Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 584: The Ultimate Shura Field Begins! The Heart Of Xun'er'S Little Fan! (Please Su

Tony: "It seems that Uncle Jiu still ran away. It seems that I have secretly admitted this fact. I didn't expect Uncle Jiu to like male zombies."

Misaka Mikoto: "But Uncle Nine likes male zombies, it's better than my silly little sister, who will make trouble for me all day long."

Xiao Bu: "Don't your sister like you the most? Has your silly sister caused trouble for you again?"

Misaka Mikoto: "My silly little sister, who has been pestering me all day, looks really scary, and last night she even wanted to sleep with me.

Wukong: "It seems that our chat group really hides all kinds of bosses."

Saiki Kusuo: "But compared to the fact that Goku and the administrator stayed together in the House of Time and Spirit for two years [it seems that Goku and the administrator are sweeter.

Zhou Yang: "It seems that Kusuo Saiki doesn't like coffee jelly recently, it seems that you want to eat the small black house set meal.

Saiki Kusuo: "I'd better stop talking, I don't want to eat the small black house set meal!"

Jin Shining: "Sure enough, this authority dog ​​still does whatever it wants, I'd better hurry up after I finish this sentence!"

Ying Zheng: "But the power of the monarch is indeed unlimited. The authority of the administrator is like I control my world. Sure enough, I have to say that with authority, I can really do whatever I want.

Zhou Yang: "Wow, Ying Zheng, look at what you said, I don't want to control you, I'm a kind and handsome administrator."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Look, this administrator has started to look good again? Aren't you just a dog with authority to do whatever you want?"

Acedes: "Sure enough, this authority dog ​​has started to whitewash himself. Hasn't he been relying on his own authority to suppress us kind-hearted group members?"

Jin Glitter: "It seems that there are still people who support me. If you support me, you will be protected by a strong man like me."

Ding~Jin Xingxian was banned for a day by the administrator.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I don't know why after listening to his words, I can get the protection of a strong man like him [I even think it's helpful for the management team to give him a small black house set meal]

Woolen cloth"

Acedes: "Since the third sister Kuang said so, why do I feel the same way. It seems that the administrator's package in the small black room is right."

Zhou Yang: "Look, you guys still call me an authority dog, am I not an upright and handsome administrator?"

Xun'er: "You actually said that my administrator big brother is an authority dog, I don't allow you to say that about my administrator big brother, the administrator big brother is an upright and kind person.

Zhou Yang: "It seems my Xun'er is right, I agree with you very much, Xun'er."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "What is your Xun'er, it seems that Xun'er is yours."

Acedes: "Shameless administrator, what is your Xun'er? Are all the members in this group yours? Including Wukong?"

Wukong: "It's none of my business again, I seem to have had relationships with Orochimaru and the administrator for no reason since I joined this chat group, it sounds a bit scary.

Anonymous old monk: "Wukong, it is true that you are a straight man, can't you see that this is the Shura field? This is no longer a matter between you and the administrator? This is the relationship between the three women. War."

Tony: "I think I was also a playboy back then, but since I got Pepper, I haven't messed around with women anymore, but when girls fight, it really doesn't matter to us men."

0...seeking flowers 00

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You old monk, don't talk nonsense, believe it or not, I can get you done with one move."

Acedes: "It seems that you, an old monk, are indeed a coward."

Dad: "It seems that we should stop talking, or we may all be hacked to death. It seems that it is better to be with zombies like Uncle Jiu."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Wow, Dad, it seems that the fire is burning on me again. Let's quickly leave the main battlefield to them. Let's hide and take refuge."


Zhou Yang knew that the three girls seemed to be fighting, so Zhou Yang hurriedly wanted to end all this, otherwise he might suffer disaster.

Zhou Yang: "It seems that you guys like me who is upright and handsome. I didn't expect my handsomeness to attract you to this extent."

Zhou Yang knew that the best way was to shift the topic to himself, so that the silent duel between the three girls could be terminated.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Please, administrator, can you stop being so shameless? There are more handsome group members than you."

Xun'er: "I think the manager's big brother is the most handsome, is there anyone more handsome than the manager's big brother?"

Acedes: "Xun'er, don't be fooled by this shameless person, he is just a shameless stinky guy."

Zhou Yang thought it was really puzzling why these three girls gathered together to attack him again.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for zero evaluation tickets!.

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