Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Seventy-Fifth: Play With Monkey King Professionally! Time Traveler! (Please

After Wukong and Zhou Yang regained their physical strength, they also came to the door of the House of Time and Spirit. The god at this time also told Zhou Yang the characteristics of the house of time and spirit.

Immortal: "The House of Time and Spirit is a different space different from this world. Although it has everything you need, the environment is relatively harsh. Only those with strong strength can withstand the discomfort caused by the different space.

The discomfort reaction mentioned by the gods is more like the altitude sickness in the real world. Once a person enters a special environment, it will easily cause the body's metabolism to slow down, and the body's functions will also change accordingly.

Zhou Yang "Seven Five Seven": "I've also heard about the side effects of Time and Spirit House, but I think I can handle it."

Wukong: "I'm looking forward to entering the house of time and spirit with the administrator!"

Zhou Yang and Wukong also stood in front of the House of Time and Spirit, took a deep breath, and entered directly.

Once entering the House of Time and Spirit, Zhou Yang and Wukong also came to a desert, but the desert environment is really extremely harsh, not only no people exist, but also no plants grow. Compared with the temple outside, this time and the environment of the house of spirits are somewhat different.

When Zhou Yang came in, he felt that the environment of this different space was indeed a place where the practitioner's will and ability could be exercised. If he could practice here for a few years, of course a few days in the outside world, his own strength might also be greatly improved.

However, Zhou Yang directly entered the House of Time and Spirit, and did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, Zhou Yang quickly adapted to the environment of this different space.

But after Wukong came in, he felt that the weight of his body had increased, as if his body was being pressed down by a stone. However, with Wukong's physique, he can barely withstand the side effects of such a different space.

Wukong: "The House of Time and Spirit is really a good place to practice. After I came in, I felt that my body was a lot heavier. "It would be great if I could improve in a short time."

Zhou Yang: "Wukong, do you feel discomfort, but why I don't feel this way, I feel that my body as a whole has not suffered any side effects from the time and space of the spiritual room."

Wukong: "I heard from the gods that people with high combat effectiveness will not be affected by the gravity of this different space even if they enter the house of time and spirit."

Wukong felt that he was consuming more power than usual even when performing Wukong, but Zhou Yang at the side felt that his speed hadn't slowed down much due to the influence of gravity.

Wukong: "Let's start, this different space also provides us with a lot of venues, so that we can destroy as much as we want."

Zhou Yang: "We were outside the temple just now, and we were still hiding, but when we come here, we can have a serious discussion."

Before Zhou Yang finished speaking, Wukong immediately used Wukong to fly towards Zhou Yang, and then used martial arts to fight Zhou Yang for several rounds.

However, Wukong obviously felt that his body was slower than outside the temple, and he didn't have many chances to hit Zhou Yang, and his physical strength was exhausted very fast. status.

On the other hand, Zhou Yang on the side, he was as skillful in blocking a few times as if he was outside the temple, and even felt that his speed was faster than fighting outside the temple...

Zhou Yang: "Wukong, it seems that the side effects of time and the different space of the house of spirit have affected you too much, why didn't you even hit the kicks just now."

Wukong: "When I find a chance, I will definitely hit you, use your full strength."

Before Wukong could finish his sentence, Zhou Yang flew directly behind Wukong, and kicked Wukong directly from the sky into the desert pile.

Wukong felt a burst of pain in his body, and after a while, he felt that his physical strength seemed to have been exhausted. Wukong is also difficult to stand up.

However, Zhou Yang on the side looked a lot more relaxed. Although this kick hurt Wukong a lot, Zhou Yang tried his best to restrain his strength, because if he used all his strength, Wukong might lie directly on the ground between time and space. In the house of the spirit.

Wukong also supported his body and fought Zhou Yang for many rounds. Although Zhou Yang easily escaped all of Wukong's attacks, Zhou Yang's body still did not feel tired.

In 3.7, Wukong needs to learn from each other and needs to rest for a while, and ten days will pass in a short time. But that may only be 10 minutes for the outside world.

Zhou Yang also noticed that this time and the time in the spiritual house passed really slowly, but he felt that his cultivation effect had improved.

Zhou Yang thought of this, presumably the Wukong in front of him had improved a lot, especially when he was acting as a training partner, although Zhou Yang came here this time to learn from each other.

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