Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 592: The Evil Energy That Controls The Mind! The Last Hat Belongs! (Please Collect! Please S

Tsunade: "It turned out to be a reincarnation who can control the mind, so there don't seem to be any robots in our chat group, it seems that Lala's hat is still needed.

Anonymous old monk: "With Lala's hat of forgiveness, we may be able to resist the thoughts of those reincarnated people who control us."

Misaka Mikoto: "Then the reincarnations this time do seem to have different abilities. We haven't encountered such reincarnations before. We should find out who to deal with them. Does the administrator have a plan in mind?"

Zhou Yang: "If I say I plan to, I really don't plan to, but this time, let's see who can accept such a task."

In fact, it is not that Zhou Yang has no plans in his heart, but Zhou Yang believes that after several previous experiences of arresting reincarnations, he knows that these reincarnations may have certain special abilities, but for Zhou Yang, solving their problems The strength is still there, so Zhou Yang is not worried that he can't solve the reincarnation-.

Zhao Ling'er: "It seems that the strength of the reincarnation is not weak this time. For me, the strength may be a bit strong. After the seal with the Moon Worshiper and the water monster last time, I feel that my strength is still not enough. , so give this opportunity to others."

Wukong: "Although I really want to complete this mission, but last time the administrator came to my world, after training in the house of time and spirit, I have grown a lot in strength, so I won't do it for the time being." These points are needed, so give it to someone else."

Orochimaru: "Since Wukong won't go, then I won't go. I can't get Wukong's body, so I still won't go. I don't mind if the administrator can bring back one or two experimental bodies. I don't know the administrator. How do you feel?"

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, you've been begging me to bring you back the test body all day long. You still haven't gone there yourself, but because you went to Zhao Linger's world last time and helped her rewrite the tragedy, I'll just watch it. Let's see if there is a chance.

Orochimaru: "Thank you administrator, I must study the abilities of these evil reincarnators. I believe they are good experimental subjects."

Lala: "I gave you the anti-brain wave hat, you must wear it, then I won't go there if this is the case, I still have an experiment to finish.

Zhou Yang saw that the two scientific madmen could not go there, and he believed that he was the last one left, because maybe bringing a scientist there could explain why they can control people's minds.

Zhou Yang: "Since two scientists in the group can't go there, what about the remaining scientist?"

Tony: "Looks like I'm still left, I can go with the administrator, just this time I can test my magic armor and even test my newly researched artificial intelligence.

Iron Arm: "Although I really want to go with the administrators, but I have already got the whereabouts of the Philosopher's Stone, so it's important for me to get my brother's body back, so I won't go."

Zhou Yang: "It seems that there are still relatively few people who can go to this mission, but it seems that we can bring one more group member, but is there anyone who can go there?"

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Don't meddle with me, an old Taoist priest. Even zombies are a bit difficult for me to resist. If I am controlled by these reincarnators, it may not be conducive to your defeating them.

0...asking for flowers...

Day of Genius: "It would be fine if these were monsters from some games, but it seems that these reincarnations are not weak."

Xiao Bu: "It seems that the last candidate is still a bit difficult to choose."

Liu Angxing: "As long as it's not a food competition, it seems that it is difficult for us little chefs to defeat these reincarnated people, but if I need to cook for you to supplement it, I can contribute a lot."


Foodie King of Great Britain: "If I can eat Liu Angxing's food, no matter what, I will go there. This time it will be me!"

Xiao Fugui: "It seems that the foodie king of Great Britain is still defeated by the temptation of delicious food, but these points can still help you improve yourself. This time it is not a loss or a loss, the foodie king of Great Britain."

Lori An: "The reincarnation who can control other people's thoughts still sounds a bit powerful. I am looking forward to the performance of the administrators this time, but if Mr. Tony goes there, I am looking forward to his magic armor."

Tony: "I haven't actually fought yet, but when I meet these reincarnations, I'm sure I can kill them all."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Maybe you can get these points, and then you can fill in Liu Angxing's account, and you can eat the dishes made by Liu Angxing and the others. It's not a loss this time.

Zhou Yang: "Guo is a foodie, but there is still a hat here, who else wants this last hat?"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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