Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Fifth: Orochimaru's Experimental Results! The Group Members Are

Orochimaru: "It seems that girls' minds are still a bit difficult to understand, so hurry up and embrace science and technology, only science will give you the strongest power.

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, have you researched any new results recently? Are you so excited?"

Orochimaru: "Administrator, remember the snake-shaped man I showed you last time? Now I can let him learn various blood boundaries. Because I have extracted Chakra of various attributes from other things, and put it Incorporate into my snake man, and now my children will be the most gifted."

The blood boundary is the innate power in the Hokage world where Orochi "Eight Forty" Maru lives. This power usually comes from heredity or the power of transferring others. Generally, a ninja can only master one Chakra attribute, and can also use a Chakra attribute ninjutsu attack. But once you are born with two Chakra attributes, and you can fuse them to form a special ninjutsu.

For example, ice escape is the fusion of water attribute and wind attribute.

Even Tsunade can be said to be a person who has the boundary of blood. Tsunade has super healing ability and cell activation ability, and can quickly recover himself from injuries.

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, we don't know how many experiments you have done. Sure enough, your pervert is really scary. If I could blow up your laboratory with one punch, I would have killed your laboratory a long time ago. The lab is ruined."

Orochimaru: "It's a pity you can't, but if you come to my laboratory, you can't beat my ninja hahaha, this is the power of science.

Anonymous old monk: "Snake-shaped man, and know all kinds of ninjutsu, Orochimaru, you are really a scientific genius, is this ninja born stronger than others?"

Tony: "Sure enough, the power of science is terrifying. Orochimaru was able to complete such a fusion. It seems that he is a person with super scientific knowledge."

Misaka Mikoto: "Wow, although there are various people with LV5 strength in our world, this snake-shaped man really sounds a bit powerful."

Wukong: "Can attack with various attributes. The sealing technique used by Orochimaru in Zhao Linger's world last time is already very strong. This snake-shaped man sounds very powerful."

Zhao Linger: "The sealing technique that Orochimaru used in my world last time is indeed very powerful. I may have difficulty sealing the water monster last time, but Orochimaru managed to complete it with four zombie ninjas. , is worthy of being a scientific genius."

Iron Arm: "But is this serpentine man the son of Orochimaru? So who was Orochimaru born with?"

Dad: "Why Orochimaru can find a wife, this may be more amazing than the production of the snake man, is it our old Aunt Tsunade?"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Is this snake-shaped man the son of Orochimaru? And the snake-shaped man is also very similar to Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "It's really a bit like my son, my son will be the most perfect, but if I have a couple with Mrs. Tsunade, I'd rather be single for the rest of my life.

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, you are not much better, you pervert big white snake, look at your pervert experiment, you actually have your own child? Is this the legend that I gave birth to myself?"

Genius White: "Orochimaru is really a person with bursting intelligence. A genius like me can't know so many things. Sooner or later, I will understand all the things in this chat group..."

Zhou Yang: "This is not Orochimaru's child. I went to Orochimaru's laboratory to see it last time. This may just be a person made by multiplying cells."

Orochimaru: "The administrator is still smart. Compared with the old lady Tsunade, she is much more sensible and intelligent. "At least the management team appreciates my scientific ability."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "However, I have also seen Orochimaru's sealing technique before. The birth of this snake-shaped man may be stronger than all ninjas?"

Orochimaru: "I'm not sure if there is such an ability, but my snake man is not fully formed yet, if he is born successfully, he will be the most gifted child

Tiedan Shenhou: "Could it be that he will be controlled by you like a zombie ninja? But if you can control such a person to 0.9, you will not be far away if you want to win the world."

Orochimaru: "I don't intend to control his mind. What I want is to pursue the power of science, not rule the ninja world."

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru seems quite sensible, but old Aunt Tsunade can rest assured, because Orochimaru hasn't thought about destroying the ninja world yet hahaha.

Tsunade: "Sure enough, this pervert big white snake really doesn't know what he's thinking."

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