Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Third: Uncle Jiu's Secret! The Counterattack Of The Sweeping Mo

Lin Jiushu: "Don't say that, if you stay for a long time, maybe that kind of thing will happen. I stay with zombies all day long, and I feel that there will be some indissoluble bonds with zombies."

Anonymous old monk: "I didn't expect you, an old monk, to have feelings for zombies. An old monk like me is not enough for you.

Xiao Bu: "What! Uncle Lin Jiu fell in love with a certain male zombie. This is even more exciting than the matter between the administrator and Wukong. I didn't expect Uncle Jiu to hide for so long."

Tony: "I didn't expect that you, an old Taoist priest, would like to like zombies, so the question is, is it a male zombie or a female zombie? I guess it is very likely to be a male zombie."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "I didn't expect Uncle Jiu to be a big boss who hides in the depths. What most people dare not do, Uncle Jiu actually fell in love with male zombies.

At this time, Lin Jiushu realized that he seemed to be getting more and more blackened. He was a dignified zombie Taoist priest, but he was said to have fallen in love with male zombies.

Lin Jiushu: "Wow, your ability to rewrite is too scary. I didn't say that I like male zombies. I just said that I have an indissoluble bond with zombies. How can you describe them like this?"

Saiki Kusuo: "Ninth Uncle, don't deny it. You used to like to dress up zombies as women. Doesn't this mean that you are the boss who hides?"

Iron Arm: "Unexpectedly, Uncle Jiu fell in love with a male zombie, maybe I can make a zombie for you through zombies, maybe Uncle Jiu will like it even more

Orochimaru: "Speaking of zombies, Uncle Nine, I have already said that you can just buy zombies from me. My zombies can also warm your bed for free."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, don't deny that you are a pervert big white snake, you should live with your zombies for the rest of your life."

Orochimaru: "The zombies I make are products of the power of science. Don't you think Uncle Nine needs these things from me?"

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Wow! You guys are really scary. I'd better subdue a few more zombies. I'm afraid that if I fall into the water like this, you may say that I like men.

Zhou Yang: "Uncle Nine, I didn't expect you to admit it yourself. It's incredible. This news is amazing!"

Tokisaki Kuangsan: "Uncle Nine, you actually admitted it yourself hahahaha, this is really surprising. Could it be that you will take the surrendered zombies and control them, and then help you hehehe?"

Bone King: "I didn't expect Uncle Jiu to play such an exciting thing, but it sounds a bit scary, zombie bed warmer hahahahaha."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "It looks like I jumped into the Yellow River and can't clean it up! What's wrong with this, I don't know, and I dare not ask!"

Acedes: "I didn't expect Uncle Jiu to jump into the river in order to be with the male zombie? Could this be the legendary elopement?"

Dad: "I didn't expect you, an old Taoist priest, to have two brushes. You can think of such coquettish things (aefc), and you even fell in love with male zombies. Don't tell me that every time you surrendered a zombie, you would kill them as?"

Uncle Lin Jiu is wondering why? Why did he dig a hole for himself again? It seems that this chat group can't be well watered, and the ability to rewrite is a bit scary.

Orochimaru: "But if you give it to me, I won't fall in love with a male zombie. I will only fall in love with Wukong's body. When will you give me his body in love?"

Wukong: "Orochimaru, why are you here again? What should I do? You want to get my body."

Liu Angxing: "It seems that both Orochimaru and Uncle Jiu have some strange little hobbies. I'd better do my cooking well. Uncle Jiu's way of playing is really exciting."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, don't change the subject, now let's discuss the lifelong event of Ninth Uncle."

Tony: "Uncle Nine said before that he wanted to find a lifelong partner. It seems that the answer has come out. It is the male zombie that Uncle Nine caught. I think it is very suitable hahahaha, don't you think Uncle Nine?"

Uncle Lin Jiu: "How could I fall in love with a male zombie? It seems so ridiculous."

Anonymous old monk: "Uncle Jiu, it seems that you should stop making excuses, as long as you admit it, we will all blame you."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "You old monk, why are you so flirtatious all day long? It doesn't matter if you flirt yourself, but you still flirt with me back."

Zhou Yang: "Okay, okay, everyone, don't make fun of Uncle Jiu. Uncle Jiu is a majestic zombie Taoist priest. How can a zombie Taoist priest not like zombies, right?"

Xiao Bu: "I very much agree with what the administrator said, I think Uncle Jiu is probably the big boss who has been hiding for a long time!"

Uncle Lin Jiu: "The administrator's words sound a bit strange. See, Uncle Jiu hastened to do a serious dive. "Otherwise, you may be described more and more darkly by you!"

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