Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Five Hundred And Ninety First: New Mission Strikes! Lala's Customized Hat! (Please Subs

Misaka Mikoto: "Poor old monk, but Mr. Tony seems to be very awesome. It seems that there are more and more opportunities for me to combine with Mr. Tony in the future.

Tony: "Hahahaha, this is just an experimental stage, but if I have a chance, I will try to combine my magic armor with your electromagnetic gun."

Suddenly the system released a mission! Of course, all the group members saw it, and this mission seems to be caused by another reincarnated person.

[Mission: Kill those who reincarnated with evil thoughts]

[Mission description: The evil reincarnation itself has the function of transmitting evil thoughts, and the reincarnation can control the surrounding creatures through its own energy, and the evil reincarnation itself has strong strength, enough to destroy the world line of a world. 】

[Mission points: 1,000 points for participants, 500 points for hunting down an evil reincarnation person, 5,000 points for the leader (only administrators can see)

Evil reincarnation, Zhou Yang looked at the description of task 100, and felt that this group of reincarnations turned out to be reincarnations who can control their thoughts. If they are not careful, they may be used by them and kill each other. Controlling the thoughts of people in other worlds can then achieve the purpose of destroying the world line.

Wukong: "Wow, this group actually has the function of posting tasks, and they can also get points. Last time, the administrator gave me the boundary penetrating symbol that needs points. Does this mean that you can get points for completing the task? "

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It seems that Wukong is still concentrating on cultivation without exploring the functions of this group. It seems that he is still a small buddy."

Anonymous old monk: "An evil reincarnation person can actually control other people's thoughts, so this task must not be easy. Maybe it needs someone as powerful as me to take action."

Tony: "I just said that you, an old monk, may not be firm in your will. What if you are controlled and hurt us, old monk, you should take a break!

Misaka Mikoto: "There are still such reincarnations, which seem to have stronger abilities than previous reincarnations.

Lala: "I didn't expect that just after listening to Mr. Tony's talk about artificial intelligence, a thing like this came out, and it can control other people's thoughts."

Zhou Yang: "Lala, do you have something that you can help with?"

Lala: "I have an invention here. You should take it with you when the time comes. This thing can resist external brain waves, so you can wear it on your head like a hat."

After speaking, Lala posted a picture on the group. But this Lala's hat is really a bit scary, who would dare to wear it? It's actually green, this is a hat for forgiveness.

Tiedan Shenhou: "Lala, your hat is actually green, who dares to wear it on your head like this, I think maybe your hat won't come in handy."

Lala: "I haven't noticed it yet. I think green is low-energy and environmentally friendly. You guys actually thought of the hat of forgiveness?" (aeah) Zhao Linger: "But these reincarnators do look a little scary, they can control other people's bodies Thoughts, but if you have Lala's hat, maybe you can resist control."

Orochimaru: "The power of science is amazing. I didn't expect there to be such a hat. Of course, I appreciate it except for its color."

Lala: "It's okay, as long as I change him."

After speaking, Lala also threw a few hats into the dyeing machine, and the hats instantly changed from green to colorful hats.

Lala: "Now they are black, white, red, and yellow, so you can use them.

Zhou Yang knew that these evil reincarnators might not be able to get close to him. Of course, it might be impossible to control his own thoughts, but at this time, it was also necessary for other group members, so Zhou Yang hurriedly asked Lala to give him these hats Sent over.

Ding ~ get a hat against brainwaves (one black, one white, one red, one yellow each).

Marquis Vauban: "These reincarnations seem a bit scary, but we have to push them out to stop them."

Xiaobu: "I'm definitely not there at this time, hahaha, because I can't be controlled, so I'd better hurry up and buy my coke and potato chips to watch your performance.

Saiki Kusuo: "This looks so troublesome, I'd better go with Xiaobu, buy some coffee jelly and watch your performance in the live broadcast."

Zhou Yang: "At this time, of course it is best to choose someone who has no thought."

But if you want to say who in this group has no thoughts, if you talk about Tony's robot, it is Tony who controls the robot. If you choose Orochimaru, Orochimaru, as an ordinary ninja, will also have thoughts.

But Zhou Yang wasn't very worried that the reincarnated person wouldn't be able to deal with it this time. With Lala's hat, there was no need to panic.

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