Kamepai Qigong is huge, it directly blasted a hole in the temple, but because the hole is too big. Even the gods couldn't see Zhou Yang's position, thinking that Wukong's blow had hit, because the speed of the energy wave was faster than Wukong's physical body.

Even Wukong thought that this move of Kamepai Qigong had hit, but something surprising happened.

Zhou Yang did not come out of the pit, but directly appeared behind Wukong, and directly grabbed Wukong with both hands. Zhou Yang also said in his mouth: "human form qigong"

I saw that Wukong, who was using Wukong, was directly thrown from the sky into the pit that had just been blown out by Zhou Yang. At this time, the gods were completely dumbfounded, how could anyone be able to withstand Wukong's Kamehae qigong.

But Zhou Yang didn't think that the Kamepoe Qigong was so fast and powerful, and Zhou Yang, who was very experienced in combat, naturally dodged this Kamepoeqigong in an instant.

But Wukong was thrown to the ground, he still didn't give up, he also directly stored a Kamepai Qigong from the deep pit, and shot it directly at Zhou Yang in the sky.

Zhou Yang naturally knew that Wukong's strength was indeed not weak, after all, he had the physique of a Super Saiyan, but Zhou Yang didn't even use one hundred thousandth of his strength in the few moves just now.

Seeing Wukong directly store up a Kamepai qigong from the deep pit, Zhou Yang felt that Wukong was worthy of being a fighting nation, if ordinary people might just get punched or ten palms, they might not even have a chance to survive.

But Wukong can still use Kamepai Qigong, but Zhou Yang also knows that what he just used is only physical skills. If he used the Taiyin God Realm or the City of Time Eater, Wukong might die immediately.

Of course, the purpose of Zhou Yang's trip here is only to learn from each other, and he doesn't intend to use much strength. But the Wukong in front of him made Zhou Yang feel that this Saiyan's ability is quite powerful.

Zhou Yang used his own speed to dodge the Kamepai Qigong in an instant, and then flew directly into the deep pit, directly lifting Wukong up.

Just when Wukong thought that Zhou Yang was going to smash himself to the ground heavily, everyone couldn't help laughing at Zhou Yang's actions.

Zhou Yang led Wukong to jump out of the deep pit, and then directly turned Wukong 360 degrees and placed him on the ground.

Zhou Yang: "`~hahahaha, that’s enough, you’ve just used Kamehae Qigong twice, and you’re pretty good. That’s it for today.

Wukong was also amused by the sudden termination of the sparring.

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