Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 576: Taiyin God Domain Evolution! The Dark World Of Dragon Ball! (Please Collect! Please Sub

Zhou Yang and Wukong are also living day by day in the house of time and spirit, but compared to the outside world, even a day is not over.

After training in the House of Time and Spirit, Wukong feels that he has gradually adapted to the sense of gravity in the different space of the House of Time and Spirit, and the consumption of physical strength is also slower and slower compared to entering the House of Time and Spirit at the beginning. It is precisely this way that Wukong feels that he has become stronger and stronger.

But all of this is also due to Zhou Yang, because Zhou Yang is constantly practicing with himself, which also greatly promotes Wukong's combat effectiveness. However, Zhou Yang also feels that his physical skills are improving day by day. Usually, Zhou Yang may need to upgrade his skills through points, but after entering the 04 Time and Spirit House, he also feels that his physical skills have improved by one level. level.

Although he has not tried it in actual combat, Zhou Yang already believes that his physical skills can defeat most people, especially when entering the House of Time and Spirit this time.

However, during the more than 100 days in the house of time and spirit, Wukong has been practicing body skills with Zhou Yang, but Wukong has been thinking about the Taiyin God Realm that Zhou Yang used when defeating the water monster.

Wukong: "I remember Mr. Administrator, when I went to Zhao Linger's world with me, I used a trick of freezing instantly. Is it Mr. Management Chuan's stunt?


Zhou Yang knew that what Wukong was talking about was the Taiyin God Realm that he had used at that time, but his own Taiyin God Realm had never been used when he was practicing with Wukong. Zhou Yang also knew that Wukong had always wanted to see Zhou Yang use the Taiyin God Realm.

Zhou Yang: "Do you want to see that trick? I'm afraid I'll destroy this desert?"

Wukong: "To be able to destroy the desert, this is a different space, is the administrator really so powerful?"

Zhou Yang: "Don't believe me, I'm really afraid of destroying the ecological balance of this desert!"

Wukong was attracted by Zhou Yang's words and wanted to see Zhou Yang's unique moves, so Wukong also encouraged Zhou Yang to use Taiyin God Realm.

Zhou Yang saw that Wukong was looking forward to it, but there happened to be nothing else in this different space, just for Wukong to see his own strength.

Zhou Yang also made Wukong take a few steps back, and directly used Taiyin God Realm. Suddenly, the scorching sun disappeared in the sky, and the clouds gradually became denser. This is indeed a great spectacle in the desert area. At this time, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and all the sand on the ground was frozen in an instant.

Even the plants in the desert instantly turned into ice sculptures. Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew past Wukong.

Obviously at this time Wukong wouldn't feel cold, he was already frightened by everything in front of him, although there was no shortage of powerful unique moves like Kamehae Qigong in his own world.

But it was the first time for Wukong to see such a ranged damage, and he couldn't even believe that it was done by Zhou Yang.

Wukong: "This is too scary, it is even stronger than the energy that stopped the water monster back then, what kind of person are you, administrator, to have such a strong strength.

Zhou Yang: "I still have a lot of tricks that you haven't seen before hahaha, but today this trick is very simple and can be used."

Wukong felt more and more that Zhou Yang's strength could be called terrifying. If he became a villain in his own world, he might have no way to stop him, not even the ability to fight him.

Fortunately, Zhou Yang does not belong to the villain side of his own world.

Zhou Yang: "You won't be petrified, right? As for it, it's just a trick. I haven't used my full strength yet."

Wukong was also pulled back from the thought just now, and naturally felt that Zhou Yang's strength was already at the top of the world. Compared with the opponents he met before, he could not be compared with Zhou Yang at all.

Zhou Yang also stopped the release of the Taiyin God Realm. He thought that Wukong had already seen his own strength 897, which may be impossible for Wukong in their world, but for Zhou Yang, it is too easy to do it .

Zhou Yang also took advantage of the short time in the house of time and spirit, and directly practiced against Wukong.

After a year of training in the house of time and spirit, now Wukong can withstand Zhou Yang's casual punch, which naturally makes Wukong feel that his strength has improved a lot.

The two years in the house of time and spirit passed, although Zhou Yang felt that this period of time was very long, as if he had been doing the same thing repeatedly every day, but he also knew that his strength had improved to a higher level Level up!

Zhou Yang and Wukong walked out of the house of time and spirit, and saw that the fairy and Mr. Bobo were already waiting outside, waiting for Zhou Yang and Wukong to come out.

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