Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 590: Refining Space Gems! Iron Man's Superintelligence! (Please Subscribe! Please Colle

Tony: "I extracted some powers from the space gems. These powers can achieve higher artificial intelligence. Although Jarvis is also artificial intelligence, Jarvis can only control things in a certain area, or Jarvis can only control things in a certain area. Weiss can only control my entire industry, he has absolutely no control over things beyond his control

Jarvis in Tony's world can only control the intelligent robots of his entire industry, as long as it exceeds the corresponding range, Jarvis cannot control it.

Xiao Bu: "It's time for Mr. Tony's science popularization again. Xiao Bu has to listen to Mr. Tony's science popularization quickly. It would be great if I could learn it."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, look at what other people are doing is a normal experiment, look at yourself, you do those pervert experiments, and see what they are all about!"

Zhou Yang: "Does this mean that Jarvis is an enhanced version? That is to say, Jarvis can have a wider range of control?"

Tony: "Of course it's not an enhanced version of Jarvis. The artificial intelligence I created can control the world. As long as there is a network or a place where human thoughts fluctuate, I can control it, and the level of this artificial intelligence will be higher. In the past, Jarvis might only be able to control the robot to speak, but now all my little robots have the ability to fight independently."

Orochimaru: "Isn't that the same as my snake man? They can fight with their own minds."

Tony: "It can be said that, but once I add him to my robot, I can better resist the alien attack. For example, last time I controlled a large group of robots to fight against the aliens. They can only simply to complete certain instructions, but not to have independent thought."

The Day of Genius: "I have understood this thing before, but I haven't fully grasped the reason behind it. I didn't expect that someone would be able to see through it earlier than me."

This group really has no shortage of masters.

Saiki Kusuo: "Is this the same as my mind control? You can control others to fight for yourself, but I usually don't use this trick because it's too troublesome."

Tony: "Of course it's not about controlling others to fight for them. It's that they fight by themselves like ordinary people, and they can control a wider range."

Zhou Yang: "Then it is possible to fight directly through robots instead of humans? Sure enough, Mr. Tony is still a talented person, and he is able to make each robot fight independently, so that they can really fight like It's like an army."

Orochimaru: "I don't know what will happen if I use it on my Ghost Ninja, this way can greatly save the time of making them, as expected of Mr. Tony."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's like the entire network, enclosing the entire earth, so that information can be seamlessly connected, and it can respond immediately."

Tony: "Smart, that's right, but this thing is still in the preliminary experimental stage. If it falls into the hands of aliens, it may destroy the earth by aliens."

Zhou Yang thinks that such artificial intelligence may sometimes be a bad thing, but if it is really applied, it can indeed relieve a lot of manpower and even human thinking.

Anonymous old monk: "Is it possible to match robots together, one male and one female, so that robots can be used?"

Dad: "Why does the old monk break the routine dialogue every time he comes out? I have to say that the old monk has only recently become so angry. I don't know if he was fascinated by some woman."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "...~ Hahahaha, this is even more awesome than making a pair with a zombie. It is as expected that the old monk can come up with such a thing, and this old monk has also deepened the problem. Did he want to The goal is to mate with each other between robots.

Zhou Yang: "Poor old monk, every time you come out to speak, you are regarded as indecent. It seems that you should jump into the pot and let Liu Angxing cook it. Otherwise, when you speak, we feel that you want to There's something rambunctious going on."

Anonymous old monk: "Aren't I here to let everyone be active? Elderly people like me don't know such powerful technology anymore. Can't we let them accept traditional concepts?"

Liu Angxing: "(Zhao Zhao) It seems that it is better for the old monk to stop talking, and come out with arrogance when he speaks, how many people like this are in the chat group, this is a halo, old monk, you You should be proud."

Zhou Yang: "Otherwise, I'd better silence the old monk, or maybe the whole thing will come out next time hahahaha.

Anonymous old monk: "This is terrible, I'd better come out to Amitabha quickly, or I might be boiled by the group members. Amitabha, Amitabha, you should be merciful and forget the old things, otherwise I might not be able to turn over the past." dead.

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