Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 573: Time Spirit House! Zhou Yang's Question Mark Face? (Please Collect! Please Subscri

The Immortal was also caught by Zhou Yang's actions, his heart was gripped just now, and he immediately let go. At first, Zhou Yang thought that Zhou Yang would continue to attack, but Zhou Yang put Wukong on the ground all at once, which made the gods laugh directly.

Immortal: "Okay! The discussion is over, let's stop here today!"

Wukong: "Wow, administrator, you are going to scare me. If you throw me out or throw me on the ground, I may have asked the dragon to revive me."

Zhou Yang: "How could I be willing to beat you to death? I still want to hand you over to Orochimaru to study your body."

Wukong: "Wow, don't talk about Orochimaru, this Orochimaru is too scary!"

Immortal: "If you continue to fight like this, you may destroy my temple. In this case, I have to ask Mr. Bobo to rebuild the temple."

Mr. Bobo serves the servant of the gods in the Dragon Ball world, and his complexion is also different from ordinary people. He is a person with dark skin, a white turban and a red jacket, who can copy anyone's appearance and even strength.

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, it's because of this that I stopped. Otherwise, it would not be a good thing to build a few more deep holes in the temple. Maybe the gods beat me to death."

Mr. Bobo: "Just watched Mr.'s battle. I haven't seen such a passionate battle for a long time. There are such powerful people in this world. It really makes people feel that there are people beyond people, and there are gods beyond gods." .”

Wukong: "What should I do with such a hole, then I have to trouble Mr. Bobo to fill this hole quickly, hahaha, but it's not difficult for Mr. Bobo to do it."

After the fight, Wukong obviously seemed to be struggling a bit, panting heavily, and his body was relatively weak. Compared with Zhou Yang on the side, it looks a little different.

Zhou Yang didn't have any injuries, and he was basically like an ordinary person, without any abnormalities. And even though it was a sparring just now, Zhou Yang also felt like he was in a tussle.

Immortal: "Mr. Bobo, you are also amazed at this person's strength. I haven't seen such a strong strength for a long time, and he is so much better than Wukong. It really makes people feel that God can no longer understand this The world is over."

Wukong: "I've said it all, this friend of mine may already be a person who surpasses everyone in this world!"

Zhou Yang: "Wukong, it's wrong to say that. I'm just an ordinary person. It would be a bit too much to say that I surpassed what everyone said."

Zhou Yang's humility really makes people look quite funny, but there is nothing to do, maybe all the people here are not enough to beat Zhou Yang.

Immortal also directly marveled at Zhou Yang's strength: "Just now when Wukong used Kameha Qigong, I was really surprised that you were able to dodge it so easily, and you can't see your movements clearly with the naked eye. .Although I can feel your position through my senses, I can’t even feel your speed. Your speed is (aebj) too fast, it can even be said to exceed the speed of the senses.”

Wukong: "Although I wanted to judge the position of Mr. Administrator with the naked eye at the beginning, but it was too difficult to see clearly, so I also sensed the position of Mr. Administrator by feeling the flow of power, but it has already I can't sense it, so I just caught so many punches."

Seeing this, the god took out the fairy beans and gave them to Wukong and Zhou Yang. But Zhou Yang also directly refused:

"This is the fairy bean, but I didn't use much strength just now, so I don't need it for the time being."

In order to restore his own energy, Wukong ate Xiandou directly, because after eating Zhou Yang a few times, he felt that his body could no longer resist these attacks, and he had also accumulated most of his strength to use the turtle pie Qigong [This way, the loss of energy will be even greater.

So when Wukong saw the fairy bean, he ate it without hesitation. Wukong knew that what Zhou Yang had just used was just Taijutsu, which is called Wushushu here. But I saw Zhou Yang's ability to subdue the water monster before, and knew that Zhou Yang didn't use all his strength.

Wukong: "The last time the administrator defeated the water monster, it seems that he didn't use martial arts, it seems that he used some special moves.

Zhou Yang: "I'm afraid that if I use it here, it will directly destroy the temple, so I didn't use it.

Immortal: "What? You haven't used your ultimate move yet. It's really surprising, but I have a place for you to improve faster."

Zhou Yang: "Could it be that you are talking about the ones in your world?"

The gods are also surprised Zhou Yang, does Zhou Yang know what it is?

Zhou Yang: "The house of time and spirit?"

Immortal: "You actually know that you are not an ordinary person, or not a human being!"


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